Generated from UML->XMI->intermediate->XSD. This class assists in the definition of an object hierarchy by associating different objects. The type of relationship is borrowed loosely from UML, and can represent a composition, aggregation or reference, as defined by the relationshipType attribute. An example is the composition relationship between a image and its pixels, or the aggregation of a FOF group and its constituent particles. _14_0_8e0028f_1202821127921_63028_2898 Name of the variable representing the relationship on the containing parent object type. _14_0_8e0028f_1202821184437_301040_3025 Describes the relation between the parent and child object type. _12_1_213004e4_1274339731562_9173_257 This attributes indicates the type of relaion between the parent and the related object. _12_1_213004e4_1305784343828_131473_398 The cardinality/multiplicity of the child object in the containing object. _14_0_8e0028f_1202821160078_890947_3023 Reference to the ObjectType that is the child in the hierarchical parent-child relation. _14_0_8e0028f_1202821134250_349698_2921 Assocuiative object that represents a member in a property group. _14_0_8e0028f_1202835016437_620578_3104 Reference to the actual property this class associates to a property group. _14_0_8e0028f_1202835034093_760280_3180 This class represents a naturla grouping of properties on the object type. Is used for presentation purposes in a browsing environment. _14_0_8e0028f_1202834948218_519042_3028 Name of this paarameter grouping. _14_0_8e0028f_1202835002078_514643_3101 Description of this group. _14_0_8e0028f_1202835193656_635686_3444 The properties of an object. Similar to the FIELD in a VOTable _12_1_8e0028f_1173260158109_378937_365 The concept represented by this property. This concept should be narrower than the broadestSKOSConcept. _12_1_8e0028f_1173260227625_741084_441 This class represents and abstract object type, and can thus be seen as a meta-modelling construct. It allows model instances that represent complex object definitions. _12_1_1_8e0028f_1178640418734_24506_1505 The name of this object type. _12_1_1_8e0028f_1178788918250_721935_284 Short description of this object type. _12_1_1_8e0028f_1178788927546_683715_286 Represents a generic field like object. _12_1_8e0028f_1173260612156_632863_688 the name of this parameter or property. Ex: omegaLambda, particleMass, linking length _12_1_8e0028f_1173260625390_386163_760 the data type of this parameter or property _12_1_8e0028f_1173260634546_792387_762 The cardinality of this parameter or property _12_1_2_8e0028f_1189431131984_927566_351 Short description of this parameter or property _12_1_1_8e0028f_1178536325796_565844_252 indicates if this parameter or property only accept values coming from a list of valid values defined by the validValue collection _12_1_8e0028f_1213804318109_864116_621 This represents a value for an enumerated parameter or property _12_1_8e0028f_1213804138656_969269_385 the value as string : can be converted to the correct datatype of the asociated parameter or property _12_1_8e0028f_1213804249359_698361_601 A description of this value. _12_1_8e0028f_1213804207593_174840_597 Short name / alias for this value (useful in GUI) _12_1_bd102fc_1213975320431_986626_265 Type of relationship between an ObjectType and the related object type. _12_1_213004e4_1305784130484_338531_363 Represents the usual UML-like composition relation. Represents a 0..1 relation between an object (the referree) and the related object (the reference). Indicates a general dependency. Example, relations between a galaxy and its descendant in a merger tree, or between a source catalogue and the image it was extracted from.