Provenance Data Model - Working Draft ====================================== What's what? (before overleaf 2018-09) ------------ * ProvDM.html -- the document source code. This is what you should be editing. * ProvDM-fmt.html -- the formatted document. This will be overwritten, so DO NOT edit this. To rebuild it, say "make" (provided you have the necessary dependencies, cf. below) or "make package". * Makefile -- document date, version, and status are defined in there. This may also need some adaptation if your build environment is not a Debian wheezy (or Ubuntu 13.xx); a common target is "package". See the comment at the top of Makefile for instructions on how to set up things so they should work. Working with the SVN Repository =============================== Get the code ------------ Check-out the repository: svn checkout --username \ Make use of "ivoadoc" --------------------- (1) Have a look at: This file explains how to make use of "ivoadoc", a collection of scripts helping with the authorship of IVOA documents, which are supposed to be delivered as HTML (and PDF) files. (2) In your working copy, give the command svn propedit svn:externals \ "ivoadoc" . followed by a svn commit svn update (3) If your Makefile says FOSTYLE=ivoadoc/ivoa-fo.xsl this file has to be edited for changing the layout of your PDF. "ivoadoc/ivoa-fo.xsl" is the stylesheet which is used (in combination with the "Xalan" XSLT transformer) to convert the XHTML document to XSL-FO (Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects). In a second step, the XSL-FO document is passed to the Apache FOP formatter ("FOP" refers to "Formatting Objects Processor") that will generate a PDF output document. These processing steps are specified in the Makefile of the "provenance" directory.