xs escape-for-TeX{{{ }}} Attributes \item[Element \xmlel{ }] \begin{description} \end{description} \item[Type] \item[Meaning] \item[Occurrence] optional ; multiple occurrences allowed. ; up to occurrences allowed. required ; multiple occurrences allowed. ; up to occurrences allowed. exactly occurrences required. at least occurrences required; more are allowed no more than allowed. \item[Occurrence] required optional \item[Allowed Values]\hfil \begin{longtermsdescription} \end{longtermsdescription} \item[Allowed Values]\hfil \begin{longtermsdescription} \end{longtermsdescription} \item[Comment] boolean (true/false): string with ID attribute: vr:ResourceName an IVOA Identifier URI: vr:IdentifierURI composite: \xmlel{ } string: \xmlel{ } integer a prefixless XML name floating-point number: \xmlel{ } a URI: \xmlel{ } \xmlel{ } a string a URI an XML name without a namespace prefix an integer a non-negative integer (0, 1, ...) a floating point number (\xmlel{ }) a boolean value (true, false, 0, or 1) \xmlel{ } with optional attributes composite: \xmlel{ } string with controlled vocabulary string of the form: \emph{ } string \xmlel{ } \item[ ] \item[ ] \begin{description} \end{description} < > </ > /> > </ > /> =" " \xmlel{ } Attributes \xmlel{ } Extension Metadata Elements Metadata Elements \begin{lstlisting}[language=XML,basicstyle=\footnotesize] \end{lstlisting} \noindent{\small \par} \begingroup \renewcommand*\descriptionlabel[1]{% \hbox to 5.5em{\emph{#1}\hfil}} \vspace{2ex}\noindent\textbf{\xmlel{ } Type Schema Documentation} \vspace{2ex}\noindent\textbf{\xmlel{ } Type Allowed Values} \begin{longtermsdescription} \end{longtermsdescription} \vspace{1ex}\noindent\textbf{\xmlel{ } Type Schema Definition} \vspace{0.5ex}\noindent\textbf{ } \begingroup\small\begin{bigdescription} \end{bigdescription}\endgroup \vspace{0.5ex}\noindent\textbf{ } \begingroup\small\begin{bigdescription} \end{bigdescription}\endgroup \endgroup