# ivoatex Makefile. The ivoatex/README for the targets available. # short name of your document (edit $DOCNAME.tex; would be like RegTAP) DOCNAME = RegTAP # count up; you probably do not want to bother with versions <1.0 DOCVERSION = 1.1 # Publication date, ISO format; update manually for "releases" DOCDATE = 2019-10-11 # What is it you're writing: NOTE, WD, PR, or REC DOCTYPE = REC # Source file for the TeX document (but the main file must always # be called $(DOCNAME).tex SOURCES = $(DOCNAME).tex role_diagram.pdf # List of image files to be included in submitted package # (whitespace-separated) FIGURES = VECTORFIGURES = schema.pdf AUX_FILES = makeutypes.xslt all: $(DOCNAME).pdf schema.pdf: schema.psfig ps2pdf -dEPSCrop $< $@ %.psfig: %.texfig tex $< dvips $* ps2epsi $*.ps $*.psfig rm $*.ps AUTHOR_EMAIL=msdemlei@ari.uni-heidelberg.de include ivoatex/Makefile