# ivoatex Makefile. The ivoatex/README for the targets available. SCHEMA_FILE=TAPRegExt-v1.0.xsd # short name of your document (edit $DOCNAME.tex; would be like RegTAP) DOCNAME = TAPRegExt # count up; you probably do not want to bother with versions <1.0 DOCVERSION = 1.1 # Publication date, ISO format; update manually for "releases" DOCDATE = 2015-11-17 # What is it you're writing: NOTE, WD, PR, or REC DOCTYPE = WD # Source files for the TeX document (but the main file must always # be called $(DOCNAME).tex SOURCES = $(DOCNAME).tex $(SCHEMA_FILE) sample.xml # List of pixel image files to be included in submitted package FIGURES = TAPRegExt-arch.png # List of PDF figures (for vector graphics) VECTORFIGURES = # Additional files to distribute (e.g., CSS, schema files, examples...) AUX_FILES = $(SCHEMA_FILE) include ivoatex/Makefile sample.xml: samplegroom.sed Makefile # this rule only works if there's a (proper) TAP service on # http://localhost:8080/tap curl -s http://localhost:8080/tap/capabilities \ | xmlstarlet ed -d "//feature[starts-with(form, 'ivo_apply_pm')]" \ -d "//feature[starts-with(form, 'gavo_to_jd')]" \ -d "//feature[starts-with(form, 'gavo_to_mjd')]" \ -d "//feature[starts-with(form, 'ivo_hashlist_has')]" \ -d "//feature[starts-with(form, 'ivo_nocasematch')]" \ -d "//feature[starts-with(form, 'ivo_hasword')]" \ | xmlstarlet fo > $@.tmp gavo admin xsdValidate $@.tmp sed -f samplegroom.sed $@.tmp > $@ # rm $@.tmp install: # local to Markus' setup fixschema $(SCHEMA_FILE) > ~/gavo/trunk/schemata/$(SCHEMA_FILE)