#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # build.properties # control file for ant project targets # + specifies areas to be processed # + provides important external information for the various targets. # # TODO licensing??? # # BE CAREFUL WITH TRAILING SPACES, SHOULD BE TRIMMED HERE!!! #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Defines one or more (comma separated) folders containing a vo-dml.properties # file. If multiple models are defined, there must be no trailing or internal # whitespaces! Having multiple models requires existence of ant.contrib.jar, # which is added under ./xslt/libs/ # #models=./models/ivoa,./models/source,./models/ds models=./models/provenancedm #models=./models/provenancedm-test #../provenance/vo-dml # #-------------------------------------- # when generating html: run_vo-dml2html #-------------------------------------- # If GraphViz is installed on the system, define the location of the 'dot' # executable here. This allows the HTML generator script to generate a # diagram of the model, with links from the boxes to the description in # the HTML documentation. # User MUST provide the full path to the executable graphviz.path = /usr/bin/dot #graphviz.path = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Graphviz2.38/bin/dot.exe" #-------------------------------------- # when generating schemas: run_vo-dml2xsd #-------------------------------------- schemalocation_root=https://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/dm/vo-dml/models-xsd/ #------------------------------------------------------------- # when generating java: run_vo-dml2pojo # uncomment the include of build_java.xml at end of build.xml! #------------------------------------------------------------- # File defining which models should be translated to Java, including custom # mapping declarations mapping.file=./java/gen/mapping_file.xml # Defines the root package with vodml base classes # SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED! vodml.package=org.ivoa.vodml.model # Location of jaxb .jar files # required for xjc generation from XML schemas, and paths generation # (needs to parse VO-DML docs using JAXB) # see http://jaxb.kava.net jaxb.dir=C:/software/java/jaxb-ri-2.2.11/lib