This is the master version of the IVOA Ontology of Astronomical Object types. This was imported into the Volute repository in something of a hurry, so that there are probably still defects in the way the documentation is generated, and the ontology is to be curated (in particular, it's not obvious that keeping the master version in Turtle is the best way of doing this). Blame Norman Gray, who's willing to spend more time on this if anyone objects.... For general discussion, see the IVOA Note at and the collection of use-cases at The master file is This is a Turtle file (rather than the RDF/XML file which is required by Protégé), because (i) this is somewhat easier to edit by hand when necessary; and (ii) the 'rapper' conversion from RDF/XML to Turtle introduces some normalisation, most notably alphabetising the names of classes, which means that the file plays more nicely with the text-based diff which Subversion uses, and so produces more informative diffs. See for the required redirections. Use 'make check' or 'make; ./' to run the checks. The conversion to HTML, for documentation purposes, is not perfect; amongst other defects, it's an XSLT conversion, so it depends on non-guaranteed features of the serialisation to RDF/XML. It's OK for the moment, though. There are various documentation properties included in the object-types.ttl file. These appear not to work well with Protégé 4.0, but they appear to work OK with 4.2+. <> a owl:Ontology; dc:title "Ontology of Astronomical Object Types"@en; dc:date "2012-04-13"; # Date of this version dct:issued "2008-05-16"; # Date of first release: don't change this dc:identifier "@BASEURI@/v@VERSION@"; dct:isVersionOf <@BASEURI@>; #dct:replaces <@BASEURI@/old-version>; #dct:isPartOf ; rdfs:comment """The Ontology of Astronomical Object Types is an ontology of classes of astronomical objects. For general discussion, see the IVOA Note at and the collection of use-cases at """; dc:creator "Laurent Cambrésy", "Sébastien Derriere", "Paolo Padovani", "Andrea Preite-Martinez", "Alexandre Richard"; dc:rights "RIGHTS UNCLEAR"; # cc:license [ ... ]; vann:preferredNamespaceUri "@BASEURI@"; vann:preferredNamespaceUri "obj"; dct:hasFormat <@BASEURI@.html>, <@BASEURI@.owl>. # Add change notes as follows # <> # skos:changeNote [ # dc:date "2000-01-01"; # rdf:value "note of editorial change"; # dc:creator "Person who made the change" ]; # skos:historyNote [ # dc:date "2000-01-01"; # rdf:value "note of semantic change"; # dc:creator "Person who made the change" ]. The first version committed here was from To adjust the location that the PURLs redirect to: * Change the HOSTHOST and HOSTBASEDIR variables in the Makefile * make webpage-tarball.tar.gz * unpack webpage-tarball.tar.gz on $HOSTHOST so that the object-types directory it contains matches $HOSTBASEDIR * make check To make a new release: * adjust the version number in the variable VERSION within the Makefile * make webpage-tarball.tar.gz * unpack this on the machine $HOSTHOST in the directory $HOSTBASEDIR * make check