ivoa: | The IVOA package ivoa.real: | Base Data Types V1.0 (2014) ivoa.nonnegativeinteger: | Base Data Types V1.0 (2014) ivoa.datetime: | Base Data Types V1.0 (2014) ivoa.anyURI: | Base Data Types V1.0 (2014) ivoa.Unit: | Base Data Types V1.0 (2014) string: | Base Data Types V1.0 (2014) boolean: | Base Data Types V1.0 (2014) complex: | Base Data Types V1.0 (2014) rational: | Base Data Types V1.0 (2014) integer: | Base Data Types V1.0 (2014) ivoa.Quantity: | Base Data Types V1.0 (2014) ivoa.Quantity.unit: | Unit of a quantity ivoa.IntegerQuantity: | Base Data Types V1.0 (2014) ivoa.IntegerQuantity.value: | Integer value of a quantity ivoa.RealQuantity: | Base Data Types V1.0 (2014) ivoa.RealQuantity.value: | Real value of a quantity provenance: | The provenance package for describing provenance. provenance.AgentRole: | The role that an agent takes while being responsible for something; e.g. observer, developer, operator etc. provenance.AgentRole.Observer: | Example role for an agent, observer at the telescope provenance.AgentRole.Creator: | Example role for an agent, someone who created a dataset provenance.AgentRole.Author: | Example role for an agent, someone who wrote and article, software, proposal, ... provenance.AgentRole.Editor: | Example role for an agent, editor of e.g. an article, before publishing provenance.AgentRole.Publisher: | Example role for an agent, organization (publishing house, institution) that published something provenance.AgentRole.Operator: | Example role for an agent, someone performing a given task provenance.AgentRole.Coordinator: | Example role for an agent, someone coordinating/leading a project provenance.AgentRole.Provider: | Example role for an agent, an organization that makes data and/or services available to users over the network provenance.Activity: | A process or task, e.g. observation, calibration of images, stacking of images, calculation of a property, simulation of a spectrum provenance.Activity.id: | A unique (qualified) identifier for the activity (unique in its realm) provenance.Activity.name: | A human-readable name (to be displayed by clients) provenance.Activity.startTime: | Datetime at which the activity was started provenance.Activity.endTime: | Datetime at which the activity ended provenance.Activity.annotation: | Additional explanations for the specific activity instance provenance.Activity.votype: | Used to distinguish between a simple "activity" or an "activityFlow" provenance.Activity.used: | Link to Used class linking to the used entities; there can be many used-links, one for each used entity. provenance.Activity.wasAssociatedWith: | Link to a class linking to an agent that was responsible for this activity (the role he/she/it performs may be given as additional attribute in wasAssociatedWith) provenance.Activity.parameter: | Link to a parameter of this activity provenance.Activity.description: | Link to the activityDescription of this activity (if existing) provenance.Activity.informant: | Link from an (informed) activity to a preceding activity (informant); wasInformedBy relationship provenance.ActivityDescription: | A class for describing the general method underlying an activity. provenance.ActivityDescription.id: | Unique identifier for this activityDescription (unique in its realm) provenance.ActivityDescription.name: | A human-readable name (to be displayed by clients) provenance.ActivityDescription.type: | A general type of the method for this activity, e.g. calibration, pipeline, ... provenance.ActivityDescription.subtype: | A subtype describing the general method of the activity further provenance.ActivityDescription.annotation: | Additional description text, comments, remarks, ... provenance.ActivityDescription.code: | The code (software) used for this process, if applicable provenance.ActivityDescription.version: | A version number, if applicable (e.g. for the code) provenance.ActivityDescription.doculink: | Link to documentation for this activityDescription provenance.ActivityDescription.usedDescription: | Link to entityDescriptions, describing which kind of entity can be used with this activity-type provenance.ActivityDescription.parameterDescription: | Link to parameterDescription, describing which kind of parameter can be used with this activity-type provenance.Entity: | A thing at a certain state, in astronomy typcially data products like images, spectra, catalogs, log files, weather reports, ... provenance.Entity.id: | Unique identifier for this entity (unique in its realm) provenance.Entity.name: | A human-readable name for this entity provenance.Entity.type: | A provenance type (from W3C), i.e. one of: prov:collection, prov:bundle, prov:plan, prov:entity; not needed for a simple entity provenance.Entity.annotation: | Text describing the entity in more detail provenance.Entity.rights: | Access rights for the data, values: public, secure, proprietary; see Curation.Rights, RightsType in DatasetDM provenance.Entity.creationTime: | Datetime at which the entity was created provenance.Entity.wasGeneratedBy: | Link to the WasGeneratedBy class linking to an activity (or activityFlow) generating this entity; if no activityFlow, there must be only one wasGeneratedBy-relation to only one generating activity provenance.Entity.wasAttributedTo: | Link to the class that links to an agent who was responsible and gets attribution for this entity provenance.Entity.description: | Link to the entityDescription for this entity provenance.Entity.usedEntity: | Link to the entity that was used in a wasDerivedFrom-relation. provenance.EntityDescription: | Class for general descriptions of entities, contains properties that are known before an entity is created. provenance.EntityDescription.id: | Unique identitfier for this entityDescription provenance.EntityDescription.name: | Human-readable name for the entityDescription provenance.EntityDescription.annotation: | Descriptive text for this kind of entity provenance.EntityDescription.category: | Specifies if entities linked to this description contain information on logging, system (environment), calibration, simulation, observation, configuration, ... provenance.EntityDescription.doculink: | Link to more documentation provenance.EntityDescription.wasGeneratedByDescription: | Link to the wasGeneratedBy class linking to the ActivityDescription for activities that generate this type of entities provenance.Used: | Class for linking activities with the input entities provenance.Used.role: | Role that an entity had when being used by an activity; usually only needed if no UseDescription.role is used provenance.Used.description: | Link to corresponding UsedDescription class (where the "role" of an entity may be stored) provenance.Used.entity: | Link to an entity that is being used for some activity provenance.WasGeneratedBy: | Class for linking entities to their generating activities provenance.WasGeneratedBy.role: | Role that an entity had when being generated, e.g. "log file", "statistics file", "main result"; usually needed only if no WasGeneratedByDescription.role is used provenance.WasGeneratedBy.description: | Link to corresonding wasGeneratedByDescription (which may contain further attributes like "role") provenance.WasGeneratedBy.activity: | Link to the activity that generated an entity provenance.WasGeneratedByDescription: | Class for specifying the expected WasGeneratedBy relations for EntityDescriptions provenance.WasGeneratedByDescription.role: | Role that an entity had when being generated, e.g. "log file", "statistics file", "main result" provenance.WasGeneratedByDescription.activityDescription: | Link to the activityDescription provenance.Agent: | Class for individuals and organizations who/that are responsible for entities or activities provenance.Agent.id: | Unique identifier for an agent (unique in its realm) provenance.Agent.name: | A common name for this agent; e.g. first name and last name; project name, agency name, ... provenance.Agent.type: | Type of the agent: either Individual or Organization provenance.Agent.email: | Contact email of the agent provenance.Agent.address: | Address of the agent provenance.WasAssociatedWith: | Class for linking an activity with a responsible agent provenance.WasAssociatedWith.role: | Role that an agent had, e.g. operator, observers, software developer provenance.WasAssociatedWith.agent: | Link to the agent associated with an activity provenance.WasAttributedTo: | Class for linking an entity with a responsible agent provenance.WasAttributedTo.role: | Role that an agent had, e.g. publisher provenance.WasAttributedTo.agent: | Link to the agent who gets attribution for an entity provenance.ActivityFlow: | Class for a group of activities, it's an activity itself provenance.ActivityFlow.hadStep: | Link to the class that links the activityFlow with its sub-activities provenance.Collection: | Class for a group of entities, it's an entity itself provenance.Collection.hadMember: | Link to the class that links the collection with its member entities provenance.HadStep: | Class for linking activityFlows with their sub-processes provenance.HadStep.activity: | The sub-activity of an activityFlow provenance.HadMember: | Class for linking collections with their member entities provenance.HadMember.entity: | Entity that belongs to a collection provenance.Parameter: | Class for the parameters of an activity provenance.Parameter.id: | Unique identifier of a parameter provenance.Parameter.value: | Value of the parameter provenance.Parameter.description: | Link to the corresponding parameterDescription provenance.ParameterDescription: | Class for describing parameters; contains everything except the actual value provenance.ParameterDescription.id: | Unique identifier for this parameterDescription provenance.ParameterDescription.name: | Name of this parameter provenance.ParameterDescription.datatype: | Datatype provenance.ParameterDescription.unit: | Physical unit provenance.ParameterDescription.ucd: | Unified Content Descriptor, supplying a standardized classification of the physical quantity provenance.ParameterDescription.utype: | UType, meant to express the role of the parameter in the context of an external data model provenance.ParameterDescription.annotation: | Additional free text description provenance.ParameterDescription.min: | Minimum value provenance.ParameterDescription.max: | Maximum value provenance.ParameterDescription.options: | List of accepted values provenance.UsedDescription: | Class for specifying the expected Used relations for ActivityDescriptions provenance.UsedDescription.role: | Role that an entity had when being used by an activity provenance.UsedDescription.entityDescription: | Link to the corresponding entityDescription