The contents of this directory allow you to build the HTML part of the IVOA Note/WD describing the vocabularies work. See ../README, though the notes here should be self-contained as regards building the document. To build this you need * xsltproc or Saxon-8 (xsltproc is the default, but you can choose to use Saxon using the --with-saxon flag to ./configure. I have in the past seen libxslt 10111 get terribly confused by some of the namespace magic in the transformation, but libxslt 10122 seems OK ('xsltproc -V' will tell you what version of libxslt your xsltproc is using) * BibTeX If you want to build vocabularies.ttl (and there's no real reason why you would -- it's Norman's experiment with RDFa), then you will also need curl (to download the RDFa2RDFXML.xsl stylesheet) and rapper (from To build, just call configure, once, in this directory's parent, and call make: % (cd ..; ./configure) % make