VODML-version of Provenance Data Model. This version may still change at any time, also see the current working draft in ../description/ For recreating the vodml-xml, html documentation etc., do the following (usual) steps: * copy latest xmi version to this directory: cp ../datamodel-diagrams/provenance.xmi . * switch to the vo-dml directory, tools/ cd ../../vo-dml/tools/ * adjust build.properties: vi build.properties -> set here "models=../../provenance/vo-dml" * create the provenancedm.vo-dml.xml file by running from the tools-directory:: ant run_xmi2vo-dml - if error: No uml:Model found or namespace problems, edit the provenance.xmi-file directly and patch the xmi namespace: xmlns:uml="http://www.omg.org/spec/UML/20100901/" (or use "bash repair_namespace.sh provenance.xmi" within the provenance/vo-dml directory) - retry: ant run_xmi2vo-dml * create the html documentation: ant run_vo-dml2html - if there are a lot of TODO-strings, the descriptions for each class/attribute are not stored in Modelio and thus not in the xmi-file. - just add them to the vo-dml.xml file like this: - extract descriptions for each element using extract_descriptions.py - edit the created Provenance.descriptions file - add the descriptions from this file back into ProvenanceDM.vo-dml.xml: python add_descriptions.py xml/ProvenanceDM.vo-dml.xml ProvenanceDM.descriptions mv xml/ProvenanceDM-new.vo-dml.xml xml/ProvenanceDM.vo-dml.xml - regenerate html docu: ant run_vo-dml2html Now the descriptions are included! Thus, if a *new* version of the model was exported from Modelio, run the following steps: * in provenance/vo-dml/ - bash repair_namespace.sh provenance.xmi * in vo-dml/tools/ - adjust build.properties - ant run_xmi2vo-dml * in provenance/vo-dml/ - python add_descriptions.py xml/ProvenanceDM.vo-dml.xml ProvenanceDM.descriptions - mv xml/ProvenanceDM-new.vo-dml.xml xml/ProvenanceDM.vo-dml.xml # export again and edit descriptions, if new classes/attributes had been added - python extract_descriptions.py xml/ProvenanceDM.vo-dml.xml --output ProvenanceDM.descriptions_new - edit the now combined descriptions as desired # add combined descriptions again - python add_descriptions.py xml/ProvenanceDM.vo-dml.xml ProvenanceDM.descriptions_new - mv xml/ProvenanceDM-new.vo-dml.xml xml/ProvenanceDM.vo-dml.xml * in vo-dml/tools/ - ant run_vo-dml2html