Generated from UML->XMI->intermediate->XSD. A structured data type, indicating a numerical value and corresponding unit. The latter will require some standard dictionary for a uniform usage. This is here not modelled _12_1_8e0028f_1173262283140_574350_1278 The numerical value for this quantity. _12_1_8e0028f_1173262292437_965055_1296 The unit (if applicable) for this quantity. Should correspond to a recognised unit, possibly a skosconcept? _12_1_8e0028f_1173262306046_676761_1298 This enumeration contains the possible values for the cardinality attribute of a Field definition. _12_1_2_8e0028f_1189430872609_809189_324 Corresponds to 'Optional element' Corresponds to 'Mandatory element' Corresponds to 'Multiple but maybe Optional element' Corresponds to 'Multiple with at least one element' The DataType enumeration lists the available values for the datatype attributes used in the definition of metadata fields such as Property and InputParameter. The values represent rather abstract data types. For example no distinction is made between different representations of integer (short, int, long) or floating point (float, double) types. Instead the mathematical number fields integer and real are used, together with rational and complex. Alternative representations or usages of this model might add such details. _12_1_8e0028f_1173260658937_376469_768 A standard boolean type, with values 'true' and 'false', possibly represented differently in physical representations of the model. A standard complex type. Here no limits on accuracy of constituent Re and Im parts is made, they are assumed to be real. Represents an exact time on an exact, given date. No accuracy is assumed. A floating point datatype, without impied accuracy. An integer datatype, without implied accuracy. A rational datatype, consisting of two integers representing the numerator and denominator. A standard string datatype consisting of any type of character.