Data model describing the structure and content of the IVOA Provenance Data Model. This re-uses the concepts from the W3C Provenance DM, but extends it with a description layer for Activities and Entities. The « voprov » name has ben choosen to avoid clashing with W3C « prov » namespace
<Enter note text here>
Package for IVOA datatypes
<Enter note text here>
XML identifier
IVOA identifier
IVOA publisher DID
real value
decimal value
Date time
String value
Non negative integer value
Boolean value
Integer value
rational value
complex value
Duration value
Unit quantity
Generic quantity with a unit
IVOA unit for the quantity
Integer quantity
Integer value
Real quantity
Real value
This package gathers the necessary classes for expressing the configuration of a task before, during and after execution.
We consider only the executed version will be stored in a provenance information system.
How to both use and interpret the parameter
Name of the parameter
VOTable compliant data type of the parameter value
VO unit string
Unified Content Descriptor, supplying a standardized classification of the physical quantity
Expresses the role of the parameter in the context of VO data mode text
Minimum parameter value as a string whose value can be interpreted by the valueType attribute
Maximum parameter value as a string whose value can be interpreted by the valueType attribute
Default parameter value as a string whose value can be interpreted by the valueType attribute.
array of possible values
A text that explains the content and purpose of this Parameter.
Properties of the configuration files
Name of the instance
MIME-type or format of the configuration file
A text that explains the content and purpose of the configuration file.
A simple value which is part of the configuration of an activity instance
A Parameter instance can have a value derived from a ValueEntity value element computed previously by some former Activity instance. Therefore, the ValueEntity it refers to is generated with another instance of the Activity class, in a different generation scenario executed previously.
This references such a ValueEntity from the Parameter instance.
Gathers the properties and the description of the Parameter instance.
The value of the parameter. The data type, meaning, units, etc., are stored in the ParameterDescription instance bound to it.
Name of the parameter
The values used to control the activity can be provided as a Configuration file document.
Points to the corresponding description class
Name of the file
Path or URL to the config file
text containing comments on the config file
This is an association class binding an Activity Instance to one configuration artefact which can be a Parameter instance or a ConfigFile instance .
Attribute "artefactType" holds the type of its target .
Points to the configuration file
points to parameter
Object type pointed by the instance
The configuration for an Activity ( job) can be fully explicit , with a list of searchable parameters , or expressed into a document file storing the configuration . This attribute contains the type of config information at the end of the wasConfiguredby association instance .
Label for parameter config artifact
Label for config file config artifact
Gathers Configuration elements for this Activity instance
A person or an organisation that was involved in the follow-up of an Activity, or can be credited for the production of an Entity.
Unique identifier for an Agent. Must be unique in the domain.
Agent name
Defines the Agent type : Person, Organization or SoftwareAgent
A text about some peculiar information on the instance.
Email address of the Agent
Agent's affiliation
Agent's phone number
Agent's postmail address
Reference URL to the agent
Denotes the assignment of responsibility to an agent for an activity.
Points to the agent
Function of the agent with respect to the activity
Links an Agent to the Entity it is responsible for. Various roles for this relation are allowed and defined in the Provenance vocabulary under TypeOfAgentRole
Points to the agent.
Function of the agent with respect to the entity.
A task executed at some time. It consumes products via relations of type Used and produces results via relations of type WasGeneratedBy.
The method applied for this task is described in the ActivityDescription class and its subtree.
Gathers Agents bound to this Activity instance
refers to an activity providing information
Gathers Entities used by the Activity instance
Points to the corresponding description class
Gathers Configuration elements for this Activity instance
Unique identifier for an Activity. Must be unique in the domain.
Activity name
This allows to know when the activity was launched .
This is might help to check dependencies and errors into the database.
Time when the Activity ends up.
A text about some peculiar information on the instance.
Binds an Activity to the Entities it consumes .
Points to the used entity
This link points to some description of the Usage in the context of one specific ActivityDescription.
function of the entity with respect to the activity
Time at which the usage of an entity started
A thing which is consumed or produced in a task , namely here in the astronomical domain. It represents some data as single element or file or an instrument.
Binds to the activity which generated this entity
Gathers Agents to which the entity was attributed
The link from the progenitor Entity to its descendant.
Link to the corresponding EntityDescription instance. Many Entities may share the same EntityDescription instance.
Unique identifier for an Entity. Must be unique in the domain.
This is a text string which designate the Entity for display in application or diagrams . It can follow various syntax and naming conventions depending on the Entity subclass : dataset, quality flag, device name convention, etc .
A path, a URL, coordinates or the name of a place.
The time and date of generation for the entity. The format is chosen by the provider e.g. ISO 8601
Date and time of invalidation of the entity. After that date, the entity is no longer available for any use.
A text about some peculiar information on the instance.
This indicates a dependency from one Entity (generated) to its progenitor (used).
The provenance information system may not have the involved Activity instance implemented into the data base.
Binds an Entity to the Activity that produced it as a result.
points to the creating Activity instance.
Points to the instance of GenerationDescription describing this kind of generated output.
Function of the entity with respect to the activity.
A collection of Entities. It is a way to consider a set of entities when produced and consumed with respect to an Activity.
Allows coarse description of the provenance.
Binds a collection entity to its members
An entity that only contains a value. The way to interpret this value is described in the ValueDescription instance it linked to.
The value of the Entity.
An Entity which represents a data file in the Provenance system. It is not the data file itself
Gives further information on how an activity works internally.
Gathers the description classes explaining the Parameter object that can be applied when running an Activity that can follow this ActivityDescription template.
Gathers the description of the config files
This link points to some description of the Usage in the context of one specific ActivityDescription.
This link points to some description of the results produced in the context of one specific ActivityDescription.
Instance name
Version number, if applicable
A descriptive text for this kind of activity
Link to more documentation
type of the activity
More specific subtype of the activity
This class gathers description features about the products an ActivityDescription considers as input resources. It can differentiate various roles and types of Entities consumed by the task described by the corresponding ActivityDescription instance.
Points to the description of the used entities
Function of the entity with respect to its usage by the activity.
A descriptive text for this kind of usage
type of the usage. It is a free text attribute with some reserved words
Number of expected input entities to be used with the given role. The string syntax is similar to that of VO-DML in the form ‘minOccurs..maxOccurs” or a single value if minOccurs and maxOccurs are identical.
This class gathers description features about the products an ActivityDescription considers as output results.
Points to the description of the used entities
A label that describes the function of what was produced. It is defined in the context of an ActivityDescription instance.
A descriptive text for this kind of entity generation
Type of the entity generation. It is a free text attribute with some reserved words
Number of expected input entities to be generated with the given role. The string syntax is similar to that of VO-DML in the form ‘minOccurs..maxOccurs” or a single value if minOccurs and maxOccurs are identical.
This class is meant to store descriptive information for
different categories of entities.
Instance name
A descriptive text for this kind of entity
Link to more documentation
Type of the entity
Description of the properties of a ValueEntity.
VOTable compliant data type of the parameter value
VO unit string
VO-compliant UCD string
Role of the value in the context of an external VO data mode
The description of a DatasetEntity. Can be pointed to by multiple instances of DatasetEntity.
MIME-type or format of the dataset
A literal for specifying the Agent type : Individal or Organisation or SoftwareAgent
Type label for agents considered as persons
Type label for agents considered as organizations
Type label for agents considered as software agents
Field format as defined in the VOTable specification
VOTable datatype
VOTable arraysize: expresses the dimension of the field value
VOTable xtype: expands the basic datatype primitives