Superceded-by: VEP-003 Vocabulary: Author: Date: 2019-10-15 New Term: associated-dataset Action: Addition Label: Dataset associated to the main item. Description: The dataset pointed by the link is considered associated to the main discovered item. Rationale: This new branch is proposed to accomodate a description of the dataproduct-type pointed by the link target. Associated data to a catalog or a row in a catalog (eg a source or detection) is the main use case. Additional terms will be added in the branch for each specific reelevant dataproduct_type in Obscore. At the time of writing the list of available dataproduct type is the following : image, cube, spectrum, sed, timeseries, visibility, event, measurements. New Term: associated-image Action: Addition Label: Image associated to the main item. Description: The 2D image pointed by the link is considered associated to the main discovered item. Relationships: rdfs:subPropertyOf(associated-dataset) Rationale: This new term specifies that the current Associated-Dataset to the main item is an image as defined in the ObsCore 1.1 specification, section 3.3.1 New Term: associated-cube Action: Addition Label: Cube associated to the main item. Description: The data cube pointed by the link is considered associated to the main discovered item. Relationships: rdfs:subPropertyOf(associated-dataset) Rationale: This new term specifies that the current Associated-Dataset to the main item is a cube as defined in the ObsCore 1.1 specification, section 3.3.1 New Term: associated-spectrum Action: Addition Label: Spectrum associated to the main item. Description: The spectrum pointed by the link is considered associated to the main discovered item. Relationships: rdfs:subPropertyOf(associated-dataset) Rationale: This new term specifies that the current Associated-Dataset to the main item is a spectrum as defined in the ObsCore 1.1 specification, section 3.3.1 New Term: associated-sed Action: Addition Label: Sed associated to the main item. Description: The sed pointed by the link is considered associated to the main discovered item. Relationships: rdfs:subPropertyOf(associated-dataset) Rationale: This new term specifies that the current Associated-Dataset to the main item is a sed as defined in the ObsCore 1.1 specification, section 3.3.1 New Term: associated-visibility Action: Addition Label: Visibility data associated to the main item. Description: The interferometric Visibility dataset pointed by the link is considered associated to the main discovered item. Relationships: rdfs:subPropertyOf(associated-dataset) Rationale: This new term specifies that the current Associated-Dataset to the main item is a visibility as defined in the ObsCore 1.1 specification, section 3.3.1 New Term: associated-event Action: Addition Label: Event list associated to the main item. Description: The event list pointed by the link is considered associated to the main discovered item. Relationships: rdfs:subPropertyOf(associated-dataSet) Rationale: This new term specifies that the current Associated-Dataset to the main item is an event as defined in the ObsCore 1.1 specification, section 3.3.1 New Term: associated-measurements Action: Addition Label: Measurement catalogue associated to the main item. Description: The measurements catalogue pointed by the link is considered associated to the main discovered item. Relationships: rdfs:subPropertyOf(associated-dataset) Rationale: This new term specifies that the current Associated-Dataset to the main item is a measueremnts as defined in the ObsCore 1.1 specification, section 3.3.1 New Term: associated-timeseries Action: Addition Label: Timeseries associated to the main item. Description: The timeseries pointed by the link is considered associated to the main discovered item. Relationships: rdfs:subPropertyOf(associated-dataset) Rationale: This new term specifies that the current Associated-Dataset to the main item is a timeseries as defined in the ObsCore 1.1 specification, section 3.3.1 New Term: associated-lightcurve Action: Addition Label: Lightcurve associated to the main item. Description: The lightcurve pointed by the link is considered associated to the main discovered item. Relationships: rdfs:subPropertyOf(associated-timeseries) Rationale: This new term specifies that the current Associated-timeseries to the main item is a lightcurve. Lightcurve is a TimeSeries where the dependant axis is any kind of photometric measurement (flux, magnitude, relative flux, detector counts, etc...). In the future lightcurve could be consistent with reserved terms for the Obscore dataproduct_subtype attribute New Term: associated-timeseries-spectrum Action: Addition Label: Timeseries of spectra associated to the main item. Description: The timeseries of spectra pointed by the link is considered associated to the main discovered item. Relationships: rdfs:subPropertyOf(associated-timeseries) Rationale: This new term specifies that the current Associated-timeseries to the main item is a timeseries of spectra as defined by the "spĂȘctrum" value as defined in the ObsCore 1.1 specification, section 3.3.1. New Term: associated-timeseries-image Action: Addition Label: Timeseries of images associated to the main item. Description: The timeseries of images pointed by the link is considered associated to the main discovered item. Relationships: rdfs:subPropertyOf(Associated-timeseries) Rationale: This new term specifies that the current Associated-timeseries to the main item is a timeseries of images as defined by the "image" value as defined in the ObsCore 1.1 specification, section 3.3.1. New Term: associated-radialvelocitycurve Action: Addition Label: timeseries of radialvelocities associated to the main item. Description: The timeseries of radial velocities pointed by the link is considered associated to the main discovered item. Relationships: rdfs:subPropertyOf(associated-timeseries) Rationale: This new term specifies that the current Associated-timeseries to the main item is a timeseries of radial velocities. In such a TimeSeries the dependant axis is any kind of absolute or relative radial velocity. In the future timeseries of radial velocities could be consistent with reserved terms for the Obscore dataproduct_subtype attribute New Term: associated-timeseries-cube Action: Addition Label: Timeseries of cubes associated to the main item. Description: The timeseries of cubes pointed by the link is considered associated to the main discovered item. Relationships: rdfs:subPropertyOf(associated-timeseries) Rationale: This new term specifies that the current Associated-timeseries to the main item is a timeseries of cubes as defined by the "cube" value as defined in the ObsCore 1.1 specification, section 3.3.1. Discussion: This proposal was discussed mainly on the DAL list, also in the context of ongoing updates to the datalink standard itself. In concern was brought forth that the VEPs contains a large number of terms that may never been used. Also, if we actually wanted to solve the problem tackled here (letting clients figure out where to send the data product linked), we would have about as many terms in several other branches of the datalink vocabulary ( Finally, in, it was pointed out that the term "associated-data" is somewhat unfortunate, as data products not "associated" in some way probably would not be within a datalink document in the first place. It was therefore decided to abandon this VEP and supercede it with VEP-003.