Table of Contents

1.     model: ProvenanceDMPR2
2.     Packages and Types
2.1     [root package]
2.2     package: Documents
2.3     package: WD-Doctest
2.4     package: ivoa
2.4.1     dataType: IntegerQuantity
2.4.2     dataType: Quantity
2.4.3     dataType: RealQuantity
2.4.4     primitiveType: Unit
2.4.5     primitiveType: anyURI
2.4.6     primitiveType: boolean
2.4.7     primitiveType: complex
2.4.8     primitiveType: datetime
2.4.9     primitiveType: integer
2.4.10     primitiveType: nonnegativeinteger
2.4.11     primitiveType: rational
2.4.12     primitiveType: real
2.4.13     primitiveType: string
2.5     package: provenancePR2
2.5.1     objectType: Activity
2.5.2     objectType: ActivityDescription
2.5.3     objectType: Agent
2.5.4     enumeration: AgentType
2.5.5     objectType: Collection
2.5.6     objectType: ConfigurationDescription
2.5.7     objectType: DatasetDescription
2.5.8     objectType: DatasetEntity
2.5.9     objectType: Entity
2.5.10     objectType: EntityDescription
2.5.11     objectType: GenerationDescription
2.5.12     enumeration: TypeOfAgentRole
2.5.13     enumeration: TypeOfConfigArtefact
2.5.14     objectType: UsageDescription
2.5.15     objectType: Used
2.5.16     objectType: ValueDescription
2.5.17     objectType: ValueEntity
2.5.18     objectType: WasAssociatedWith
2.5.19     objectType: WasAttributedTo
2.5.20     objectType: WasGeneratedBy
2.6     package: ActivityConfiguration
2.6.1     objectType: ConfigFile
2.6.2     objectType: ConfigFileDescription
2.6.3     objectType: Parameter
2.6.4     objectType: ParameterDescription
2.6.5     objectType: WasConfiguredBy
2.7     package: DatasetMetadata
2.7.1     objectType: ObsDataset
3.     vodml-id-s

1. Model: (ProvenanceDMPR2)

Authors :
Date : 2019-06-04T17:51:14
Version : 0.x
Abstract : <p>This document provides a data model describing the structure and content of the IVOA Provenance Data Model. This re-uses the concepts from the W3C Provenance DM, but extends it with a description layer for Activities and Entities and bridges to classes existing in other IVOA datamodels.</p>
Diagram : The following diagram has been generated from the model using the GraphViz tool.
The classes and packages in the diagram can be clicked and are mapped to the descriptions of the corresponding element elsewhere in the document.

2.Model contents: Packages and Types

The following sub-sections present all packages in the model with their types. The packages are listed here in alphabetical order. Each sub-section contains a description of the package and a table containing its various features.

2.1 [root package]

Model ProvenanceDMPR2
child package(s) Documents WD-Doctest ivoa provenancePR2

2.2 package: Documents

vodml-id Documents
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
parent ProvenanceDMPR2

2.3 package: WD-Doctest

vodml-id WD-Doctest
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
parent ProvenanceDMPR2

2.4 package: ivoa

vodml-id ivoa
description <p>Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)</p>
parent ProvenanceDMPR2
Data types IntegerQuantity Quantity RealQuantity
Primitive types Unit anyURI boolean complex datetime integer nonnegativeinteger rational real string

2.4.1 dataType: IntegerQuantity

vodml-id ivoa.IntegerQuantity
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa
extends Quantity [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.Quantity]
name feature value
value type integer [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.integer]
vodml-id ivoa.IntegerQuantity.value
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.4.2 dataType: Quantity

vodml-id ivoa.Quantity
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa
Subclasses in this model IntegerQuantity RealQuantity
name feature value
unit type Unit [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.Unit]
vodml-id ivoa.Quantity.unit
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.4.3 dataType: RealQuantity

vodml-id ivoa.RealQuantity
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa
extends Quantity [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.Quantity]
name feature value
value type real [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.real]
vodml-id ivoa.RealQuantity.value
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.4.4 primitiveType: Unit

vodml-id ivoa.Unit
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.4.5 primitiveType: anyURI

vodml-id ivoa.anyURI
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.4.6 primitiveType: boolean

vodml-id ivoa.boolean
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.4.7 primitiveType: complex

vodml-id ivoa.complex
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.4.8 primitiveType: datetime

vodml-id ivoa.datetime
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.4.9 primitiveType: integer

vodml-id ivoa.integer
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.4.10 primitiveType: nonnegativeinteger

vodml-id ivoa.nonnegativeinteger
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.4.11 primitiveType: rational

vodml-id ivoa.rational
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.4.12 primitiveType: real

vodml-id ivoa.real
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.4.13 primitiveType: string

vodml-id ivoa.string
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.5 package: provenancePR2

vodml-id provenancePR2
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
parent ProvenanceDMPR2
Object types Activity ActivityDescription Agent Collection ConfigurationDescription DatasetDescription DatasetEntity Entity EntityDescription GenerationDescription UsageDescription Used ValueDescription ValueEntity WasAssociatedWith WasAttributedTo WasGeneratedBy
Enumerations AgentType TypeOfAgentRole TypeOfConfigArtefact
child package(s) ActivityConfiguration DatasetMetadata

2.5.1 objectType: Activity

vodml-id provenancePR2.Activity
description A task executed at some time. It consumes products via relations of type Used and produces results via linrelations of type WasGeneratedBy. The method applied for this task is described in the ActivityDescription class and its subtree.
package provenancePR2
referrers Activity WasGeneratedBy
name feature value
id type
multiplicity 1
description <Enter note text here>
name type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
startTime type datetime [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.datetime]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Activity.startTime
multiplicity 1
description This allows to know when the activity was launched . This is recommended to fill in as it helps to check dependencies and errors into the database.
endTime type datetime [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.datetime]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Activity.endTime
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
comment type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Activity.comment
multiplicity 0..1
description The "comment" attribute allows to store comments in free text on each instance. It can be filled occasionally and is not controled .
name feature value
activityDescription type ActivityDescription [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.ActivityDescription]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Activity.activityDescription
multiplicity 0..1
description <Saisir le texte de la note ici>
informant type Activity [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.Activity]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Activity.informant
multiplicity 0..*
description <Enter note text here>
name feature value
used type Used [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.Used]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Activity.used
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
wasAssociatedWith type WasAssociatedWith [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.WasAssociatedWith]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Activity.wasAssociatedWith
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
wasConfiguredBy type WasConfiguredBy [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.WasConfiguredBy]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Activity.wasConfiguredBy
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.2 objectType: ActivityDescription

vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityDescription
description <p>A class to describe a method applied for the execution of an Activity.</p><p>The system ActivityDescription , Usage Description and Generation Description has a tree structure and can be seen as a template for launching, tracing an activity.</p><p>It&nbsp;can be completed with domain specific documentation, provided by link to some external file or service.</p>
package provenancePR2
referrers Activity
name feature value
name type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
version type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.version
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
description type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.description
multiplicity 0..1
description Short text of explaination.
doculink type anyURI [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.anyURI]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.doculink
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
type type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.type
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
subtype type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.subtype
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
configFileDescription type ConfigFileDescription [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFileDescription]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.configFileDescription
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
generationDescription type GenerationDescription [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.GenerationDescription]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.generationDescription
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
parameterDescription type ParameterDescription [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.parameterDescription
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
usageDescription type UsageDescription [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.UsageDescription]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.usageDescription
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.3 objectType: Agent

vodml-id provenancePR2.Agent
description A person or an organisation that was involved in the follow-up of an Activity, or can be credited for the production of an Entity.
package provenancePR2
referrers WasAssociatedWith WasAttributedTo
name feature value
id type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
type type AgentType [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.AgentType]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Agent.type
multiplicity 1
description defines the AgentType : Individual or Organisation
comment type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Agent.comment
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
email type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
affiliation type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Agent.affiliation
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
phone type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
address type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Agent.address
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
url type anyURI [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.anyURI]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Agent.url
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.4 enumeration: AgentType

vodml-id provenancePR2.AgentType
description A literal for specifying the Agent type : Individal or Organisation or SoftwareAgent
package provenancePR2
name feature value
Person vodml-id provenancePR2.AgentType.Person
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Organization vodml-id provenancePR2.AgentType.Organization
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
SoftwareAgent vodml-id provenancePR2.AgentType.SoftwareAgent
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.5 objectType: Collection

vodml-id provenancePR2.Collection
description A collection of Entities. It is a way to consider a set of entities when produced and consumed with respect to an Activity. Allows coarse description of the provenance.
package provenancePR2
extends Entity [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.Entity]
name feature value
member type Entity [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.Entity]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Collection.member
multiplicity 0..*
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.6 objectType: ConfigurationDescription

vodml-id provenancePR2.ConfigurationDescription
description This class binds to the description of parameters or config file . It works like a bridge on the Description side , between ActivityDescription and the description for Parameter and configFile. not used currently.
package provenancePR2
name feature value
description type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ConfigurationDescription.description
multiplicity 0..1
description Short text for explanation.
type type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ConfigurationDescription.type
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
parameterDescription type ParameterDescription [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ConfigurationDescription.parameterDescription
multiplicity 0..*
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.7 objectType: DatasetDescription

vodml-id provenancePR2.DatasetDescription
description The description of a DatasetEntity. Can be pointed to by multiple instances of DatasetEntity.
package provenancePR2
extends EntityDescription [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.EntityDescription]
name feature value
contentType type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.DatasetDescription.contentType
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.8 objectType: DatasetEntity

vodml-id provenancePR2.DatasetEntity
description An Entity which represents a data file in the Provenance system. It is not the data file itself . The DatasetEntity has a link to the science data distributed in the science archive . Such dataproducts are modeled in the IVOA using the DatasetMetadata model and accessed thtough protocols , like tap or ObsTAP. The data themselves are not represented in the Provenance data model.
package provenancePR2
extends Entity [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.Entity]
name feature value
metadata type ObsDataset [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.DatasetMetadata.ObsDataset]
vodml-id provenancePR2.DatasetEntity.metadata
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
role constraints
Constrained Role Constraint Feature Constraint Value
datatype self.entityDescription:DatasetDescription
datatype :

2.5.9 objectType: Entity

vodml-id provenancePR2.Entity
description <p>A thing which is consumed or produced in&nbsp;a task , namely here in the astronomical domain. It represents some data file , or an instrument, and has a location or a quality status for instance , and has a value.</p>
package provenancePR2
Subclasses in this model Collection DatasetEntity ValueEntity
referrers Collection Entity Used
name feature value
id type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
multiplicity 1
description <p>A&nbsp;unique identifier for an Entity. Must be unique in the domain, here astronomy. The IVOA identifiers specification can help to mint such an identifier.</p>
name type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
multiplicity 0..1
description <p>This is a text string which designate the Entity for display in application or diagrams . It can follow various syntax and naming conventions depending on the Entity subclass : dataset, quality flag, device name convention, etc .</p>
location type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Entity.location
multiplicity 0..1
description The access link to the entity represented by the instance : a value , a dataset.
generatedAtTime type datetime [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.datetime]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Entity.generatedAtTime
multiplicity 0..1
description the time of generation for the entity , in ISOTime
invalidatedAtTime type datetime [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.datetime]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Entity.invalidatedAtTime
multiplicity 0..1
description Time stamp to indicate the Entity was discarded in the system. however it is still there as a historical record.
comment type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Entity.comment
multiplicity 0..1
description A short text about some peculiar information on the instance.
name feature value
entityDescription type EntityDescription [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.EntityDescription]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Entity.entityDescription
multiplicity 0..1
description link to the corresponding EntityDescription instance. Many Entities may share the same EntityDescription instance.
generatedEntity type Entity [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.Entity]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Entity.generatedEntity
multiplicity 0..*
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
wasAttributedTo type WasAttributedTo [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.WasAttributedTo]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Entity.wasAttributedTo
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description Association between an Agent and an Entity it is responsible for .
wasGeneratedBy type WasGeneratedBy [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.WasGeneratedBy]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Entity.wasGeneratedBy
multiplicity 0..1
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.10 objectType: EntityDescription

vodml-id provenancePR2.EntityDescription
description <p>It describes the constraints to obey for an Entity before being used or produced by an Activity. Information can be on : format, encoding, size, version? , etc .</p><p>The values stored for an EntityDescription attribute will/could be differentwhether the Entity is linked via a <em>Used </em>link or via a WasGeneratedBy link.</p><p>Example:</p><p>Regridding activities gets input image files from various filters or various exposures in the &nbsp;same filter.</p> <ul> <li>The required format is FITS, with encoding 32 bits /pixels</li> <li>The output entities are one regridded image, that can be a Fits image again &nbsp;and a positional&nbsp; error map (astrometry confidence) that can be either a preview image stored in JPEG or a FITS image .</li> </ul>
package provenancePR2
Subclasses in this model DatasetDescription ValueDescription
referrers Entity GenerationDescription UsageDescription
name feature value
name type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
description type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.EntityDescription.description
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
doculink type anyURI [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.anyURI]
vodml-id provenancePR2.EntityDescription.doculink
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
type type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.EntityDescription.type
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.11 objectType: GenerationDescription

vodml-id provenancePR2.GenerationDescription
description <p>This class gathers description features about the products an ActivityDescription consider as output results. It can distinguish between various <em>roles </em>and <em>types </em>of Entities generated by the task described by the ActivityDescription class.</p>
package provenancePR2
referrers WasGeneratedBy
name feature value
role type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.GenerationDescription.role
multiplicity 1
description A label that describes the function of what was produced. It is defined in the context of an ActivityDescription instance.
description type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.GenerationDescription.description
multiplicity 0..1
description Short text explaining the products issued by an ActivityDescription.
type type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.GenerationDescription.type
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
multiplicity type integer [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.integer]
vodml-id provenancePR2.GenerationDescription.multiplicity
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
entityDescription type EntityDescription [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.EntityDescription]
vodml-id provenancePR2.GenerationDescription.entityDescription
multiplicity 0..*
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.12 enumeration: TypeOfAgentRole

vodml-id provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole
description The various values for the role keyword for an Agent with respect to an Activity or an Entity.
package provenancePR2
name feature value
author vodml-id
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
contributor vodml-id provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.contributor
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
coordinator vodml-id provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.coordinator
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
creator vodml-id provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.creator
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
curator vodml-id provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.curator
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
editor vodml-id provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.editor
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
funder vodml-id provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.funder
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
observer vodml-id
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
operator vodml-id provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.operator
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provider vodml-id provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.provider
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
publisher vodml-id provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.publisher
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.13 enumeration: TypeOfConfigArtefact

vodml-id provenancePR2.TypeOfConfigArtefact
description The configuration for an Activity ( job) can be fully explicit , with a list of searchable parameters , or expressed into a document file storing the configuration . This attribute contains the type of config information at the end of the wasConfiguredby association instance .
package provenancePR2
name feature value
parameterset vodml-id provenancePR2.TypeOfConfigArtefact.parameterset
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
configfile vodml-id provenancePR2.TypeOfConfigArtefact.configfile
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.14 objectType: UsageDescription

vodml-id provenancePR2.UsageDescription
description This class gathers description features about the products an ActivityDescription consider as input resources. It can distinguish between various roles and types of Entities consumed by the task described by the ActivityDescription class.
package provenancePR2
referrers Used
name feature value
role type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.UsageDescription.role
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
type type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.UsageDescription.type
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
description type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.UsageDescription.description
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
multiplicity type integer [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.integer]
vodml-id provenancePR2.UsageDescription.multiplicity
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
entityDescription type EntityDescription [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.EntityDescription]
vodml-id provenancePR2.UsageDescription.entityDescription
multiplicity 0..*
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.15 objectType: Used

vodml-id provenancePR2.Used
description Binds an Activity to the Entities it consumes .
package provenancePR2
name feature value
role type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Used.role
multiplicity 0..1
time type datetime [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.datetime]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Used.time
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
entity type Entity [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.Entity]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Used.entity
multiplicity 1
description <Enter note text here>
usageDescription type UsageDescription [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.UsageDescription]
vodml-id provenancePR2.Used.usageDescription
multiplicity 0..1
description This link points to some description of the Usage in the context of one specific ActivityDescription.

2.5.16 objectType: ValueDescription

vodml-id provenancePR2.ValueDescription
description A description of the properties of a ValueEntity. can serve as description of multiple instances of ValueEntity.
package provenancePR2
extends EntityDescription [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.EntityDescription]
name feature value
valueType type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ValueDescription.valueType
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
unit type Unit [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.Unit]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ValueDescription.unit
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ucd type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ValueDescription.ucd
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
utype type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ValueDescription.utype
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
min type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ValueDescription.min
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
max type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ValueDescription.max
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
default type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ValueDescription.default
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
options type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ValueDescription.options
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.17 objectType: ValueEntity

vodml-id provenancePR2.ValueEntity
description An entity that only contains a value. Its features like data type , ucd , units etc. are described in the instance linked to it of type ValueDescription.
package provenancePR2
extends Entity [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.Entity]
referrers Parameter
name feature value
value type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ValueEntity.value
multiplicity 1
description The value of the Entity. The data type , meaning, units, etc., are stored in the ValueDescription instance bound to it.
role constraints
Constrained Role Constraint Feature Constraint Value
datatype self.entityDescription:ValueDescription

2.5.18 objectType: WasAssociatedWith

vodml-id provenancePR2.WasAssociatedWith
description The relation when an Agent has some responsibility, explained in the role attribute with respect to an Activity instance.
package provenancePR2
name feature value
role type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.WasAssociatedWith.role
multiplicity 0..1
description A label for the Agent to explain his function or responsability with respect to an Activity instance. The label values belong to the AgentRole type defined in the Provenance vocabulary.
name feature value
agent type Agent [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.Agent]
vodml-id provenancePR2.WasAssociatedWith.agent
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.19 objectType: WasAttributedTo

vodml-id provenancePR2.WasAttributedTo
description Links an Agent to the Entity it is responsible for . Various roles for this relation are allowed and defined in the Provenance vocabulary under AgentRole
package provenancePR2
name feature value
role type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.WasAttributedTo.role
multiplicity 0..1
description <p>A&nbsp;label for the Agent to explain his function or responsability with respect to an Entity instance.</p><p>The label values belong to the AgentRole type defined in the Provenance vocabulary.</p>
name feature value
agent type Agent [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.Agent]
vodml-id provenancePR2.WasAttributedTo.agent
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.20 objectType: WasGeneratedBy

vodml-id provenancePR2.WasGeneratedBy
description Binds an Entity to the Activity that produced it as a result.
package provenancePR2
name feature value
role type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.WasGeneratedBy.role
multiplicity 0..1
name feature value
activity type Activity [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.Activity]
vodml-id provenancePR2.WasGeneratedBy.activity
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
generationDescription type GenerationDescription [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.GenerationDescription]
vodml-id provenancePR2.WasGeneratedBy.generationDescription
multiplicity 0..1
description This link points to some description of the results produced in the context of one specific ActivityDescription.

2.6 package: ActivityConfiguration

vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration
description This package gathers the necessary classes for expressing the configuration of a task before, during and after execution. We consider only the executed version will be stored in a provenance information system.
parent provenancePR2
Object types ConfigFile ConfigFileDescription Parameter ParameterDescription WasConfiguredBy
Parent package provenancePR2

2.6.1 objectType: ConfigFile

vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFile
description The values used to control the activity can be provided as a Configuration file document, which contains a key=value list . This belongs to the Activity Configuration package , has the same life cycle as the activity which is configured from it . However the description of such a Configuration file , is the same as a DatasetDescription . It inherits the attributes , but not the behaviour as it cannot be involved in link to UsageDescription reserved to Entities stored in the Core Provenance. The mechanism to search a value into this Document is managed by the project providing the Provenance information, usually using contextual text search. This is outside the scope of this model.
package ActivityConfiguration
referrers WasConfiguredBy
name feature value
name type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
multiplicity 1
description <p>This is a text string which designate the Entity for display in application or diagrams . It can follow various syntax and naming conventions depending on the Entity subclass : parameter , documents, etc .</p>
location type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFile.location
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
comment type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFile.comment
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
configFileDescription type ConfigFileDescription [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFileDescription]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFile.configFileDescription
multiplicity 0..1
description <Enter note text here>
role constraints
Constrained Role Constraint Feature Constraint Value
datatype :

2.6.2 objectType: ConfigFileDescription

vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFileDescription
description The Description attributes of the ConfigFile. Mainly a contentType to specify the format , and a text field for comment if needed .
package ActivityConfiguration
referrers ConfigFile
name feature value
name type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
contentType type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFileDescription.contentType
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
description type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFileDescription.description
multiplicity 0..1
description A short text that explains the content and purpose of the configuration file.
role constraints
Constrained Role Constraint Feature Constraint Value
datatype :

2.6.3 objectType: Parameter

vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.Parameter
description <p>A Parameter class allows to expose the values read by an activity to parametrize its execution. Each Parameter is identified by its name and can be queried. A Parameter is a specific class.&nbsp; In contrary to ValueEntity&nbsp;it does not hold all the relations an Entity may have :</p> <ul> <li>no <em>Agent </em>link,</li> <li>no <em>hadMember </em>link</li> <li>no <em>Used </em>link</li> <li>no <em>wasGeneratedBy</em></li> </ul> <p>If a Parameter value is chosen with respect to a Result Entity R, computed on purpose to generate this configuration value, or just reused from a previous excecution, &nbsp;then the Parameter Instance&nbsp;may have a <em>wasInfluencedBy</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;relation to this Result Entity R. This Entity R is then described in the system with the usual Entity links wasGeneratedBy and the Activity generating this value may also be described. The WasInfluencedBy relation is part of the relations defined in the vo-dml list of relations (College Park version).</p><p>The description of this parameter is stored in the ParameterDescription instance, which is connected via a Parameter --&gt; ParameterDescription link, a S<em>ubset </em>of Entity --&gt; EntityDescription link</p><p>This allow Parameters to be totally focused on the Configuration part of the Provenance DM , but still be traced to the Entities they may be derived from when necessary.</p><p>Identified&nbsp;and dedicated access to the configuration &nbsp;information allows to trace and interpret the quality of the activities /result Entities more efficiently than sorting between Entity types and Used relations types.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
package ActivityConfiguration
referrers WasConfiguredBy
name feature value
value type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.Parameter.value
multiplicity 1
description The value of the parameter. The data type , meaning, units, etc., are stored in the ParameterDescription instance bound to it.
name type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
influencer type ValueEntity [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.ValueEntity]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.Parameter.influencer
multiplicity 0..1
description A Parameter instance can have a value derived from a ValueEntity value element computed previously by some former Activity instance . Therefore , the ValueEntity it refers to is generated with another instance of the Activity class, in a different generation scenario executed previously.
parameterDescription type ParameterDescription [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.Parameter.parameterDescription
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.6.4 objectType: ParameterDescription

vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription
description <p>To represent the semantics of the values entered to run an activity in addition to data sets. A Parameter can be queried, on its value and on its description.</p>
package ActivityConfiguration
referrers ConfigurationDescription Parameter
name feature value
name type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
valueType type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.valueType
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
unit type Unit [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.Unit]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.unit
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ucd type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.ucd
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
utype type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.utype
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
min type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.min
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
max type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.max
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
default type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.default
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
options type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.options
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
description type string [ProvenanceDMPR2:ivoa.string]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.description
multiplicity 0..1
description A short text that explains the content and purpose of this Parameter.
role constraints
Constrained Role Constraint Feature Constraint Value
datatype Entity with provtype=voprov:Parameter

2.6.5 objectType: WasConfiguredBy

vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.WasConfiguredBy
description This is an association class binding an Activity Instance to one configuration artefact which can be a Parameter instance or a ConfigFile instance . Attribute "artefactType" holds the type of its target .
package ActivityConfiguration
name feature value
artefactType type TypeOfConfigArtefact [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.TypeOfConfigArtefact]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.WasConfiguredBy.artefactType
multiplicity 1
name feature value
configFile type ConfigFile [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFile]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.WasConfiguredBy.configFile
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
parameter type Parameter [ProvenanceDMPR2:provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.Parameter]
vodml-id provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.WasConfiguredBy.parameter
multiplicity 0..1
description <Enter note text here>

2.7 package: DatasetMetadata

vodml-id provenancePR2.DatasetMetadata
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
parent provenancePR2
Object types ObsDataset
Parent package provenancePR2

2.7.1 objectType: ObsDataset

vodml-id provenancePR2.DatasetMetadata.ObsDataset
description A dataset feature summary as exposed in the DatasetMetadata data model and used via IVOA models and protocols like ObsCore and ObsTAP.
package DatasetMetadata
referrers DatasetEntity
name feature value
dataproduct_type type
vodml-id provenancePR2.DatasetMetadata.ObsDataset.dataproduct_type
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

3.Element Identifiers/VO-DMLrefs

The following table shows all fully qualified vodml-ids for this data model. It is ordered alphabetically and the identifiers are hyper-linked to the location in the document where the actual element is fully defined.
vodml-id feature type description
vo-dml:model <p>This document provides a data model describing the structure and content of the IVOA Provenance Data Model. This re-uses the concepts from the W3C Provenance DM, but extends it with a description layer for Activities and Entities and bridges to classes existing in other IVOA datamodels.</p>
Documents package TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
WD-Doctest package TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa package <p>Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)</p>
ivoa.IntegerQuantity dataType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.IntegerQuantity.value attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.Quantity dataType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.Quantity.unit attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.RealQuantity dataType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.RealQuantity.value attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.Unit primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.anyURI primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.boolean primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.complex primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.datetime primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.integer primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.nonnegativeinteger primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.rational primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.real primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.string primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2 package TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.Activity objectType A task executed at some time. It consumes products via relations of type Used and produces results via linrelations of type WasGeneratedBy. The method applied for this task is described in the ActivityDescription class and its subtree.
provenancePR2.Activity.activityDescription reference <Saisir le texte de la note ici>
provenancePR2.Activity.comment attribute The "comment" attribute allows to store comments in free text on each instance. It can be filled occasionally and is not controled .
provenancePR2.Activity.endTime attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. attribute <Enter note text here>
provenancePR2.Activity.informant reference <Enter note text here> attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.Activity.startTime attribute This allows to know when the activity was launched . This is recommended to fill in as it helps to check dependencies and errors into the database.
provenancePR2.Activity.used composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.Activity.wasAssociatedWith composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.Activity.wasConfiguredBy composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityDescription objectType <p>A class to describe a method applied for the execution of an Activity.</p><p>The system ActivityDescription , Usage Description and Generation Description has a tree structure and can be seen as a template for launching, tracing an activity.</p><p>It&nbsp;can be completed with domain specific documentation, provided by link to some external file or service.</p>
provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.configFileDescription composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.description attribute Short text of explaination.
provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.doculink attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.generationDescription composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.parameterDescription composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.subtype attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.type attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.usageDescription composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityDescription.version attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.Agent objectType A person or an organisation that was involved in the follow-up of an Activity, or can be credited for the production of an Entity.
provenancePR2.Agent.address attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.Agent.affiliation attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.Agent.comment attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.Agent.type attribute defines the AgentType : Individual or Organisation
provenancePR2.Agent.url attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.AgentType enumeration A literal for specifying the Agent type : Individal or Organisation or SoftwareAgent
provenancePR2.AgentType.Organization literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.AgentType.Person literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.AgentType.SoftwareAgent literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.Collection objectType A collection of Entities. It is a way to consider a set of entities when produced and consumed with respect to an Activity. Allows coarse description of the provenance.
provenancePR2.Collection.member reference TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ConfigurationDescription objectType This class binds to the description of parameters or config file . It works like a bridge on the Description side , between ActivityDescription and the description for Parameter and configFile. not used currently.
provenancePR2.ConfigurationDescription.description attribute Short text for explanation.
provenancePR2.ConfigurationDescription.parameterDescription reference TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ConfigurationDescription.type attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.DatasetDescription objectType The description of a DatasetEntity. Can be pointed to by multiple instances of DatasetEntity.
provenancePR2.DatasetDescription.contentType attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.DatasetEntity objectType An Entity which represents a data file in the Provenance system. It is not the data file itself . The DatasetEntity has a link to the science data distributed in the science archive . Such dataproducts are modeled in the IVOA using the DatasetMetadata model and accessed thtough protocols , like tap or ObsTAP. The data themselves are not represented in the Provenance data model.
provenancePR2.DatasetEntity.metadata reference TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.Entity objectType <p>A thing which is consumed or produced in&nbsp;a task , namely here in the astronomical domain. It represents some data file , or an instrument, and has a location or a quality status for instance , and has a value.</p>
provenancePR2.Entity.comment attribute A short text about some peculiar information on the instance.
provenancePR2.Entity.entityDescription reference link to the corresponding EntityDescription instance. Many Entities may share the same EntityDescription instance.
provenancePR2.Entity.generatedAtTime attribute the time of generation for the entity , in ISOTime
provenancePR2.Entity.generatedEntity reference TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. attribute <p>A&nbsp;unique identifier for an Entity. Must be unique in the domain, here astronomy. The IVOA identifiers specification can help to mint such an identifier.</p>
provenancePR2.Entity.invalidatedAtTime attribute Time stamp to indicate the Entity was discarded in the system. however it is still there as a historical record.
provenancePR2.Entity.location attribute The access link to the entity represented by the instance : a value , a dataset. attribute <p>This is a text string which designate the Entity for display in application or diagrams . It can follow various syntax and naming conventions depending on the Entity subclass : dataset, quality flag, device name convention, etc .</p>
provenancePR2.Entity.wasAttributedTo composition Association between an Agent and an Entity it is responsible for .
provenancePR2.Entity.wasGeneratedBy composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.EntityDescription objectType <p>It describes the constraints to obey for an Entity before being used or produced by an Activity. Information can be on : format, encoding, size, version? , etc .</p><p>The values stored for an EntityDescription attribute will/could be differentwhether the Entity is linked via a <em>Used </em>link or via a WasGeneratedBy link.</p><p>Example:</p><p>Regridding activities gets input image files from various filters or various exposures in the &nbsp;same filter.</p> <ul> <li>The required format is FITS, with encoding 32 bits /pixels</li> <li>The output entities are one regridded image, that can be a Fits image again &nbsp;and a positional&nbsp; error map (astrometry confidence) that can be either a preview image stored in JPEG or a FITS image .</li> </ul>
provenancePR2.EntityDescription.description attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.EntityDescription.doculink attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.EntityDescription.type attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.GenerationDescription objectType <p>This class gathers description features about the products an ActivityDescription consider as output results. It can distinguish between various <em>roles </em>and <em>types </em>of Entities generated by the task described by the ActivityDescription class.</p>
provenancePR2.GenerationDescription.description attribute Short text explaining the products issued by an ActivityDescription.
provenancePR2.GenerationDescription.entityDescription reference TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.GenerationDescription.multiplicity attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.GenerationDescription.role attribute A label that describes the function of what was produced. It is defined in the context of an ActivityDescription instance.
provenancePR2.GenerationDescription.type attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole enumeration The various values for the role keyword for an Agent with respect to an Activity or an Entity. literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.contributor literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.coordinator literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.creator literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.curator literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.editor literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.funder literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.operator literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.provider literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.TypeOfAgentRole.publisher literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.TypeOfConfigArtefact enumeration The configuration for an Activity ( job) can be fully explicit , with a list of searchable parameters , or expressed into a document file storing the configuration . This attribute contains the type of config information at the end of the wasConfiguredby association instance .
provenancePR2.TypeOfConfigArtefact.configfile literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.TypeOfConfigArtefact.parameterset literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.UsageDescription objectType This class gathers description features about the products an ActivityDescription consider as input resources. It can distinguish between various roles and types of Entities consumed by the task described by the ActivityDescription class.
provenancePR2.UsageDescription.description attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.UsageDescription.entityDescription reference TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.UsageDescription.multiplicity attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.UsageDescription.role attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.UsageDescription.type attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.Used objectType Binds an Activity to the Entities it consumes .
provenancePR2.Used.entity reference <Enter note text here>
provenancePR2.Used.role attribute
provenancePR2.Used.time attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.Used.usageDescription reference This link points to some description of the Usage in the context of one specific ActivityDescription.
provenancePR2.ValueDescription objectType A description of the properties of a ValueEntity. can serve as description of multiple instances of ValueEntity.
provenancePR2.ValueDescription.default attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ValueDescription.max attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ValueDescription.min attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ValueDescription.options attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ValueDescription.ucd attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ValueDescription.unit attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ValueDescription.utype attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ValueDescription.valueType attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ValueEntity objectType An entity that only contains a value. Its features like data type , ucd , units etc. are described in the instance linked to it of type ValueDescription.
provenancePR2.ValueEntity.value attribute The value of the Entity. The data type , meaning, units, etc., are stored in the ValueDescription instance bound to it.
provenancePR2.WasAssociatedWith objectType The relation when an Agent has some responsibility, explained in the role attribute with respect to an Activity instance.
provenancePR2.WasAssociatedWith.agent reference TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.WasAssociatedWith.role attribute A label for the Agent to explain his function or responsability with respect to an Activity instance. The label values belong to the AgentRole type defined in the Provenance vocabulary.
provenancePR2.WasAttributedTo objectType Links an Agent to the Entity it is responsible for . Various roles for this relation are allowed and defined in the Provenance vocabulary under AgentRole
provenancePR2.WasAttributedTo.agent reference TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.WasAttributedTo.role attribute <p>A&nbsp;label for the Agent to explain his function or responsability with respect to an Entity instance.</p><p>The label values belong to the AgentRole type defined in the Provenance vocabulary.</p>
provenancePR2.WasGeneratedBy objectType Binds an Entity to the Activity that produced it as a result.
provenancePR2.WasGeneratedBy.activity reference TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.WasGeneratedBy.generationDescription reference This link points to some description of the results produced in the context of one specific ActivityDescription.
provenancePR2.WasGeneratedBy.role attribute
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration package This package gathers the necessary classes for expressing the configuration of a task before, during and after execution. We consider only the executed version will be stored in a provenance information system.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFile objectType The values used to control the activity can be provided as a Configuration file document, which contains a key=value list . This belongs to the Activity Configuration package , has the same life cycle as the activity which is configured from it . However the description of such a Configuration file , is the same as a DatasetDescription . It inherits the attributes , but not the behaviour as it cannot be involved in link to UsageDescription reserved to Entities stored in the Core Provenance. The mechanism to search a value into this Document is managed by the project providing the Provenance information, usually using contextual text search. This is outside the scope of this model.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFile.comment attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFile.configFileDescription reference <Enter note text here>
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFile.location attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. attribute <p>This is a text string which designate the Entity for display in application or diagrams . It can follow various syntax and naming conventions depending on the Entity subclass : parameter , documents, etc .</p>
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFileDescription objectType The Description attributes of the ConfigFile. Mainly a contentType to specify the format , and a text field for comment if needed .
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFileDescription.contentType attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ConfigFileDescription.description attribute A short text that explains the content and purpose of the configuration file. attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.Parameter objectType <p>A Parameter class allows to expose the values read by an activity to parametrize its execution. Each Parameter is identified by its name and can be queried. A Parameter is a specific class.&nbsp; In contrary to ValueEntity&nbsp;it does not hold all the relations an Entity may have :</p> <ul> <li>no <em>Agent </em>link,</li> <li>no <em>hadMember </em>link</li> <li>no <em>Used </em>link</li> <li>no <em>wasGeneratedBy</em></li> </ul> <p>If a Parameter value is chosen with respect to a Result Entity R, computed on purpose to generate this configuration value, or just reused from a previous excecution, &nbsp;then the Parameter Instance&nbsp;may have a <em>wasInfluencedBy</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;relation to this Result Entity R. This Entity R is then described in the system with the usual Entity links wasGeneratedBy and the Activity generating this value may also be described. The WasInfluencedBy relation is part of the relations defined in the vo-dml list of relations (College Park version).</p><p>The description of this parameter is stored in the ParameterDescription instance, which is connected via a Parameter --&gt; ParameterDescription link, a S<em>ubset </em>of Entity --&gt; EntityDescription link</p><p>This allow Parameters to be totally focused on the Configuration part of the Provenance DM , but still be traced to the Entities they may be derived from when necessary.</p><p>Identified&nbsp;and dedicated access to the configuration &nbsp;information allows to trace and interpret the quality of the activities /result Entities more efficiently than sorting between Entity types and Used relations types.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.Parameter.influencer reference A Parameter instance can have a value derived from a ValueEntity value element computed previously by some former Activity instance . Therefore , the ValueEntity it refers to is generated with another instance of the Activity class, in a different generation scenario executed previously. attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.Parameter.parameterDescription reference TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.Parameter.value attribute The value of the parameter. The data type , meaning, units, etc., are stored in the ParameterDescription instance bound to it.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription objectType <p>To represent the semantics of the values entered to run an activity in addition to data sets. A Parameter can be queried, on its value and on its description.</p>
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.default attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.description attribute A short text that explains the content and purpose of this Parameter.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.max attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.min attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.options attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.ucd attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.unit attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.utype attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.ParameterDescription.valueType attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.WasConfiguredBy objectType This is an association class binding an Activity Instance to one configuration artefact which can be a Parameter instance or a ConfigFile instance . Attribute "artefactType" holds the type of its target .
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.WasConfiguredBy.artefactType attribute
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.WasConfiguredBy.configFile reference TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.ActivityConfiguration.WasConfiguredBy.parameter reference <Enter note text here>
provenancePR2.DatasetMetadata package TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
provenancePR2.DatasetMetadata.ObsDataset objectType A dataset feature summary as exposed in the DatasetMetadata data model and used via IVOA models and protocols like ObsCore and ObsTAP.
provenancePR2.DatasetMetadata.ObsDataset.dataproduct_type attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.