# The master in this directory is taxonomy.txt, which is the # AVM taxonomy cut and pasted from the AVM PDF file # (see Notes file for provenance) # For cwm and rapper, see notes in configure.ac CWM=@CWM@ RAPPER=@RAPPER@ TAR=@TAR@ RDF2HTML=@PYTHON@ ../code/rdf2html.py # Version information RELEASE=@PACKAGE_VERSION@ RELEASEDATE=@RELEASEDATEN@ # Base URI for the vocabularies -- no trailing slash BASEURI=@BASEURI@ edit=sed -e 's,@RELEASE\@,$(RELEASE),' \ -e 's,@RELEASEDATE\@,$(RELEASEDATE),' \ -e 's,@BASEURI\@,$(BASEURI),' ######################################## # # Rules # Translate Turtle to RDF/XML using rapper. It looks like we could use # $(CWM) --n3 $< --rdf --pipe # but cwm 1.0.0 objects with "This sink cannot accept values with languages", # apparently objecting to the xml:lang attributes in the RDF. %.ttl: %.rdf rm -f $@ $@.tmp $(RAPPER) -o turtle -O $(BASEURI)/AVM $< >$@.tmp && mv $@.tmp $@ %.html: %.rdf rm -f $@ $(RDF2HTML) $< >$@.tmp && mv $@.tmp $@ ######################################## # # Targets all: AVM.tar AVM.tar: AVM.ttl AVM.rdf AVM.html rm -f $@ $(TAR) cf $@ AVM.ttl AVM.rdf AVM.html AVM-initial.ttl: taxonomy.txt ./grokavm.py taxonomy.txt | $(edit) >$@.tmp && mv $@.tmp $@ AVM.rdf: AVM-initial.ttl $(CWM) $< --think=../code/checkHierarchy.n3 --rdf | $(RAPPER) -i rdfxml -o rdfxml-abbrev -O $(BASEURI)/AVM - $(BASEURI)/AVM>$@.tmp && mv $@.tmp $@ clean: rm -f AVM-initial.ttl AVM.ttl AVM.rdf AVM.tar AVM.html *.tmp