In this note we propose that the IVOA develops a standard protocol for storing and discovering simulations⇒simulation products. We will call this protocol the Simulation Database and use further the SimDB acronym . Implementations of the SimDB will allow users to query for results of simulations in quite some detail and will provide links to services for accessing these simulation products.
The results presented in this note, which form the core of the proposed standard, are one half of a concerted effort of the Theory Interest Group (TIG) that originally went by the name Simple Numerical Access Protocol (SNAP), and is now split up in two parts. The second part defines protocols for accessing the the simulations⇒simulation data products themselves. This part will be written up in a separate Note (Gheller, Wagner et al, in preparation), under the name Simulation Data Access Protocol and the SimDAP acronym.
The current proposal is built around a UML data model describing simulations (derived from the simulation domain model), a representation (mapping) of this model as a relational database schema and a mapping to an XML schema. We propose the relational schema to be the outer facade of a SimDB-TAP implementation which is to be queried using ADQL @@ TODO update the ADQL link to later versions @@ The XML schema provides type definitions from which a machine readable serialisations of the model may be constructed. The schema also defines root elements for documents describing SimDB-resources. The SimDB should return such documents for identified SimDB-Resources upon request, as an alternative to the tabular (VOTable) results of ADQL queries. In case updates are supported by a SimDB implementation, such documents may be sent
This Note describes use cases and⇒, requirements and the approach we have taken to define a specification
that and current state of the results. ???
We feel that the results are sufficiently far evolved that they can start following the formal IVOA standardisation track.
To this end it could be turned over to one of the existing working groups. If that is the decisions we feel
that the data modelling WG is closest to its scope, but there exist very strong links to Registry, Semantics, ADQL
and DAL as well. One might argue that a targeted WG for this effort alone might be as appropriate.
We leave the decision about this to the IVOA exec.
This is an IVOA Note expressing suggestions from and opinions of the authors.
It is intended to share best practices, possible approaches, or other perspectives on interoperability with the Virtual Observatory.
It should not be referenced or otherwise interpreted as a standard specification.
We thank various persons for useful discussions in the course of this work. First the participants of the Feb 2006 theory workshop in Cambridge, UK, where this work was started. Second the participants of the April 2007 SNAP workshop in Garching, Germany, where the design started taking shape. Then we want to thank particularly the following persons for useful discussions and feedback: Jeremy Blaizot, Klaus Dolag, Ray Plante, Volker Springel. We finally want to thank participants to the theory sessions in the interoperability meetings in Victoria, Moscow, Beijing and Cambridge where parts of this work was discussed.
We propose to derive two WG projects from what was so far the SNAP project of the theory interest group: SimDB and SimDAP. In this note we discuss the first of these, SimDB, in some detail.
We propose to developa standard specification project, called the "Simulation Database" (SimDB). It is based on the description+discovery part of the old SNAP project. Its normative deliverables are
We introduce some non-normative solutions that can be taken over for generic data models (this is ofcourse also true for the UML/XMI+XSLT approach for the normative standards).
The SimDB is ready to be transferred to the DM WG.
We propose that Gerard Lemson keeps leading this effort (as main editor), also when it is moved
to that WG. The DM WG's chair (Mireille Louys) will be responsible all WG-chair
issues associated with moving a specification through the document process.
The people at the bottom will be part of a "tiger team" to push the standard to RFC.
We may want to expand this group with an expert from each of the WGs mentioned below.
We have been discussing the data model for some time now. Various projects (Italy, USA, France and Germany) have implementations that are similar to the envisioned SimDB. We believe that by autumn 2008 it can go to RFC. Patriza Manzato and Rick Wagner will have reference implementations based on existing DBs, so will various projects in France (Lyon: Jeremy Blaizot and Laurent Bourges; Galmer database: Igor Chilingarian) and GAVO.
Other relevant working groups for this process are Registry, ADQL and Semantics, possibly DAL. Registry because the simulation database is similar to a registry. We can learn from implementations and the registry interface. Also, we (think we) may need an extension to the IVO Identifier in the implementation of references in SimDB. ADQL because we propose it to be the standard (main) query interface to a SimDB implementation. Semantics because our model includes usage of semantic vocabularies, maybe full ontologies DAL because we our proposal for using ADQL in the query phase requirs a version of the TAP protocol for defining the interface. We would like to include a person from each of these WGs in the tiger team. Our wishes are: Ray Plante (Registry), ? (ADQL), Norman Gray (Semantics), (?) TAP. Ray and Norm have contributed to early discussions about SNAP.
Of these other efforts it seems TAP offers the main risk for the SimDB standard to go to RFC by the Autumn. What may help us is that we do not need all the details of TAP. In particular the information_schema approach allowing users to query for the data model is not required as it is part of SimDB specification. We mainly need a prescription for sending ADQL queries to the SimDB, and what the format of results should be. Since we expect meta-data databases to be relatively small (compared to say an SDSS or Millennium database), we expect fewer, if any problems with performance and can stick to synchronous behaviour at first.
We may need some explicit registry-interface like features such as returning a complete XML document according to the messaging format of the SimDB data model. Other issues will come up during the next phase of the discussions.
The second spin-off of the SNAP project we propose we rename to Simulation Data Access Protocol (SimDAP). It deals with accessing the data after discovery by some means, likely trough an implementation of a Simulation Database. It should handle special services such as cut-out, projection, extraction (AMR-like cut-outs, produces regular grids), but also staging etc. It should also deal with data formats. Claudio Gheller (Italy) is leading this effort with close help of Rick Wagner (USA).
This project needs more fleshing out and is hopefully ready to be transmitted to a WG, likely DAL by the Autumn interop.
The two projects are connected as follows: The meta-data formats to be included in SimDAP messages are derived from the data model of the SimDB. Vice versa, the SimDB will include a component describing which SimDAP services are applicable/available for a given simulation.
This document presents a model for describing certain types of numerical computer simulations and certain types of simulation post-processing products. The model was originally envisioned to be used in the query part of the Simple Numerical Access Protocol (SNAP), and in discovery of interesting SNAP services in the first place. After investigating the application domain carefully, and having tried to develop and implement a preliminary version of the former Simple Numerical Access Protocol, ADD A REFERENCE TO THE LAST SNAP DOCUMENT? RV: In modelling (data, or physics or whatever) a given approach is never better per se (otherwize everybody should have done it in the past), in particular when the field under study is not unconnected to other related modelling efforts in close fields. This is the case of modelling in IVOA (not VO!) context. The community will be convinced it is better because their promoters are also able to demonstrate that other approaches - those the community decided to promote as a paradigm - failed to solve some major issues. We thus have to demonstrate somewhere in the document that our previous Simple(NAP) attempt failed because of some serious lacks. This needs a critical implementation analysis on a few test-beds (Laurent? that's what you did on GalMer and the first GalICS schema I guess). we have decided to leave the concept of designing a DAL-like SxAP protocol for simulations. Instead we have split up the effort into two separate efforts that can be used each in their own right, though their is a clear link between them. This document discusses the firsts of these, which we have named the Simulation Database, and will have the acronym SimDB. The second will be developed further in a separate effort and is called the Simulation Data Access Protocol (SimDAP, "Sim" stands for "Simulation", not "Simple"!).
Following SNAP, SimDB only explicitly considers simulations for systems that represent a space-time sub-volume of the universe and (part of) its material contents. Examples of such simulations are cosmological, pure dark matter N-body simulations of the large-scale structure of the universe; adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) simulations following the evolution of a galaxy cluster using full hydrodynamics; a simulation of the evolution of a globular cluster using a combination of tools, together simulating the various types of physics @@ TODO reference to MODEST-like activities; or simulations calculating the few seconds of a supernova explosion in full 3D.
In general these simulations will evolve this system forward in time and are able to produce snapshots, representing the state of the system, a 3D volume of space, at a number of discrete times (though there are alternatives: light cone simulations, individual particle orbits). These direct, raw results of simulations we call Level-0 products, following similar terminology for observations. SimDB also covers Level-1 products, which consist of the results of certain types of post-processing of simulations, namely those products that in some form create an alternative representation of a spatial sub-volume of the universe. For example a density field calculated on a regular grid, derived created from an N-body or an AMR simulation; a cluster catalogue derived using some group finder applied to a cosmological simulation, or a synthetic galaxy catalogue derived from the cluster catalogue using halo occupation distribution models (HODs) or semi-analytical models (SAMs).
We do not make any restrictions on the type @@ TODO DEFINE WHAT IS A 'TYPE'? (ASTRO-PHYSICAL OBJECT?) @@ of systems being simulated, or the size of the simulation, or the way the system is represented in the simulation code and results. We also make no restrictions on the type of "observables" produced by the simulations.
The SimDAP specification will includes protocols for services that process Level-0 or Level-1 results and produce other Level-1 results. The allowed services deal with selecting the results in a sub-volume of the complete result, sampling a regular 3-dimensional grid, etc. SimDAP also allows for services, that do not produce SimDB-like, Level-0 or 1 products. Examples are projections, 1D or 2D samplings. But also custom services will be allowed, for example calculating statistical properties such as correlation functions or power spectra in cosmological simulations. A more detailed description of SimDAP is outside of the main scope of this note.
SimDB is a specification that defines the interface to a database containing meta data describing simulations. To this end it contains two main parts, one is a model for the meta data, the other a protocol for interacting with the database. The model is the core of the specification. It describes the structure of individual data products in the database. We have chosen UML as modelling language, as prescribed by the data modelling working group in the interoperability meeting in Cambridge, UK, May 2003.
The UML model is a logical model (see [..] @@ TODO add reference @@) and forms the basis for physical representations of the data products in the standard language that the IVOA has chosen for such purposes, XML. We derive an XML schema defining valid XML documents directly from the logical model. The SimDB interface will include functions for insetting SimDB data products using such documents, and for retrieving individual, identified data products.
The logical model also forms the basis for a physical representation supporting formulation of queries. For various reasons explained below we have chosen ADQL to be the query language and accordingly we derive from the model a relational schema that defines the tables and columns that can be used in ADQL queries sent to a SimDB implementation. The result of ADQL queries is supposed to be a VOTable, and this will in general not represent a complete SimDB data product. However it can be used to browse the database, finally identifying resources and possibly requesting these from the SimDB as XML documents.
We make very limited assumptions on how a data product discovered in a SimDB can actually be accessed. We only assume there is a web-based service available, identified by a base URL and tagged with a service type. The range of service types will be defined by SimDAP, but it will at least include "download" and "custom". The data model contains an explicit element for indicating which services are available for a given data product, and users may, if they wish, retrieve this information through ADQL queries and follow the links directly. SimDB implementations can and likely will eventually provide SimDAP related functionality, but this is not part of this specification.
It must be possible to find SimDB instances in an IVOA Resource Registry @@TODO add references&&. This implies we need a corresponding resource type, and we have to design its structure. We also assume that one may define resources in the sense of [...] @@ TODO add reference to Resource data model document @@ from within the contents of a SimDB. We take this into account explicitly in the model. The SimDB will have a "getIVOAResource" function, which will execute the appropriate transformation from the internal representation of the SimDB data products to the Resource model's XML representation [...] @@ TODO link to Resource XML schema document@@. This will likely put more requirements on the Registry model itself, maybe requiring extensions to its schema. Possibly a SimDB itself can be an extension registry. This we think can be postponed to a future version of the specification.
SimDB defines a common data model for simulations. Following the good practice for database design initiated in [] @@TODO add references&&, we here provide a number of scientific questions one might want to ask such a database. The data model and associated data access protocol need to be sufficiently rich that they can support such questions.
In the design of the model it is useful to think about the steps a user might go through when querying a database system in various "drilling down" steps. For example the following questions might be asked :
@@TODO Gerard @@ An analysis model, also called domain model, is an abstract, high-level representation of the universe of discourse (UoD), the part of the world that our application deals with. It is a UML model, with emphasis on the concepts and their exact relationships in the UoD, though details such as attributes need not be completely filled in. Importantly, it should not be influenced by application scenarios apart form knowledge of their UoD. Here we describe the UoD and our analysis model. The model is strongly influenced by patterns discovered in earlier work on a Domain model for Astronomy, co-written by one of the authors of the present note. We describe some of its main patterns below as well. @@ TODO or will we? @@
Here we introduce the core of our proposal, the UML representation of our logical data model for our Simulation Database. The exact representation of this model is an XMI file, which can be found in the snapdm section of the Volute subversion database on Google code. Other representations can be found in that same hierarchy, in particular check out the HTML documentation which we generated from the XMI representation with the XSLT pipeline described in Appendix B. This generated documentation file contains the explicit description of all of the elements in the model and forms the reference documentation document for the model.
The logical data model is a fully detailed model of the application domain. It is to form the basis of physical models, representing the model in various computational environments. The logical model is represented as a set of UML diagrams, which we created using MagicDraw Community Edition 12.1 and stored as an XMI file in the GoogleCode SVN repository: SNAP_Simulation_DM.xml @@TODO should change all occurrences of names with SNAP to using SimDB@@ JPG representations of the model can be found in this directory. @@TODO find proper representation image of the complete model. Possibly color packages differently.@@
We have tried to find a balance in the level of normalisation of the data model.
Here we discuss the actual contents of the model, though the detailed descritpion
At the root of the SimDB data model is an abstract class called Resource, in the rest of this document we will refere to this as SimDB/Resource. It represents the different types of highest level meta-data objects to be stored in a SimDB. Examples of this are represented as subclasses. First Experiment (SimDB/Experiment), which represents different types of experiments that have been performed (run/executed/...) and have produced the results that SimDB users may be interested in. Examples of SimDB/Experiment-s are first simulations, but also the various post-processing operations transforming simulation results into other products such as halo catalogues, density fields etc.
The second major type of SimDB/Resource is the SimDB/Protocol. This concept represents a formally prescribed way of doing an experiment. It is derived from the concept with the same name in the domain model, which itself was inspired by the concept with the same name in Chapter 8.5 in [3]. In the SimDB/DM this concept has concrete representations in the computer programs that are being used to run simulations and post-processing etc. As such it defines the possible input parameters, possble algorithms, the kind of results that can be produced by the code. Every SimDB/Experiment must indicate which SimDB/Protocol was used and for example provide values for the input parameters, indicate which physics was used
The SimDB/Resource concept is clearly similar, but in general not equivalent to the Resource Registry's Resource concept. In data modeling terms, it is not true that a SimDB/Resource is a Registry/Resource. Often the reason is similar to the reasons that a single image is not a Registry/Resource, whereas a SIAP-compatible service is. The granularity of a SimDB will be higher than a Registry and many simulations on their own will be too small. The SimDB itself will have to be registered (see section ??? for a further discussion @@ TODO add propoer section and href@@), i.e. a SimDB service is a Registry/Resource. In discussion with Ray Plante (IVOA Interop May 2007, Beijing) on this issue it was proposed that some part of the contents could also be registered in a Registry directly, i.e. we should be able to identify Registry/Resource-s in SimDB. Considerations to decide on how to make this identification would be for example that all data products resulting form a well defined (and published) scientific project could qualify. To represent such a possibility for now we have introduced another subclass of SimDB/Resource: SimDB/Project. This is not much more than an aggregation of experiments, with some additional atrributes describing the motivation etc. The metadata of a SimDB/Project is not the same as that of a Registry/Resource, however we propose that we should be able to define a transformation (possibly implemented again in XSLT) to transform a SimDB/Project and produce a Registry/XML representation. Some more thoughts on this subject will be given in section ??? @@ TODO add proper section and href@@ mentioned above.
One of the main differences between the SimDB data model and other data models in the IVOA so far, is that we do not know in advance what types of results we can expect. imho, this difference is the most important and justifies a different approach; should be highlight at the beginning of the note The Spectrum data model describes spectra, the characterisation data model characterises observational results, the model implicit (for now) in SIA deals with 2D images etc. This implies that many features describing these results can be explicitly modeled: Spectra have been taken of sources on the sky, during a certain time persiod, covering a certain wavelength range. And fluxes were measured (in some form). This makes it possible for space/time/wavelength/flux to make explicit appearances in the corresponding models.
In contrast, simulations come in a great variety of types, even if we constrain ourselves to the "3+1D" kind. We can not make many assumptions on the type of objects making up the result, or on the "observables" of these objects. It therefore becomes necessary to add components to the model that allow publishers to describe these explicitly. We do so in the ObjectType hierarchy.
The first question most people want to know about a simulations is: "what is being simulated?". The answer should correspond to a real (astronomical) object, or collection of objects, or possibly a physical process. For SimDB to answer such questions implies that publishers must be able to describe these concepts in the model. We have introduced the TargetObjectType and TargetProcess classes for this.... @@ TODO expand @@.
Much of the metadata in the model concerns itself with describing how the results that are supposedly the ultimate goal of users, describing the kind of objects contained in the results and the scientific content. In an implementation of the model as a database, one does not expect the actual data to be stored and therefore there is no need to have model elements describing these. However there is some use to getting a summary of the actual data values, both obtained, and obtainable. To this end we have added the characterisation elements, in reference to the Characterisation data model [5] that, as we will try to explain, performs a similar function for observations.
@@ TODO expand @@
There are many instances in the data model where we need to describe elements of the SimDB/Resource-s explicitly, because we do not have implicit information based on the context. Examples are the various properties of object types, the target objects and processes etc. Apart from a name and a description we then frequently add an attribute which is supposed to "label" the element according to an assumed standard list of terms. We model this using the
<<ontologyterm>>stereotype. Attributes with this stereotype are assumed to take their values form such a predefined "ontology". See
The current (May 2008 @@ TODO update when necessary @@) version of the model allows publishers to specify numerical quantities using a real value and a unit. I.e. we do not prescribe units for particular quantities. Allowing this flexibility in units assignment does pose a problem for a query interface that allows user to query on characterisation values and other numerical quantities. ADQL does not include units for example, but a user can not assume that every publisher will use the same unit for for example the typical size of a simulation box. This is even worse of course for the characterisation values of properties that have to be defined in the model and can have any kind of assumed unit.
We believe we should treat units as a special semantic vocabulary, possibly an ontology. This implies we push its development off to elsewhere for now, and assume we can at some point use a standard list of units in a similar way to the other ontology references. Maybe this could include a link to the physical quantity (etc, see for example the NIST reference on SI) to which the unit applies.
If this kind of link can be made, we could eventually attempt to impose a single unit to correspond to all properties sharing a given quantity in the general sense. This may lead to very small or very large values, depending on the simulation, but at least allows simpler interfaces.
The goal of the SimDB specification is to define a protocol for querying interesting simulations and related SimDB/Resource-s. Once these have been identified the user should be able to access these simulations. We assume that web services are the means to do so, and allow publishers to indicate such web services as are available for a given Experiment. We assume for now that we know little of the web service beyond some generic types: download, cut-out, extraction, projection, custom. The SimDAP specification is being developed to address those aspects in detail. We assume that there will be a base-URL implementing some standard DAL (VOSI?) like services and leave it up to SimDB-client implementations to interact with these services in standard manners. Only custom services can be directly accessed, and for now many services will necessarily be custom.
Here we describe how we create physical models out of the logical model. A physical model is (see @@TODO reference to some standard reference on data modelling@@) a representation of the logical model that is adapted to a particular software environment. We present physical representations for the following contexts:
The main elements in our data model are the object types, these embody the core concepts that we model. In our approach we follow standard Object-Oriented design approaches (see [10]) where object types are assumed to have an explicit identity. Two objects (i.e instances of an object type) can have the same values for all fields, but if their identity is not the same they are not the same object. Objects can be referenced by stating their identity (in whatever form this comes). In contrast to this, value types are assumed to be identical if their value (or values, in the case of structured value types) is the same. In our UML model we have not defined an explicit identifier attribute on each object type to represent its identity, its existence is assumed. There are some identifier-like attributes, but those refer to an identity the object has in abnother context, generally the one of the publisher or creator of the object. In most of the physical models we need to be able to represent this object identity explicitly however.
Related to this issue is that we need to be able to represent reference relations between different objects. Most contexts provide a natural mapping for references. For example relational databases have the concept of foreign keys, XML documents allow references using ID/IDREF and other mechanisms for references to entities in the same document, Java uses pointers (implicitly) to objects in the same virtual machine. Problems arise when we need to leave the local contexts: references to resources not in the current database, or in another XML document.
It is easy to imagine cases where this may occur. For example when registering a simulation run with the open source Gadget [12] simulation code, one needs to have a reference to the corresponding Gadget SimDB/Simulator. Unless one registers the experiment in the same SimDB where Gadget is registered, one needs to use a reference across SimDB-s. One obvious way is to map all references to globally unique identifiers, possibly using URIs or IVOA Identifiers [11]. The size of such URI-s makes this a rather expensive storage mechanism for use in a relational database, certainly compared to simple integer (or bigint) columns.
This issue is not yet resolved satisfactory. The following possible approaches offer themselves and need discussions:The DM WG has mandated (IVOA interoperability meeting, Cambridge, UK, May 2003) that each data model should come with an XML schema that represents valid XML serialisations of the data model. We foresee that this representation can be used to communicate instances of SimDB/Resource-s as XML documents. Such communication can be for registering new SimDB/Resources in a SimDB, or used in message to communicate instances of the SimDB Resource type. Here we shortly describe some of the rules for deriving an XML schema from our logical model.
It is generally the case that contents of databases may be represented in ways that do not conform to one of the standard serialisations. Nothing prevents services to be developed on top of SimDB that represent SimDB/Resource-s or even fragments of these in another form. The standard example would be to have VOTables storing the results of a generic ADQL query of the SimDB/RDB representation. VOTable first introduced the option to have a UTYPE attribute in FIELD definition tags store a pointer to an element in a data model that the column represents.
The Spectrum data model was the first to add explicit UTYPE-s for each of the attributes in its model and the Characterisation data model has followed that example. As long as the precise usage and relation of the syntax of the underlying data model is is not defined, we will follow these examples by assigning UTYPE-s explicitly to all elements in the model. However, we will follow a fixed set of rules to makes this assignment and implement these in XSLT. If a similar approach is at some time accepted within the IVOA, possibly in an alternative form, it will be straightforward to adjust our definitions. The important point we want to make is that it is possible to simply define rules that then will automatically produce the UTYPE-s for a given data model, i.e. the only discussion that is required is on the rules for doing so.
Our assumption is that the UTYPE should be able to uniquely represent any element in the data model, and in a manner that is also easily interpreted. For now we assume that we need to point to those elements that can be stored in a column in a VOTable, i.e. for now we are looking for "simple" elements. We can use our relational mapping to identify all these features, they are
Of course we could give each of the elements a uniquely generated identifier, but we assume that UTYPE-s should hold semantic information, otherwise we could use the XMI-ids generated by the UML modelling tool. To identify any of these elements uniquely within the context of the IVOA, we then need the following components:
One could argue one could also give nice, unique names to each of the elements, but to find out what the actual element in the model and in other representations one would still need to perform a look up. Such a uniqe name would likely include some of the elements above anyhow. So we believe it would be a waste of efforts to do so and instead propose a simple convention for deriving the UTYPE-s form the model based on this hiherarchy. We have done so using these rules (in BNF-like notation)
<model-name> ":" <package-name>[ "/" <package-name>]* "/" <objecttype-name> "." <attribute-name> [ "." <attribute-name>]*
<model-name> ":" <package-name>[ "/" <package-name>]* "/" <objecttype-name> "." <reference-name>
<model-name> ":" <package-name>[ "/" <package-name>]* "/" <objecttype-name> "." <collection-name>
<model-name> ":" <package-name>[ "/" <package-name>]* "/" <objecttype-name> "." "CONTAINER";
<model-name> ":" <package-name>[ "/" <package-name>]* "/" <objecttype-name> "." "ID";
<model-name> ":" <package-name>[ "/" <package-name>]* "/" <objecttype-name> "." "DTYPE";
The previous chapter has defined a number of physical representations of the logical simulation data model. Using these we can implement a database that can store instances of SimDB/Resources. This could be done using an XML database, or using a relational database management system such as Postgres, MySQL or any of the commercial versions. The data model is rather complex, and more hierarchical than most other data models so far defined in the IVOA. Querying such a data model requires a rich query language and we propose to use ADQL working on the relational representation. ADQL produces tabular results, whose structure is completely governed by the query itself. We also assume it possible, once appropriate information is available, to retrieve complete SimDB/Resource-s as XML documents and propose a simple REST-like query interface for that. Such an XML based interface will likely also be used to upload new resources to SimDB implementations taht support that functionality.
We expect no problems in formulating ADQL queries based on the relational representation of the data model described in the previous chapter. We need to require an appropriate protocol for sending these queries to a SimDB service though. In DAL work has started on the Table Access Protocol (TAP) and clearly some version of that seems to be applicable to our situation. However there are some simplifying features. Foremost is that we pre-define the relational schema, so a generic TAP "getMetadata" service seems not necessary. There are likely going to be other standard DAL service features that we need to support (getCapabilities?), but as meta data databases are expected to be relatively small we may again not require the full richness of asynchronous querying, staging, VOSpace and what not.
Issues that need discussion:Under this heading we mean a protocol whereby data products can be retrieved through HTTP GET requests. Possibly also they can be POST-ed, or PUT. This needs to be discussed further, but maybe can be punted until a future release. The GET will always only be able to get a complete SimDB resource, serialised to SimDB/XML, similar to the IVOA Resource Registry interface @@ TODO is this actually a correct statement?@@.
Assigning meta-data to describe simulations etc is quite a lot of work if this is to be done aftre the fact. It seems more fruitful to see if simulation codes could make the production of the appropriate documents part of their pipe-line. It is our goal to contact the writers of some of the major simulation packages and see whether they are willing to do so. First contacts with Volker Springel (Gadget), the group in San Diego (Enzo) give us hope that this could be achieved. The TIG should see it as its task to contact more authors of such codes and promote this idea further.
Together with SimDB implementations we need to urge scientists to develop online services for accessing their published simulations. Until the SimDAP specification is further developed these can be custom services, but it is important that services are available asap. This outreach is a task for the TIG.
UML allows communities to create a domain specific modelling language through its Profiling capabilities @@ TODO is this the proper term ?@@. We have an initial implementation of a UML profile as created by MagicDraw available under this link. Here we list the main elements and give a a short motivation for their inclusion in the model/. It is our opinion that the DM working group should be ultimately responsible for a profile such as this, defining a domain specific language for all IVOA data modelling efforts.
As first step in our simulation pipeline we generate an XML document that represents the data model in a form that is more easily interpreted, both by human readers and by XSLT scripts, than the XMI representation. This document itself is structured according to an XML schema that represents the UML profile rather directly and that we here shortly describe.
This schema is located in We introduce our own XML format, defined by the XML schema in intermediateModel.xsd, for representing the logical model. For the time being we call this the intermediate representation. The first step in the generation pipeline is a translation of the XMI to an XML document following this format. This transformation is implemented in the xmi2intermediate.xsl XSLT script. The latest version of the intermediate representation for the SimDB data model can be found in this location. All other generation scripts work on this intermediate representation, not on the XMI document. Variations in tool-generated XMI, or different versions of XMI can now be supported by an appropriately adjusted XSLT script. One reasons why this may be useful is that are different tools may produce different versions or different dialects of XMI. Another reason for this representation is that XMI is a rather complex representation of a UML model. Since we are using a rather restricted profile we do not need this generality, and this allows us to represent the model using XML documents that are much easier to handle with XSLT.
We illustrate out UML profile using an example data model
derived form the SimDB/DM, shown in the following diagram:
We now describe the individual elements.
some of these are standard, some of these are domain specific extensions following
standard UML profile stereotype extension elements and associated tag definition.
<<ontologyterm>>stereotype. Attributes with this stereotype are assumed to take their values form such a predefined "ontology".
[3] Martin Fowler, Analysis Patterns, 1997, Addison Wesley.
[4] Lemson & Colberg, Theory in the virtual observatory
[5] ???, Characterisation DM
[6] @@ TODO @@references on global-as-view and information integration
[7] @@ TODO @@reference to VisIVO
[8] @@ TODO @@reference to Spectrum data model
[9], Some links to pages on data model normalisation
[10], some data model references
Meyer, B. Object Oriented Software Construction, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 1997
On object identity: