\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{ivoa} \input tthdefs \title{???? Full title ????} % see ivoatexDoc for what group names to use here \ivoagroup{???? group ????} \author[????URL????]{????Alfred Usher Thor????} \author{????Fred Offline????} \editor{????Alfred Usher Thor????} % \previousversion[????URL????]{????Concise Document Label????} \previousversion{This is the first public release} \begin{document} \begin{abstract} ???? Abstract ???? \end{abstract} \section*{Acknowledgments} ???? Or remove the section header ???? \section*{Conformance-related definitions} The words ``MUST'', ``SHALL'', ``SHOULD'', ``MAY'', ``RECOMMENDED'', and ``OPTIONAL'' (in upper or lower case) used in this document are to be interpreted as described in IETF standard RFC2119 \citep{std:RFC2119}. The \emph{Virtual Observatory (VO)} is a general term for a collection of federated resources that can be used to conduct astronomical research, education, and outreach. The \href{https://www.ivoa.net}{International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA)} is a global collaboration of separately funded projects to develop standards and infrastructure that enable VO applications. \section{Introduction} ???? Write something ???? \subsection{Role within the VO Architecture} \begin{figure} \centering % As of ivoatex 1.2, the architecture diagram is generated by ivoatex in % SVG; copy ivoatex/archdiag-full.xml to role_diagram.xml and throw out % all lines not relevant to your standard. % Notes don't generally need this. If you don't copy role_diagram.xml, % you must remove role_diagram.pdf from SOURCES in the Makefile. \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{role_diagram.pdf} \caption{Architecture diagram for this document} \label{fig:archdiag} \end{figure} Fig.~\ref{fig:archdiag} shows the role this document plays within the IVOA architecture \citep{2010ivoa.rept.1123A}. ???? and so on, LaTeX as you know and love it. ???? \appendix \section{Changes from Previous Versions} No previous versions yet. % these would be subsections "Changes from v. WD-..." % Use itemize environments. % NOTE: IVOA recommendations must be cited from docrepo rather than ivoabib % (REC entries there are for legacy documents only) \bibliography{ivoatex/ivoabib,ivoatex/docrepo} \end{document}