Table of Contents

1.     model: provenance
2.     Packages and Types
2.1     [root package]
2.2     package: ivoa
2.2.1     dataType: IntegerQuantity
2.2.2     dataType: Quantity
2.2.3     dataType: RealQuantity
2.2.4     primitiveType: Unit
2.2.5     primitiveType: anyURI
2.2.6     primitiveType: boolean
2.2.7     primitiveType: complex
2.2.8     primitiveType: datetime
2.2.9     primitiveType: integer
2.2.10     primitiveType: nonnegativeinteger
2.2.11     primitiveType: rational
2.2.12     primitiveType: real
2.2.13     primitiveType: string
2.3     package: provenance
2.3.1     objectType: Activity
2.3.2     objectType: ActivityDescription
2.3.3     objectType: ActivityFlow
2.3.4     objectType: Agent
2.3.5     enumeration: AgentRole
2.3.6     objectType: Collection
2.3.7     objectType: Entity
2.3.8     objectType: EntityDescription
2.3.9     objectType: HadMember
2.3.10     objectType: HadStep
2.3.11     objectType: Parameter
2.3.12     objectType: ParameterDescription
2.3.13     objectType: Used
2.3.14     objectType: UsedDescription
2.3.15     objectType: WasAssociatedWith
2.3.16     objectType: WasAttributedTo
2.3.17     objectType: WasGeneratedBy
2.3.18     objectType: WasGeneratedByDescription
3.     vodml-id-s

1. Model: (provenance)

Authors :
Date : 2017-10-03T23:55:08
Version : 0.x
Abstract : <Enter note text here>
Diagram : The following diagram has been generated from the model using the GraphViz tool.
The classes and packages in the diagram can be clicked and are mapped to the descriptions of the corresponding element elsewhere in the document.

2.Model contents: Packages and Types

The following sub-sections present all packages in the model with their types. The packages are listed here in alphabetical order. Each sub-section contains a description of the package and a table containing its various features.

2.1 [root package]

Model provenance
child package(s) ivoa provenance

2.2 package: ivoa

vodml-id ivoa
description The IVOA package
parent provenance
Data types IntegerQuantity Quantity RealQuantity
Primitive types Unit anyURI boolean complex datetime integer nonnegativeinteger rational real string

2.2.1 dataType: IntegerQuantity

vodml-id ivoa.IntegerQuantity
description Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
package ivoa
extends Quantity [provenance:ivoa.Quantity]
name feature value
value type integer [provenance:integer]
vodml-id ivoa.IntegerQuantity.value
multiplicity 1
description Integer value of a quantity

2.2.2 dataType: Quantity

vodml-id ivoa.Quantity
description Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
package ivoa
Subclasses in this model IntegerQuantity RealQuantity
name feature value
unit type Unit [provenance:ivoa.Unit]
vodml-id ivoa.Quantity.unit
multiplicity 0..1
description Unit of a quantity

2.2.3 dataType: RealQuantity

vodml-id ivoa.RealQuantity
description Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
package ivoa
extends Quantity [provenance:ivoa.Quantity]
name feature value
value type real [provenance:ivoa.real]
vodml-id ivoa.RealQuantity.value
multiplicity 1
description Real value of a quantity

2.2.4 primitiveType: Unit

vodml-id ivoa.Unit
description Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
package ivoa

2.2.5 primitiveType: anyURI

vodml-id ivoa.anyURI
description Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
package ivoa

2.2.6 primitiveType: boolean

vodml-id boolean
description Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
package ivoa

2.2.7 primitiveType: complex

vodml-id complex
description Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
package ivoa

2.2.8 primitiveType: datetime

vodml-id ivoa.datetime
description Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
package ivoa

2.2.9 primitiveType: integer

vodml-id integer
description Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
package ivoa

2.2.10 primitiveType: nonnegativeinteger

vodml-id ivoa.nonnegativeinteger
description Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
package ivoa

2.2.11 primitiveType: rational

vodml-id rational
description Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
package ivoa

2.2.12 primitiveType: real

vodml-id ivoa.real
description Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
package ivoa

2.2.13 primitiveType: string

vodml-id string
description Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
package ivoa

2.3 package: provenance

vodml-id provenance
description The provenance package for describing provenance.
parent provenance
Object types Activity ActivityDescription ActivityFlow Agent Collection Entity EntityDescription HadMember HadStep Parameter ParameterDescription Used UsedDescription WasAssociatedWith WasAttributedTo WasGeneratedBy WasGeneratedByDescription
Enumerations AgentRole

2.3.1 objectType: Activity

vodml-id provenance.Activity
description A process or task, e.g. observation, calibration of images, stacking of images, calculation of a property, simulation of a spectrum
package provenance
Subclasses in this model ActivityFlow
referrers Activity HadStep WasGeneratedBy
name feature value
id type string [provenance:string]
multiplicity 1
description A unique (qualified) identifier for the activity (unique in its realm)
name type string [provenance:string]
multiplicity 0..1
description A human-readable name (to be displayed by clients)
startTime type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.Activity.startTime
multiplicity 1
description Datetime at which the activity was started
endTime type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.Activity.endTime
multiplicity 1
description Datetime at which the activity ended
annotation type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.Activity.annotation
multiplicity 0..1
description Additional explanations for the specific activity instance
votype type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.Activity.votype
multiplicity 0..1
description Used to distinguish between a simple "activity" or an "activityFlow"
name feature value
description type ActivityDescription [provenance:provenance.ActivityDescription]
vodml-id provenance.Activity.description
multiplicity 0..1
description Link to the activityDescription of this activity (if existing)
informant type Activity [provenance:provenance.Activity]
vodml-id provenance.Activity.informant
multiplicity 0..*
description Link from an (informed) activity to a preceding activity (informant); wasInformedBy relationship
name feature value
parameter type Parameter [provenance:provenance.Parameter]
vodml-id provenance.Activity.parameter
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description Link to a parameter of this activity
used type Used [provenance:provenance.Used]
vodml-id provenance.Activity.used
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description Link to Used class linking to the used entities; there can be many used-links, one for each used entity.
wasAssociatedWith type WasAssociatedWith [provenance:provenance.WasAssociatedWith]
vodml-id provenance.Activity.wasAssociatedWith
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description Link to a class linking to an agent that was responsible for this activity (the role he/she/it performs may be given as additional attribute in wasAssociatedWith)

2.3.2 objectType: ActivityDescription

vodml-id provenance.ActivityDescription
description A class for describing the general method underlying an activity.
package provenance
referrers Activity WasGeneratedByDescription
name feature value
id type string [provenance:string]
multiplicity 1
description Unique identifier for this activityDescription (unique in its realm)
name type string [provenance:string]
multiplicity 0..1
description A human-readable name (to be displayed by clients)
type type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.ActivityDescription.type
multiplicity 0..1
description A general type of the method for this activity, e.g. calibration, pipeline, ...
subtype type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.ActivityDescription.subtype
multiplicity 0..1
description A subtype describing the general method of the activity further
annotation type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.ActivityDescription.annotation
multiplicity 0..1
description Additional description text, comments, remarks, ...
code type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.ActivityDescription.code
multiplicity 0..1
description The code (software) used for this process, if applicable
version type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.ActivityDescription.version
multiplicity 0..1
description A version number, if applicable (e.g. for the code)
doculink type anyURI [provenance:ivoa.anyURI]
vodml-id provenance.ActivityDescription.doculink
multiplicity 0..1
description Link to documentation for this activityDescription
name feature value
parameterDescription type ParameterDescription [provenance:provenance.ParameterDescription]
vodml-id provenance.ActivityDescription.parameterDescription
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description Link to parameterDescription, describing which kind of parameter can be used with this activity-type
usedDescription type UsedDescription [provenance:provenance.UsedDescription]
vodml-id provenance.ActivityDescription.usedDescription
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description Link to entityDescriptions, describing which kind of entity can be used with this activity-type

2.3.3 objectType: ActivityFlow

vodml-id provenance.ActivityFlow
description Class for a group of activities, it's an activity itself
package provenance
extends Activity [provenance:provenance.Activity]
name feature value
hadStep type HadStep [provenance:provenance.HadStep]
vodml-id provenance.ActivityFlow.hadStep
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description Link to the class that links the activityFlow with its sub-activities

2.3.4 objectType: Agent

vodml-id provenance.Agent
description Class for individuals and organizations who/that are responsible for entities or activities
package provenance
referrers WasAssociatedWith WasAttributedTo
name feature value
id type string [provenance:string]
multiplicity 1
description Unique identifier for an agent (unique in its realm)
name type string [provenance:string]
multiplicity 1
description A common name for this agent; e.g. first name and last name; project name, agency name, ...
type type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.Agent.type
multiplicity 0..1
description Type of the agent: either Individual or Organization
email type string [provenance:string]
multiplicity 0..1
description Contact email of the agent
address type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.Agent.address
multiplicity 0..1
description Address of the agent

2.3.5 enumeration: AgentRole

vodml-id provenance.AgentRole
description The role that an agent takes while being responsible for something; e.g. observer, developer, operator etc.
package provenance
name feature value
Observer vodml-id provenance.AgentRole.Observer
description Example role for an agent, observer at the telescope
Creator vodml-id provenance.AgentRole.Creator
description Example role for an agent, someone who created a dataset
Author vodml-id provenance.AgentRole.Author
description Example role for an agent, someone who wrote and article, software, proposal, ...
Editor vodml-id provenance.AgentRole.Editor
description Example role for an agent, editor of e.g. an article, before publishing
Publisher vodml-id provenance.AgentRole.Publisher
description Example role for an agent, organization (publishing house, institution) that published something
Operator vodml-id provenance.AgentRole.Operator
description Example role for an agent, someone performing a given task
Coordinator vodml-id provenance.AgentRole.Coordinator
description Example role for an agent, someone coordinating/leading a project
Provider vodml-id provenance.AgentRole.Provider
description Example role for an agent, an organization that makes data and/or services available to users over the network

2.3.6 objectType: Collection

vodml-id provenance.Collection
description Class for a group of entities, it's an entity itself
package provenance
extends Entity [provenance:provenance.Entity]
name feature value
hadMember type HadMember [provenance:provenance.HadMember]
vodml-id provenance.Collection.hadMember
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description Link to the class that links the collection with its member entities

2.3.7 objectType: Entity

vodml-id provenance.Entity
description A thing at a certain state, in astronomy typcially data products like images, spectra, catalogs, log files, weather reports, ...
package provenance
Subclasses in this model Collection
referrers Entity HadMember Used
name feature value
id type string [provenance:string]
multiplicity 1
description Unique identifier for this entity (unique in its realm)
name type string [provenance:string]
multiplicity 0..1
description A human-readable name for this entity
type type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.Entity.type
multiplicity 0..1
description A provenance type (from W3C), i.e. one of: prov:collection, prov:bundle, prov:plan, prov:entity; not needed for a simple entity
annotation type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.Entity.annotation
multiplicity 0..1
description Text describing the entity in more detail
rights type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.Entity.rights
multiplicity 0..1
description Access rights for the data, values: public, restricted or internal; can be linked to Curation.Rights from ObsCore/Dataset Metadata Model
creationTime type datetime [provenance:ivoa.datetime]
vodml-id provenance.Entity.creationTime
multiplicity 0..1
description Datetime at which the entity was created
name feature value
description type EntityDescription [provenance:provenance.EntityDescription]
vodml-id provenance.Entity.description
multiplicity 0..1
description Link to the entityDescription for this entity
usedEntity type Entity [provenance:provenance.Entity]
vodml-id provenance.Entity.usedEntity
multiplicity 0..*
description Link to the entity that was used in a wasDerivedFrom-relation.
name feature value
wasAttributedTo type WasAttributedTo [provenance:provenance.WasAttributedTo]
vodml-id provenance.Entity.wasAttributedTo
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description Link to the class that links to an agent who was responsible and gets attribution for this entity
wasGeneratedBy type WasGeneratedBy [provenance:provenance.WasGeneratedBy]
vodml-id provenance.Entity.wasGeneratedBy
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description Link to the WasGeneratedBy class linking to an activity (or activityFlow) generating this entity; if no activityFlow, there must be only one wasGeneratedBy-relation to only one generating activity

2.3.8 objectType: EntityDescription

vodml-id provenance.EntityDescription
description Class for general descriptions of entities, contains properties that are known before an entity is created.
package provenance
referrers Entity UsedDescription
name feature value
id type string [provenance:string]
multiplicity 1
description Unique identitfier for this entityDescription
name type string [provenance:string]
multiplicity 0..1
description Human-readable name for the entityDescription
annotation type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.EntityDescription.annotation
multiplicity 0..1
description Descriptive text for this kind of entity
category type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.EntityDescription.category
multiplicity 0..1
description Specifies if entities linked to this description contain information on logging, system (environment), calibration, simulation, observation, configuration, ...
doculink type anyURI [provenance:ivoa.anyURI]
vodml-id provenance.EntityDescription.doculink
multiplicity 0..1
description Link to more documentation
name feature value
wasGeneratedByDescription type WasGeneratedByDescription [provenance:provenance.WasGeneratedByDescription]
vodml-id provenance.EntityDescription.wasGeneratedByDescription
multiplicity 0..*
isOrdered false
description Link to the wasGeneratedBy class linking to the ActivityDescription for activities that generate this type of entities

2.3.9 objectType: HadMember

vodml-id provenance.HadMember
description Class for linking collections with their member entities
package provenance
name feature value
entity type Entity [provenance:provenance.Entity]
vodml-id provenance.HadMember.entity
multiplicity 1
description Entity that belongs to a collection

2.3.10 objectType: HadStep

vodml-id provenance.HadStep
description Class for linking activityFlows with their sub-processes
package provenance
name feature value
activity type Activity [provenance:provenance.Activity]
vodml-id provenance.HadStep.activity
multiplicity 1
description The sub-activity of an activityFlow

2.3.11 objectType: Parameter

vodml-id provenance.Parameter
description Class for the parameters of an activity
package provenance
name feature value
id type string [provenance:string]
multiplicity 1
description Unique identifier of a parameter
value type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.Parameter.value
multiplicity 1
description Value of the parameter
name feature value
description type ParameterDescription [provenance:provenance.ParameterDescription]
vodml-id provenance.Parameter.description
multiplicity 0..1
description Link to the corresponding parameterDescription

2.3.12 objectType: ParameterDescription

vodml-id provenance.ParameterDescription
description Class for describing parameters; contains everything except the actual value
package provenance
referrers Parameter
name feature value
id type string [provenance:string]
multiplicity 1
description Unique identifier for this parameterDescription
name type string [provenance:string]
multiplicity 1
description Name of this parameter
datatype type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.ParameterDescription.datatype
multiplicity 1
description Datatype
unit type Unit [provenance:ivoa.Unit]
vodml-id provenance.ParameterDescription.unit
multiplicity 0..1
description Physical unit
ucd type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.ParameterDescription.ucd
multiplicity 0..1
description Unified Content Descriptor, supplying a standardized classification of the physical quantity
utype type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.ParameterDescription.utype
multiplicity 0..1
description UType, meant to express the role of the parameter in the context of an external data model
annotation type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.ParameterDescription.annotation
multiplicity 0..1
description Additional free text description
min type real [provenance:ivoa.real]
vodml-id provenance.ParameterDescription.min
multiplicity 0..1
description Minimum value
max type real [provenance:ivoa.real]
vodml-id provenance.ParameterDescription.max
multiplicity 0..1
description Maximum value
options type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.ParameterDescription.options
multiplicity 0..*
description List of accepted values

2.3.13 objectType: Used

vodml-id provenance.Used
description Class for linking activities with the input entities
package provenance
name feature value
role type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.Used.role
multiplicity 0..1
description Role that an entity had when being used by an activity; usually only needed if no UseDescription.role is used
name feature value
description type UsedDescription [provenance:provenance.UsedDescription]
vodml-id provenance.Used.description
multiplicity 0..1
description Link to corresponding UsedDescription class (where the "role" of an entity may be stored)
entity type Entity [provenance:provenance.Entity]
vodml-id provenance.Used.entity
multiplicity 1
description Link to an entity that is being used for some activity

2.3.14 objectType: UsedDescription

vodml-id provenance.UsedDescription
description Class for specifying the expected Used relations for ActivityDescriptions
package provenance
referrers Used
name feature value
role type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.UsedDescription.role
multiplicity 0..1
description Role that an entity had when being used by an activity
name feature value
entityDescription type EntityDescription [provenance:provenance.EntityDescription]
vodml-id provenance.UsedDescription.entityDescription
multiplicity 1
description Link to the corresponding entityDescription

2.3.15 objectType: WasAssociatedWith

vodml-id provenance.WasAssociatedWith
description Class for linking an activity with a responsible agent
package provenance
name feature value
role type AgentRole [provenance:provenance.AgentRole]
vodml-id provenance.WasAssociatedWith.role
multiplicity 0..1
description Role that an agent had, e.g. operator, observers, software developer
name feature value
agent type Agent [provenance:provenance.Agent]
vodml-id provenance.WasAssociatedWith.agent
multiplicity 1
description Link to the agent associated with an activity

2.3.16 objectType: WasAttributedTo

vodml-id provenance.WasAttributedTo
description Class for linking an entity with a responsible agent
package provenance
name feature value
role type AgentRole [provenance:provenance.AgentRole]
vodml-id provenance.WasAttributedTo.role
multiplicity 1
description Role that an agent had, e.g. publisher
name feature value
agent type Agent [provenance:provenance.Agent]
vodml-id provenance.WasAttributedTo.agent
multiplicity 1
description Link to the agent who gets attribution for an entity

2.3.17 objectType: WasGeneratedBy

vodml-id provenance.WasGeneratedBy
description Class for linking entities to their generating activities
package provenance
name feature value
role type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.WasGeneratedBy.role
multiplicity 0..1
description Role that an entity had when being generated, e.g. "log file", "statistics file", "main result"; usually needed only if no WasGeneratedByDescription.role is used
name feature value
activity type Activity [provenance:provenance.Activity]
vodml-id provenance.WasGeneratedBy.activity
multiplicity 1
description Link to the activity that generated an entity
description type WasGeneratedByDescription [provenance:provenance.WasGeneratedByDescription]
vodml-id provenance.WasGeneratedBy.description
multiplicity 0..1
description Link to corresonding wasGeneratedByDescription (which may contain further attributes like "role")

2.3.18 objectType: WasGeneratedByDescription

vodml-id provenance.WasGeneratedByDescription
description Class for specifying the expected WasGeneratedBy relations for EntityDescriptions
package provenance
referrers WasGeneratedBy
name feature value
role type string [provenance:string]
vodml-id provenance.WasGeneratedByDescription.role
multiplicity 0..1
description Role that an entity had when being generated, e.g. "log file", "statistics file", "main result"
name feature value
activityDescription type ActivityDescription [provenance:provenance.ActivityDescription]
vodml-id provenance.WasGeneratedByDescription.activityDescription
multiplicity 1
description Link to the activityDescription

3.Element Identifiers/VO-DMLrefs

The following table shows all fully qualified vodml-ids for this data model. It is ordered alphabetically and the identifiers are hyper-linked to the location in the document where the actual element is fully defined.
vodml-id feature type description
vo-dml:model <Enter note text here>
ivoa package The IVOA package
ivoa.IntegerQuantity dataType Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
ivoa.IntegerQuantity.value attribute Integer value of a quantity
ivoa.Quantity dataType Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
ivoa.Quantity.unit attribute Unit of a quantity
ivoa.RealQuantity dataType Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
ivoa.RealQuantity.value attribute Real value of a quantity
ivoa.Unit primitiveType Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
ivoa.anyURI primitiveType Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
boolean primitiveType Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
complex primitiveType Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
ivoa.datetime primitiveType Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
integer primitiveType Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
ivoa.nonnegativeinteger primitiveType Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
rational primitiveType Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
ivoa.real primitiveType Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
string primitiveType Base Data Types V1.0 (2014)
provenance package The provenance package for describing provenance.
provenance.Activity objectType A process or task, e.g. observation, calibration of images, stacking of images, calculation of a property, simulation of a spectrum
provenance.Activity.annotation attribute Additional explanations for the specific activity instance
provenance.Activity.description reference Link to the activityDescription of this activity (if existing)
provenance.Activity.endTime attribute Datetime at which the activity ended attribute A unique (qualified) identifier for the activity (unique in its realm)
provenance.Activity.informant reference Link from an (informed) activity to a preceding activity (informant); wasInformedBy relationship attribute A human-readable name (to be displayed by clients)
provenance.Activity.parameter composition Link to a parameter of this activity
provenance.Activity.startTime attribute Datetime at which the activity was started
provenance.Activity.used composition Link to Used class linking to the used entities; there can be many used-links, one for each used entity.
provenance.Activity.votype attribute Used to distinguish between a simple "activity" or an "activityFlow"
provenance.Activity.wasAssociatedWith composition Link to a class linking to an agent that was responsible for this activity (the role he/she/it performs may be given as additional attribute in wasAssociatedWith)
provenance.ActivityDescription objectType A class for describing the general method underlying an activity.
provenance.ActivityDescription.annotation attribute Additional description text, comments, remarks, ...
provenance.ActivityDescription.code attribute The code (software) used for this process, if applicable
provenance.ActivityDescription.doculink attribute Link to documentation for this activityDescription attribute Unique identifier for this activityDescription (unique in its realm) attribute A human-readable name (to be displayed by clients)
provenance.ActivityDescription.parameterDescription composition Link to parameterDescription, describing which kind of parameter can be used with this activity-type
provenance.ActivityDescription.subtype attribute A subtype describing the general method of the activity further
provenance.ActivityDescription.type attribute A general type of the method for this activity, e.g. calibration, pipeline, ...
provenance.ActivityDescription.usedDescription composition Link to entityDescriptions, describing which kind of entity can be used with this activity-type
provenance.ActivityDescription.version attribute A version number, if applicable (e.g. for the code)
provenance.ActivityFlow objectType Class for a group of activities, it's an activity itself
provenance.ActivityFlow.hadStep composition Link to the class that links the activityFlow with its sub-activities
provenance.Agent objectType Class for individuals and organizations who/that are responsible for entities or activities
provenance.Agent.address attribute Address of the agent attribute Contact email of the agent attribute Unique identifier for an agent (unique in its realm) attribute A common name for this agent; e.g. first name and last name; project name, agency name, ...
provenance.Agent.type attribute Type of the agent: either Individual or Organization
provenance.AgentRole enumeration The role that an agent takes while being responsible for something; e.g. observer, developer, operator etc.
provenance.AgentRole.Author literal Example role for an agent, someone who wrote and article, software, proposal, ...
provenance.AgentRole.Coordinator literal Example role for an agent, someone coordinating/leading a project
provenance.AgentRole.Creator literal Example role for an agent, someone who created a dataset
provenance.AgentRole.Editor literal Example role for an agent, editor of e.g. an article, before publishing
provenance.AgentRole.Observer literal Example role for an agent, observer at the telescope
provenance.AgentRole.Operator literal Example role for an agent, someone performing a given task
provenance.AgentRole.Provider literal Example role for an agent, an organization that makes data and/or services available to users over the network
provenance.AgentRole.Publisher literal Example role for an agent, organization (publishing house, institution) that published something
provenance.Collection objectType Class for a group of entities, it's an entity itself
provenance.Collection.hadMember composition Link to the class that links the collection with its member entities
provenance.Entity objectType A thing at a certain state, in astronomy typcially data products like images, spectra, catalogs, log files, weather reports, ...
provenance.Entity.annotation attribute Text describing the entity in more detail
provenance.Entity.creationTime attribute Datetime at which the entity was created
provenance.Entity.description reference Link to the entityDescription for this entity attribute Unique identifier for this entity (unique in its realm) attribute A human-readable name for this entity
provenance.Entity.rights attribute Access rights for the data, values: public, restricted or internal; can be linked to Curation.Rights from ObsCore/Dataset Metadata Model
provenance.Entity.type attribute A provenance type (from W3C), i.e. one of: prov:collection, prov:bundle, prov:plan, prov:entity; not needed for a simple entity
provenance.Entity.usedEntity reference Link to the entity that was used in a wasDerivedFrom-relation.
provenance.Entity.wasAttributedTo composition Link to the class that links to an agent who was responsible and gets attribution for this entity
provenance.Entity.wasGeneratedBy composition Link to the WasGeneratedBy class linking to an activity (or activityFlow) generating this entity; if no activityFlow, there must be only one wasGeneratedBy-relation to only one generating activity
provenance.EntityDescription objectType Class for general descriptions of entities, contains properties that are known before an entity is created.
provenance.EntityDescription.annotation attribute Descriptive text for this kind of entity
provenance.EntityDescription.category attribute Specifies if entities linked to this description contain information on logging, system (environment), calibration, simulation, observation, configuration, ...
provenance.EntityDescription.doculink attribute Link to more documentation attribute Unique identitfier for this entityDescription attribute Human-readable name for the entityDescription
provenance.EntityDescription.wasGeneratedByDescription composition Link to the wasGeneratedBy class linking to the ActivityDescription for activities that generate this type of entities
provenance.HadMember objectType Class for linking collections with their member entities
provenance.HadMember.entity reference Entity that belongs to a collection
provenance.HadStep objectType Class for linking activityFlows with their sub-processes
provenance.HadStep.activity reference The sub-activity of an activityFlow
provenance.Parameter objectType Class for the parameters of an activity
provenance.Parameter.description reference Link to the corresponding parameterDescription attribute Unique identifier of a parameter
provenance.Parameter.value attribute Value of the parameter
provenance.ParameterDescription objectType Class for describing parameters; contains everything except the actual value
provenance.ParameterDescription.annotation attribute Additional free text description
provenance.ParameterDescription.datatype attribute Datatype attribute Unique identifier for this parameterDescription
provenance.ParameterDescription.max attribute Maximum value
provenance.ParameterDescription.min attribute Minimum value attribute Name of this parameter
provenance.ParameterDescription.options attribute List of accepted values
provenance.ParameterDescription.ucd attribute Unified Content Descriptor, supplying a standardized classification of the physical quantity
provenance.ParameterDescription.unit attribute Physical unit
provenance.ParameterDescription.utype attribute UType, meant to express the role of the parameter in the context of an external data model
provenance.Used objectType Class for linking activities with the input entities
provenance.Used.description reference Link to corresponding UsedDescription class (where the "role" of an entity may be stored)
provenance.Used.entity reference Link to an entity that is being used for some activity
provenance.Used.role attribute Role that an entity had when being used by an activity; usually only needed if no UseDescription.role is used
provenance.UsedDescription objectType Class for specifying the expected Used relations for ActivityDescriptions
provenance.UsedDescription.entityDescription reference Link to the corresponding entityDescription
provenance.UsedDescription.role attribute Role that an entity had when being used by an activity
provenance.WasAssociatedWith objectType Class for linking an activity with a responsible agent
provenance.WasAssociatedWith.agent reference Link to the agent associated with an activity
provenance.WasAssociatedWith.role attribute Role that an agent had, e.g. operator, observers, software developer
provenance.WasAttributedTo objectType Class for linking an entity with a responsible agent
provenance.WasAttributedTo.agent reference Link to the agent who gets attribution for an entity
provenance.WasAttributedTo.role attribute Role that an agent had, e.g. publisher
provenance.WasGeneratedBy objectType Class for linking entities to their generating activities
provenance.WasGeneratedBy.activity reference Link to the activity that generated an entity
provenance.WasGeneratedBy.description reference Link to corresonding wasGeneratedByDescription (which may contain further attributes like "role")
provenance.WasGeneratedBy.role attribute Role that an entity had when being generated, e.g. "log file", "statistics file", "main result"; usually needed only if no WasGeneratedByDescription.role is used
provenance.WasGeneratedByDescription objectType Class for specifying the expected WasGeneratedBy relations for EntityDescriptions
provenance.WasGeneratedByDescription.activityDescription reference Link to the activityDescription
provenance.WasGeneratedByDescription.role attribute Role that an entity had when being generated, e.g. "log file", "statistics file", "main result"