Datalink VO-DML data model.

Table of Contents

1.     model: dl
2.     Packages and Types
2.1     [root package]
2.1.1     enumeration:ConstraintType
2.1.2     objectType:Datalink
2.1.3     objectType:Field
2.1.4     objectType:FieldConstraint
2.1.5     objectType:RelatedResource
2.1.6     enumeration:RelationType
2.1.7     objectType:Service
2.1.8     objectType:ServiceParameter
3.     vodml-id-s
4.     Imported Models
4.1     ivoa

1. Model: Datalink VO-DML data model. (dl)

Authors : Gerard Lemson, Markus Demleitner
Date : 2013-09-20T17:48:18
Version : 0.1
Abstract : A proposed data model for the response document of an IVOA Datalink service.
Diagram : The following diagram has been generated from the model using the GraphViz tool.
The classes and packages in the diagram can be clicked and are mapped to the descriptions of the corresponding element elsewhere in the document.

2.Model contents: Packages and Types

The following sub-sections present all packages in the model with their types. The packages are listed here in alphabetical order. Each sub-section contains a description of the package and a table containing its various features.

2.1 [root package]

Model dl
Object types Datalink Field FieldConstraint RelatedResource Service ServiceParameter
Enumerations ConstraintType RelationType

2.1.1 enumeration: ConstraintType

utype ConstraintType
description Defines different types of constraints to be put on a parameter.
name feature value
OPTION vodml-id ConstraintType.OPTION
description Represents a valid value for a parameter.
MIN vodml-id ConstraintType.MIN
description Represents a lower bound on the value of a parameter.
MAX vodml-id ConstraintType.MAX
description Represents an upper bound on the value of a parameter.

2.1.2 objectType: Datalink

utype Datalink
description A Datalink document describes resources related to a given dataset; these can be IVOA services, other data, or datalink-described services.
name feature value
relatedResource type RelatedResource
vodml-id Datalink.relatedResource
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description A resource related to the current dataset, either a standard service or a fixed file.
service type Service
vodml-id Datalink.service
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description A datalink-described service offering extra access options for this dataset.

2.1.3 objectType: Field

utype Field
description Cf. VOTable spec. Thios class represents a named, described, typed field with usual attributes. Serves as base class for similar concepts and could be made generic, e.g. added to the IVOA data model, and used to map directly to a PARAM in the utype spec.
Subclasses in this model ServiceParameter
name feature value
name type ivoa:string
multiplicity 1
description Cf. VOTable spec.
description type ivoa:string
vodml-id Field.description
multiplicity 0..1
description Cf. VOTable spec.
datatype type ivoa:string
vodml-id Field.datatype
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
unit type ivoa:string
vodml-id Field.unit
multiplicity 0..1
description The unit of the parameter.
ucd type ivoa:string
vodml-id Field.ucd
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
constraint type FieldConstraint
vodml-id Field.constraint
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description Collection of constraints on the values of a parameter. Similar to the OPTIONs in the VOTable spec.

2.1.4 objectType: FieldConstraint

utype FieldConstraint
description A constraint on the value of a Field. Similar to the OPTIONs in the VOTable spec. The value attribute is to be interpreted by the constraintType attribute as either a valid value (OPTION) or a lower (MIN) or upper (MAX) bound.
container Field.constraint
name feature value
value type ivoa:string
vodml-id FieldConstraint.value
multiplicity 1
description The value used in the constraint. Its intrepretation is given by the constraintType attrib ute. Cf. VOTable spec
description type ivoa:string
vodml-id FieldConstraint.description
multiplicity 0..1
description Cf. VOTable spec
constraintType type ConstraintType
vodml-id FieldConstraint.constraintType
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.1.5 objectType: RelatedResource

utype RelatedResource
description A description of a resource related to the present data set(s); this could be static data like calibration data, error files, observation logs, previews, rendering, or similar, but also access URLs of IVOA standard services (e.g., SIAP or SSAP).
container Datalink.relatedResource
name feature value
url type ivoa:anyURI
vodml-id RelatedResource.url
multiplicity 1
description The URL at which to find the resource.
contentType type ivoa:string
vodml-id RelatedResource.contentType
multiplicity 0..1
description A MIME type to expect when dereferencing url. This is a hint for the client to use in data discovery. At least for HTTP URLs, this does not override content-type header that is returned with url.
relationType type RelationType
vodml-id RelatedResource.relationType
multiplicity 0..1
description The kind of relation between the current data set and the related resource.
accessSize type ivoa:integer
vodml-id RelatedResource.accessSize
multiplicity 0..1
description An estimate for the size of the resource described. Clients may interpret 0 here as "trivial amount" (less than roughly a megabyte) and NULL as "unpredictable".

2.1.6 enumeration: RelationType

utype RelationType
description The kind of relation between the current data set and the related resource. Data providers can use free terms here, but they are strongly encouraged to keep to the standard vocabulary whenever possible.
name feature value
rendered vodml-id RelationType.rendered
description The URL leads to a rendering of the data set; this could be both a preview or a full plot; the accessSize will give further hints on this distinction.
siap vodml-id RelationType.siap
description The URL leads to a SIAP service containing the dataset.
ssap vodml-id RelationType.ssap
description The URL leads to an SSAP service containing the dataset.
raw vodml-id RelationType.raw
description The URL leads to a less processed predecessor of the current data set.
calibration vodml-id RelationType.calibration
description The URL leads to data sets used in the calibration of the current data set.

2.1.7 objectType: Service

utype Service
description A (free) Service within datalink is described by a set of input parameters. They get their metadata primarily through UCDs, but specific data models (e.g., STC or a future Image data model) can be used for further annotation.
container Datalink.service
name feature value
accessURL type ivoa:anyURI
vodml-id Service.accessURL
multiplicity 1
description The base URL to which the parameters must be added. Note that the base URL might already contain serialized parameters.
description type ivoa:string
vodml-id Service.description
multiplicity 1
description A human-readable explanation of the service's overall role (and action)
name feature value
inputParameter type ServiceParameter
vodml-id Service.inputParameter
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description A description of an input parameter to the service.

2.1.8 objectType: ServiceParameter

utype ServiceParameter
description A parameter of the service.
extends Field
container Service.inputParameter
name feature value
defaultValue type ivoa:string
vodml-id ServiceParameter.defaultValue
multiplicity 0..1
description The default value to be assigned to this parameter.


The following table shows all UTYPEs for this data model. It is ordered alphabetically and the UTYPEs are hyper-linked to the location in the document where the actual element is fully defined.
UTYPE feature type description
vo-dml:model A proposed data model for the response document of an IVOA Datalink service.
ConstraintType enumeration Defines different types of constraints to be put on a parameter.
ConstraintType.MAX literal Represents an upper bound on the value of a parameter.
ConstraintType.MIN literal Represents a lower bound on the value of a parameter.
ConstraintType.OPTION literal Represents a valid value for a parameter.
Datalink objectType A Datalink document describes resources related to a given dataset; these can be IVOA services, other data, or datalink-described services.
Datalink.relatedResource collection A resource related to the current dataset, either a standard service or a fixed file.
Datalink.service collection A datalink-described service offering extra access options for this dataset.
Field objectType Cf. VOTable spec. Thios class represents a named, described, typed field with usual attributes. Serves as base class for similar concepts and could be made generic, e.g. added to the IVOA data model, and used to map directly to a PARAM in the utype spec.
Field.constraint collection Collection of constraints on the values of a parameter. Similar to the OPTIONs in the VOTable spec.
Field.datatype attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Field.description attribute Cf. VOTable spec. attribute Cf. VOTable spec.
Field.ucd attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Field.unit attribute The unit of the parameter.
FieldConstraint objectType A constraint on the value of a Field. Similar to the OPTIONs in the VOTable spec. The value attribute is to be interpreted by the constraintType attribute as either a valid value (OPTION) or a lower (MIN) or upper (MAX) bound.
FieldConstraint.constraintType attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
FieldConstraint.description attribute Cf. VOTable spec
FieldConstraint.value attribute The value used in the constraint. Its intrepretation is given by the constraintType attrib ute. Cf. VOTable spec
RelatedResource objectType A description of a resource related to the present data set(s); this could be static data like calibration data, error files, observation logs, previews, rendering, or similar, but also access URLs of IVOA standard services (e.g., SIAP or SSAP).
RelatedResource.accessSize attribute An estimate for the size of the resource described. Clients may interpret 0 here as "trivial amount" (less than roughly a megabyte) and NULL as "unpredictable".
RelatedResource.contentType attribute A MIME type to expect when dereferencing url. This is a hint for the client to use in data discovery. At least for HTTP URLs, this does not override content-type header that is returned with url.
RelatedResource.relationType attribute The kind of relation between the current data set and the related resource.
RelatedResource.url attribute The URL at which to find the resource.
RelationType enumeration The kind of relation between the current data set and the related resource. Data providers can use free terms here, but they are strongly encouraged to keep to the standard vocabulary whenever possible.
RelationType.calibration literal The URL leads to data sets used in the calibration of the current data set.
RelationType.raw literal The URL leads to a less processed predecessor of the current data set.
RelationType.rendered literal The URL leads to a rendering of the data set; this could be both a preview or a full plot; the accessSize will give further hints on this distinction.
RelationType.siap literal The URL leads to a SIAP service containing the dataset.
RelationType.ssap literal The URL leads to an SSAP service containing the dataset.
Service objectType A (free) Service within datalink is described by a set of input parameters. They get their metadata primarily through UCDs, but specific data models (e.g., STC or a future Image data model) can be used for further annotation.
Service.accessURL attribute The base URL to which the parameters must be added. Note that the base URL might already contain serialized parameters.
Service.description attribute A human-readable explanation of the service's overall role (and action)
Service.inputParameter collection A description of an input parameter to the service.
ServiceParameter objectType A parameter of the service.
ServiceParameter.defaultValue attribute The default value to be assigned to this parameter.

4.Imported Models

This section lists the external models imported by the current data model. For each imported model we list URLs to the VO-DML and HTML representations and the prefix used for utype-s from inside the model.

4.1 ivoa

Model name/prefix ivoa
documentation url