VODML-version of Provenance Data Model. This version may still change at any time, also see the current working draft in ../../../provenance/description/ For recreating the vodml-xml, html documentation etc., do the following (usual) steps: * copy latest xmi version to this directory: cp ../../../provenance/datamodel-diagrams/provenance.xmi . * adjust build.properties in vo-dml's base directory: cd ../../ vi build.properties -> set here "models=./models/provenancedm" * create the provenancedm.vo-dml.xml file: ant run_xmi2vo-dml - if error: No uml:Model found, edit the provenance.xmi-file directly and patch the xmi namespace: xmlns:uml="http://www.omg.org/spec/UML/20100901/" * create the html documentation: ant run_vo-dml2html