Root elements for the model. Generated from UML->XMI->intermediate->XSD. As root elements we choose the concrete types in inheritance hierarchies with no contained types. @@TODO We assume those concrete types should be final. This should be tested. @@ Root element representing a(n) Project. _12_1_2_8e0028f_1191338785390_934381_291 Root element representing a(n) Simulation. _12_1_8e0028f_1173260098343_801274_269 Root element representing a(n) PostProcessing. _12_1_8e0028f_1175776635250_448091_386 Root element representing a(n) Simulator. _12_1_8e0028f_1173260371343_174540_519 Root element representing a(n) PostProcessor. _14_0_8e0028f_1202820488812_969868_2587 Root element representing a(n) SimDALService. _12_1_213004e4_1274450439218_262420_253 Root element representing a(n) CustomService. _12_1_213004e4_1274450465156_344922_297 Root element representing a(n) Party. _12_1_bd102fc_1206601369187_165113_153