SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 8 / NAXIS = 0 / no primary array EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H FILENAME= 'hpolret_a0535+26_19940331_hw.fits' / FITS file name DATE = '2005-07-12T14:26:38' / FITS file creation date DATE_OBS= '1994-03-31' / UT Date of Observation ccyy-mm-dd MJD_OBS = 49442.06 / [days] MJD at start of obs (JD-2,400,000.05) TIME_OBS= 1.3556 / [hours] UT time at start of obs OBSERVAT= 'PBO ' / Pine Bluff Observatory TELESCOP= '36-inch ' / Telescope INSTRUME= 'SPECTROPOLARIMETER' / Instrument Used MODE = 'HPOL ' / Halfwave Polarimeter Mode DETECTOR= 'Reticon ' / Detector OBJECT = 'A0535+26' / Object Observed NAME2 = 'HD245770' / Alternate Object Name ID = '3818 ' / WUPPE ID number for Object TYPE = 'XRTr ' / Type of Object SPTYPE = 'BO5e ' / Spectral Type VMAG = 9.4 / V magnitude EQUINOX = 2000.0 / Equinox for coordinates RA = '0538545 ' / Right Ascension in hhmmsss DEC = '+261857 ' / Declination in sddmmss EXPOSURE= 4915.00 / Useful Exposure Time (seconds) HVPS = 4.30 / High Voltage Power Supply (volts) THERM = -36.40 / Detector temperature (Centigrade) POSANGLE= 90.00 / Observatory Position Angle (Degrees) SLIT = 4 / Slit Number of Entrance Aperture DECKER = 6 / Decker Number of Entrance Aperture COMMENT Note: The most commonly used slit/decker combination COMMENT is slit=4, decker=6 (12" x 12"). COMMENT Slit Widths for this HPOL system are: COMMENT 1: 1.5", 2: 3.0", 3: 6.0", 4: 12.0", 5: 50.0", 0: unknown COMMENT The decker controls the length of the slit being used. COMMENT Deckers for this HPOL system are: COMMENT 1: Occulting 25" with central 6" obscured COMMENT 2: Occulting 50" with central 12" obscured COMMENT 3: 1.5", 4: 3.0", 5: 6.0", 6: 12.0", 7: 25.0" COMMENT 8: 50.0", 9: 100.0", 0: unknown OBSERVER= 'pbm ' / Observer of the Data REDUCER = 'nez ' / Reducer of the Data DATASTAT= 'DG ' / Data Status (DG=Degraded) REDCOMME= ' ' / Data reduction comments COMMENT Useful data generally are from 3180A-7700A with a spectral COMMENT resolution of 25A. COMMENT HPOL reticon flux calibration has a relative flux accuracy COMMENT of 0.05 magnitudes for the 12"/12" slit/decker combination. COMMENT Fluxes are not absolute due to non-photometric skies. END