ConeSearch xs cs Implementation of an XML Schema describing a Cone Search Service. Based on "Simple Cone Search: a First Guide for Data Curators", This schema defines a Capability type that is specific to Cone Search. A service that has ConeSearch capability should be registered as a TabularSkyService. The ConeSearch capability element must include a ParamHTTP interface. The capabilities of a Cone Search implementation. The largest search radius, in degrees, that will be accepted by the service without returning an error condition. Not providing this element or specifying a value of 180 indicates that there is no restriction. Not providing a value is the prefered way to indicate that there is no restriction. The largest number of records that the service will return. Not providing this value means that there is no effective limit. This does not refer to the total number of records in the catalog but rather maximum number of records the service is capable of returning. A limit that is greater than the number of records available in the archive is equivalent to their being no effective limit. (See RM, Hanisch 2007.) True if the service supports the VERB keyword; false, otherwise. A query that will result in at least one matched record that can be used to test the service. A query to be sent to the service the right ascension of the search cone's center in decimal degrees. the declination of the search cone's center in decimal degrees. the radius of the search cone in decimal degrees. the verbosity level to use where 1 means the bare minimum set of columns and 3 means the full set of available columns. the catalog to query. When the service can access more than one catalog, this input parameter, if available, is used to indicate which catalog to access. any extra (non-standard) parameters that must be provided (apart from what is part of base URL given by the accessURL element). this value should be in the form of name=value pairs delimited with ampersands (&).