# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Properties defining the project and configuring the generation pipeline. # Must be filled in/updated by users # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Project definition # # The current version of the project. Used as post-fix for generated products # and in generated URLs project.version = 0.x-@current.date@ # full title of the project project.title = @project.title@ # Short name of the project. Used as prefix for many other products. # Should be sensibly named (no whitespace, non-alphanumeric but - or _ etc) project.name = @project.name@ # string listing the authors of the project project.authors = @project.owner.name@ # Name of the "vendor" of the project project.vendor = IVOA Theory Interest Group # email address of the contact for this project project.contact = @project.owner.email@ # the location of the data model XMI file, under ${input} and the xmi2intermediate XSLT script to use. # currently 2 options, one for files created from MagicDraw CE v12.1 and one for v16.5. # The latter is not bug free at the moment as it still assumes UML 2.0 iso 2.2 ##source = SimDM_DM.xml source.intermediate = @intermediate.representation@ xmi2intermediate= xmi2intermediate.xsl #source = SimDB_DM_16.5.xml #xmi2intermediate= xmi2intermediate_16.5.xsl html.preamble.file = project-templates/preamble.html # # Desired file names of : # # the jar file containing the VO-URP infrastructure classes # this property exists because the jar file is built in the pipeline # At some point we may generate these classes into a jar file and only distribute that build.src.file = vo-urp-src.jar # the jar files containing generated model and test classes build.gen.file = ${project.name}.jar build.gen.weave.file = ${project.name}-weave.jar # # Testing: # # location of test directory (under ${input} ! #sources.test = test/java # the tester class that must be run when testing is desired #test.class = org.vo.urp.test.Main # target #build.test.file = ${project.name}-test.jar # JPA generation. jpa.persistence.unit = ${project.name}-PU # Java generation, prefix of generated Java classes files root_package = org.ivoa # can not be changed, is set in xjc scripts model_package = org.ivoa.dm.model # namespace of the XML schema of the intermediate representation. # something like "http://ivoa.org/theory/datamodel/generationmetadata/v0.1" #intermediate.model.xmlns=@intermediate.model.xmlns@ intermediate.model.xmlns = http://ivoa.org/theory/datamodel/generationmetadata/v0.1 # XML Schema generation # used in import statements in schemas, also in XML validator to retrieve the actual schemas. #schemalocation_root = http://vo-urp.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/input/simdb_spec/xsd/ #targetnamespace_root = http://www.ivoa.net/xml/${project.name}/${project.version}/ #schemalocation_root = http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/theory/snapdm/specification/xsd/ schemalocation_root = http://www.ivoa.net/xml/SimTAP/${project.name}/v0.x/ targetnamespace_root = http://www.ivoa.net/xml/SimTAP/${project.name}/v0.x # IVO Id of the deployed service, registered as an IVOA Resource in an IVOA Registry # used as prefix for all fully qualified ivo identifiers. service.ivoid = ivo://www.g-vo.org/SimDAL/${project.name} # Indicates whether the generated runtime is in test mode, i.e. whether extra debug information # is written to the output etc. mode.test = false # Web admin account (login/password) for restricted access pages: webapp.admin.user = simdb_admin webapp.admin.password = simdb_admin12345 # tomcat realm db and user that can access this DB # sql server: tomcat.realm.url = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=SimDAL tomcat.realm.dbuser = simdb_admin tomcat.realm.password = simdb_admin12345 tomcat.realm.admin = simdb_admin tomcat.realm.adminpassword = simdb_admin12345 # postgres: #tomcat.realm.url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost/tomcat_roles #tomcat.realm.dbuser = simdb_user #tomcat.realm.password = user #tomcat.realm.admin = simdb_super #tomcat.realm.adminpassword = super # TAP generation # could/should we use eclipselink's target database? # TODO set this to tap.target_database = tap.target_schema = @project.name.lowercase@ # GraphViz generation (if installed!) #graphviz.path = "c:/Program Files/Graphviz 2.21/bin/dot.exe" # Location of custom XSLT (de)normalisation scripts (under ${input}!) xslt.dir = xslt xslt.test.dir = ./xslt/test xslt.document.resolverURL = http://www.g-vo.org/SimDAL # -------------------------------------------------- # Target switches : target.xxx.active # true / false # NOTE : only exact 'true' value is checked. # -------------------------------------------------- # Controls if the database should be reset (views / tables) : target.db.active = true # Controls if unit tests should be run finally to check if generated codes are compatible : target.run.active = false # Enable static weaving of JPA classes (tomcat) : target.weaving.active = true # TODO : add switches for all main ant targets (multiple outputs => multiple switches) # -------------------------------------------------- # TODO : add java options (doJpa, doJaxb, do...) later (vo-urp) # Generate Javadoc target.javadoc.active = false # --------------------------------------------------