VO-DML data model snipet

Table of Contents

1.     model: Composition
2.     Packages and Types
2.1     [root package]
2.2     package: base
2.2.1     objectType: Airplane
2.2.2     objectType: Wing
3.     vodml-id-s
4.     Imported Models
4.1     ivoa

1. Model: VO-DML data model snipet (Composition)

Authors :
Date : 2016-01-12T10:55:49
Version : 1.0
Abstract : This DM snipet shows a basic composition example: Wings are part of the plane
Diagram : The following diagram has been generated from the model using the GraphViz tool.
The classes and packages in the diagram can be clicked and are mapped to the descriptions of the corresponding element elsewhere in the document.

2.Model contents: Packages and Types

The following sub-sections present all packages in the model with their types. The packages are listed here in alphabetical order. Each sub-section contains a description of the package and a table containing its various features.

2.1 [root package]

Model Composition
child package(s) base

2.2 package: base

vodml-id base
description [TODO add description!]
parent Composition
Object types Airplane Wing

2.2.1 objectType: Airplane

vodml-id base.Airplane
description [TODO add description!]
package base
name feature value
SerialNumber type ivoa:string
vodml-id base.Airplane.SerialNumber
multiplicity 1
description TBD
name feature value
Wings type Wing [Composition:base.Wing]
vodml-id base.Airplane.Wings
multiplicity 2
isOrdered false
description TBD

2.2.2 objectType: Wing

vodml-id base.Wing
description [TODO add description!]
package base
name feature value
SerialNumber type ivoa:string
vodml-id base.Wing.SerialNumber
multiplicity 1
description TBD

3.Element Identifiers/VO-DMLrefs

The following table shows all fully qualified vodml-ids for this data model. It is ordered alphabetically and the identifiers are hyper-linked to the location in the document where the actual element is fully defined.
vodml-id feature type description
vo-dml:model This DM snipet shows a basic composition example: Wings are part of the plane
base package
base.Airplane objectType
base.Airplane.SerialNumber attribute
base.Airplane.Wings collection
base.Wing objectType
base.Wing.SerialNumber attribute

4.Imported Models

This section lists the external models imported by the current data model. For each imported model we list URLs to the VO-DML and HTML representations and the prefix used for vodml-ids from inside the model.

4.1 ivoa

Model vodml-id ivoa
url http://volute.g-vo.org/svn/trunk/projects/dm/vo-dml/models/ivoa/IVOA.vo-dml.xml
documentation url http://volute.g-vo.org/svn/trunk/projects/dm/vo-dml/models/ivoa/IVOA.html