Table of Contents

1.     model: sourcedm
2.     Packages and Types
2.1     [root package]
2.2     package: coordsys_tessel
2.2.1     objectType: CoordFrame
2.2.2     objectType: Position2D
2.3     package: crossmatchedMeassurements
2.3.1     objectType: ProperMotion
2.3.2     objectType: RadialPosition
2.4     package: ds
2.4.1     objectType: DataSet
2.5     package: individualMeasurements
2.5.1     objectType: RadialMotion
2.5.2     objectType: SourcePosition
2.6     package: ivoa
2.6.1     dataType: IntegerQuantity
2.6.2     dataType: Quantity
2.6.3     dataType: RealQuantity
2.6.4     primitiveType: Unit
2.6.5     primitiveType: anyURI
2.6.6     primitiveType: boolean
2.6.7     primitiveType: complex
2.6.8     primitiveType: datetime
2.6.9     primitiveType: integer
2.6.10     primitiveType: nonnegativeInteger
2.6.11     primitiveType: rational
2.6.12     primitiveType: real
2.6.13     primitiveType: string
2.7     package: nameResolver
2.7.1     objectType: ResolvedName
2.7.2     objectType: ResolvedNameAlias
2.8     package: photometry
2.8.1     objectType: PhotCal
2.8.2     objectType: PhotometryPoint
2.9     package: source
2.9.1     objectType: CrossmatchedSource
2.9.2     objectType: Source
3.     vodml-id-s

1. Model: (sourcedm)

Authors :
Date : 2017-05-12T17:47:35
Version : 0.x
Abstract : TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Diagram : The following diagram has been generated from the model using the GraphViz tool.
The classes and packages in the diagram can be clicked and are mapped to the descriptions of the corresponding element elsewhere in the document.

2.Model contents: Packages and Types

The following sub-sections present all packages in the model with their types. The packages are listed here in alphabetical order. Each sub-section contains a description of the package and a table containing its various features.

2.1 [root package]

Model sourcedm
child package(s) coordsys_tessel crossmatchedMeassurements ds individualMeasurements ivoa nameResolver photometry source

2.2 package: coordsys_tessel

vodml-id coordsys_tessel
parent sourcedm
Object types CoordFrame Position2D

2.2.1 objectType: CoordFrame

vodml-id coordsys_tessel.CoordFrame
package coordsys_tessel
referrers Source

2.2.2 objectType: Position2D

vodml-id coordsys_tessel.Position2D
package coordsys_tessel

2.3 package: crossmatchedMeassurements

vodml-id crossmatchedMeassurements
description Messurements that implies more than one detection to be obtained and, at least, one crossmatch. Examples are distance or proper motion.
parent sourcedm
Object types ProperMotion RadialPosition

2.3.1 objectType: ProperMotion

vodml-id crossmatchedMeassurements.ProperMotion
description A crossmatch source COULD contain a properMotion element describing the velocity on the sky (imaginary fixed background) as seen from the center of mass of the Solar System, as compared to the imaginary fixed background of the more distant stars. It is usually express as a vector of two components, describing the variation of the position on certain sky coordinates (in general right ascension and declination), corrected by declination and expressed on mas/year.
package crossmatchedMeassurements
referrers CrossmatchedSource
name feature value
muCoord1 type RealQuantity [sourcedm:ivoa.RealQuantity]
vodml-id crossmatchedMeassurements.ProperMotion.muCoord1
multiplicity 1
description <Enter note text here>
muCoord2 type RealQuantity [sourcedm:ivoa.RealQuantity]
vodml-id crossmatchedMeassurements.ProperMotion.muCoord2
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
totalProperMotion type RealQuantity [sourcedm:ivoa.RealQuantity]
vodml-id crossmatchedMeassurements.ProperMotion.totalProperMotion
multiplicity 1
description <Enter note text here>

2.3.2 objectType: RadialPosition

vodml-id crossmatchedMeassurements.RadialPosition
description A crossmatched source COULD contain a radial position describing the measurement of the distance to the object. Distance that can be expressed in two ways: as a distance and as a parallax.
package crossmatchedMeassurements
referrers CrossmatchedSource
name feature value
parallax type RealQuantity [sourcedm:ivoa.RealQuantity]
vodml-id crossmatchedMeassurements.RadialPosition.parallax
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
distance type RealQuantity [sourcedm:ivoa.RealQuantity]
vodml-id crossmatchedMeassurements.RadialPosition.distance
multiplicity 1
description <Enter note text here>

2.4 package: ds

vodml-id ds
parent sourcedm
Object types DataSet

2.4.1 objectType: DataSet

vodml-id ds.DataSet
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ds
referrers Source

2.5 package: individualMeasurements

vodml-id individualMeasurements
description Messurements that can be obtained in one single source detection. Examples are postion and radial velocity (through spectroscopy)
parent sourcedm
Object types RadialMotion SourcePosition

2.5.1 objectType: RadialMotion

vodml-id individualMeasurements.RadialMotion
description A Source object COULD contain a radialMotion associated object with that contains the calculation of the tangential velocity of the source detection. Usually done through spectroscopic calculations.
package individualMeasurements
referrers Source
name feature value
radialVelocity type RealQuantity [sourcedm:ivoa.RealQuantity]
vodml-id individualMeasurements.RadialMotion.radialVelocity
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
redshift type RealQuantity [sourcedm:ivoa.RealQuantity]
vodml-id individualMeasurements.RadialMotion.redshift
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.5.2 objectType: SourcePosition

vodml-id individualMeasurements.SourcePosition
description Object describing the source position in the sky in the 3D space. It is described by a spatial coordinate object, reused from STC, a spatial coverage (specially for extended sources). See IVOA STC document for details.
package individualMeasurements
referrers Source
name feature value
parallax type RealQuantity [sourcedm:ivoa.RealQuantity]
vodml-id individualMeasurements.SourcePosition.parallax
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
distance type RealQuantity [sourcedm:ivoa.RealQuantity]
vodml-id individualMeasurements.SourcePosition.distance
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.6 package: ivoa

vodml-id ivoa
parent sourcedm
Data types IntegerQuantity Quantity RealQuantity
Primitive types Unit anyURI boolean complex datetime integer nonnegativeInteger rational real string

2.6.1 dataType: IntegerQuantity

vodml-id ivoa.IntegerQuantity
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa
extends Quantity [sourcedm:ivoa.Quantity]
name feature value
value type integer [sourcedm:ivoa.integer]
vodml-id ivoa.IntegerQuantity.value
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.6.2 dataType: Quantity

vodml-id ivoa.Quantity
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa
Subclasses in this model IntegerQuantity RealQuantity
name feature value
unit type Unit [sourcedm:ivoa.Unit]
vodml-id ivoa.Quantity.unit
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.6.3 dataType: RealQuantity

vodml-id ivoa.RealQuantity
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa
extends Quantity [sourcedm:ivoa.Quantity]
name feature value
value type real [sourcedm:ivoa.real]
vodml-id ivoa.RealQuantity.value
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.6.4 primitiveType: Unit

vodml-id ivoa.Unit
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.6.5 primitiveType: anyURI

vodml-id ivoa.anyURI
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.6.6 primitiveType: boolean

vodml-id ivoa.boolean
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.6.7 primitiveType: complex

vodml-id ivoa.complex
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.6.8 primitiveType: datetime

vodml-id ivoa.datetime
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.6.9 primitiveType: integer

vodml-id ivoa.integer
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.6.10 primitiveType: nonnegativeInteger

vodml-id ivoa.nonnegativeInteger
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.6.11 primitiveType: rational

vodml-id ivoa.rational
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.6.12 primitiveType: real

vodml-id ivoa.real
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.6.13 primitiveType: string

vodml-id ivoa.string
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package ivoa

2.7 package: nameResolver

vodml-id nameResolver
description <Enter note text here>
parent sourcedm
Object types ResolvedName ResolvedNameAlias

2.7.1 objectType: ResolvedName

vodml-id nameResolver.ResolvedName
description Unique identifier for this detection within the source catalogue. As a crossmatched source is a result of a combination of different detections or sources from different catalogues, the structure contains a main identifier and a set of aliases.
package nameResolver
referrers CrossmatchedSource
name feature value
identifier type string [sourcedm:ivoa.string]
vodml-id nameResolver.ResolvedName.identifier
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
resolvedNameAlias type ResolvedNameAlias [sourcedm:nameResolver.ResolvedNameAlias]
vodml-id nameResolver.ResolvedName.resolvedNameAlias
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.7.2 objectType: ResolvedNameAlias

vodml-id nameResolver.ResolvedNameAlias
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package nameResolver
name feature value
alias type string [sourcedm:ivoa.string]
vodml-id nameResolver.ResolvedNameAlias.alias
multiplicity 1
description <Enter note text here>

2.8 package: photometry

vodml-id photometry
parent sourcedm
Object types PhotCal PhotometryPoint

2.8.1 objectType: PhotCal

vodml-id photometry.PhotCal
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
package photometry
referrers PhotometryPoint

2.8.2 objectType: PhotometryPoint

vodml-id photometry.PhotometryPoint
package photometry
name feature value
magnitude type RealQuantity [sourcedm:ivoa.RealQuantity]
vodml-id photometry.PhotometryPoint.magnitude
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
photCal type PhotCal [sourcedm:photometry.PhotCal]
vodml-id photometry.PhotometryPoint.photCal
multiplicity 1
description <Enter note text here>

2.9 package: source

vodml-id source
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
parent sourcedm
Object types CrossmatchedSource Source

2.9.1 objectType: CrossmatchedSource

vodml-id source.CrossmatchedSource
description As a consolidation of different source detections (from one of more catalogues), general entities called source are generated. For these entities, other quantities can be defined, e.g. the proper motions (tranversal velocity of the sources on the sphere) that imply different detections and a crossmatch of the different source detections.
package source
extends Source [sourcedm:source.Source]
name feature value
properMotion type ProperMotion [sourcedm:crossmatchedMeassurements.ProperMotion]
vodml-id source.CrossmatchedSource.properMotion
multiplicity 1
description <Enter note text here>
radialPosition type RadialPosition [sourcedm:crossmatchedMeassurements.RadialPosition]
vodml-id source.CrossmatchedSource.radialPosition
multiplicity 1
description <Enter note text here>
resolvedName type ResolvedName [sourcedm:nameResolver.ResolvedName]
vodml-id source.CrossmatchedSource.resolvedName
multiplicity 1
description <Enter note text here>
name feature value
source type Source [sourcedm:source.Source]
vodml-id source.CrossmatchedSource.source
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false

2.9.2 objectType: Source

vodml-id source.Source
description Mother class that contains the basic support for any element inside a source catalogue. That implies an identifier, a position and, possibly, a classification using a SKOS element.
package source
Subclasses in this model CrossmatchedSource
name feature value
name type string [sourcedm:ivoa.string]
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
position type Position2D [sourcedm:coordsys_tessel.Position2D]
vodml-id source.Source.position
multiplicity 1
name feature value
coordFrame type CoordFrame [sourcedm:coordsys_tessel.CoordFrame]
vodml-id source.Source.coordFrame
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
dataSet type DataSet [sourcedm:ds.DataSet]
vodml-id source.Source.dataSet
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
radialMotion type RadialMotion [sourcedm:individualMeasurements.RadialMotion]
vodml-id source.Source.radialMotion
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
sourcePosition type SourcePosition [sourcedm:individualMeasurements.SourcePosition]
vodml-id source.Source.sourcePosition
multiplicity 1
description <Enter note text here>
name feature value
photometryPoint type PhotometryPoint [sourcedm:photometry.PhotometryPoint]
vodml-id source.Source.photometryPoint
multiplicity 1
isOrdered false

3.Element Identifiers/VO-DMLrefs

The following table shows all fully qualified vodml-ids for this data model. It is ordered alphabetically and the identifiers are hyper-linked to the location in the document where the actual element is fully defined.
vodml-id feature type description
vo-dml:model TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
coordsys_tessel package
coordsys_tessel.CoordFrame objectType
coordsys_tessel.Position2D objectType
crossmatchedMeassurements package Messurements that implies more than one detection to be obtained and, at least, one crossmatch. Examples are distance or proper motion.
crossmatchedMeassurements.ProperMotion objectType A crossmatch source COULD contain a properMotion element describing the velocity on the sky (imaginary fixed background) as seen from the center of mass of the Solar System, as compared to the imaginary fixed background of the more distant stars. It is usually express as a vector of two components, describing the variation of the position on certain sky coordinates (in general right ascension and declination), corrected by declination and expressed on mas/year.
crossmatchedMeassurements.ProperMotion.muCoord1 attribute <Enter note text here>
crossmatchedMeassurements.ProperMotion.muCoord2 attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
crossmatchedMeassurements.ProperMotion.totalProperMotion attribute <Enter note text here>
crossmatchedMeassurements.RadialPosition objectType A crossmatched source COULD contain a radial position describing the measurement of the distance to the object. Distance that can be expressed in two ways: as a distance and as a parallax.
crossmatchedMeassurements.RadialPosition.distance attribute <Enter note text here>
crossmatchedMeassurements.RadialPosition.parallax attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ds package
ds.DataSet objectType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
individualMeasurements package Messurements that can be obtained in one single source detection. Examples are postion and radial velocity (through spectroscopy)
individualMeasurements.RadialMotion objectType A Source object COULD contain a radialMotion associated object with that contains the calculation of the tangential velocity of the source detection. Usually done through spectroscopic calculations.
individualMeasurements.RadialMotion.radialVelocity attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
individualMeasurements.RadialMotion.redshift attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
individualMeasurements.SourcePosition objectType Object describing the source position in the sky in the 3D space. It is described by a spatial coordinate object, reused from STC, a spatial coverage (specially for extended sources). See IVOA STC document for details.
individualMeasurements.SourcePosition.distance attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
individualMeasurements.SourcePosition.parallax attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa package
ivoa.IntegerQuantity dataType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.IntegerQuantity.value attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.Quantity dataType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.Quantity.unit attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.RealQuantity dataType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.RealQuantity.value attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.Unit primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.anyURI primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.boolean primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.complex primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.datetime primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.integer primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.nonnegativeInteger primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.rational primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.real primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
ivoa.string primitiveType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
nameResolver package <Enter note text here>
nameResolver.ResolvedName objectType Unique identifier for this detection within the source catalogue. As a crossmatched source is a result of a combination of different detections or sources from different catalogues, the structure contains a main identifier and a set of aliases.
nameResolver.ResolvedName.identifier attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
nameResolver.ResolvedName.resolvedNameAlias composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
nameResolver.ResolvedNameAlias objectType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
nameResolver.ResolvedNameAlias.alias attribute <Enter note text here>
photometry package
photometry.PhotCal objectType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
photometry.PhotometryPoint objectType
photometry.PhotometryPoint.magnitude attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
photometry.PhotometryPoint.photCal reference <Enter note text here>
source package TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
source.CrossmatchedSource objectType As a consolidation of different source detections (from one of more catalogues), general entities called source are generated. For these entities, other quantities can be defined, e.g. the proper motions (tranversal velocity of the sources on the sphere) that imply different detections and a crossmatch of the different source detections.
source.CrossmatchedSource.properMotion reference <Enter note text here>
source.CrossmatchedSource.radialPosition reference <Enter note text here>
source.CrossmatchedSource.resolvedName reference <Enter note text here>
source.CrossmatchedSource.source composition
source.Source objectType Mother class that contains the basic support for any element inside a source catalogue. That implies an identifier, a position and, possibly, a classification using a SKOS element.
source.Source.coordFrame reference TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
source.Source.dataSet reference TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
source.Source.photometryPoint composition
source.Source.position attribute
source.Source.radialMotion reference TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
source.Source.sourcePosition reference <Enter note text here>