source designation formed from sexigesimal coordinates right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) declination (J2000 decimal deg) Right ascention in Sexagesimal format. Declination in Sexagesimal format. major axis of 1-sigma error ellipse minor axis of 1-sigma error ellipse angle of error ellipse major axis unit="E of" N J band selected "default" magnitude corrected J band photometric uncertainty combined (total J band photometric uncertainty) J band (scan) signal-to-noise ratio H band selected 'default' magnitude corrected H band photometric uncertainty combined (total) H band photometric uncertainty H band "scan" signal-to-noise ratio K band selected 'default' magnitude corrected K band photometric uncertainty combined (total) K band photometric uncertainty K band "scan" signal-to-noise ratio source of JHK 'default' mags (AKA 'read flag') indicates JHK artifact contamination and/or confusion flag indicating photometric quality of source Position Angle in degree. Distance between the target position and each source in arcsec.
08120809-0206132 123.033734 -2.103671 08h12m08.10s -02d06m13.22s 0.07 0.06 0 14.161 0.025 0.027 83.8 13.681 0.027 0.029 57.7 13.675 0.048 0.049 25.8 222 000 AAA 122.078134 96.215367 0.4800 0.0060 0.4860
08115683-0205428 122.986794 -2.095231 08h11m56.83s -02d05m42.83s 0.08 0.07 0 15.860 0.060 0.061 17.5 15.103 0.077 0.077 15.6 14.847 0.127 0.128 8.8 222 000 AAB 50.516627 289.867885 0.7570 0.2560 1.0130
08115826-0205336 122.992773 -2.092676 08h11m58.27s -02d05m33.63s 0.26 0.24 76 16.273 0.096 0.097 12.0 15.718 0.112 0.112 8.8 15.460 0.212 0.212 5.0 222 000 ABD 37.029393 315.400985 0.5550 0.2580 0.8130
08121086-0207102 123.045252 -2.119513 08h12m10.86s -02d07m10.25s 0.07 0.06 0 13.512 0.021 0.024 152.3 13.058 0.024 0.026 102.5 12.956 0.029 0.030 50.0 222 000 AAA 177.305955 113.341027 0.4540 0.1020 0.5560
08120662-0205179 123.027609 -2.088332 08h12m06.63s -02d05m18.00s 0.07 0.06 0 13.478 0.026 0.029 157.1 13.188 0.027 0.029 90.9 13.142 0.030 0.032 42.1 222 000 AAA 107.842761 67.077088 0.2900 0.0460 0.3360
08120809-0206132 23.2 .04 sdss:g
08120809-0206132 23.0 .03 sdss:r