------- error: ------- datatype timeseries:timeaxis.RefFrame of TimeSerie.timeframe is not a value type but a 'objectType' ------- error: ------- datatype timeseries:spaceaxis.RefFrame of TimeSerie.spaceframe is not a value type but a 'objectType' ------- error: ------- datatype timeseries:spaceaxis.RefPosition of TimeSerie.position is not a value type but a 'objectType' ------- error: ------- datatype timeseries:wavelengthaxis.RefBand of TimeSerie.filter is not a value type but a 'objectType' ------- error: ------- datatype timeseries:dataset.DataSet of TimeSerie.dataset is not a value type but a 'objectType' ------- error: ------- datatype of TimeSerie.Points is not a value type but a 'ERROR' ------- error: ------- datatype timeseries:points.Anything of points.Point.observable is not a value type but a 'objectType' [schemavalidate] http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VODML/vo-dml-v1.xsd:5:81: TargetNamespace.1 : Espace de noms "http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VODML/v1" attendu mais l'espace de noms cible du document de schéma est 'http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VODML/v1.0'. [schemavalidate] /Users/laurentmichel/Documents/workspace/vodml/Tesselation/vo-dml/models/timeseries.vo-dml.xml:4:113: cvc-elt.1 : Déclaration de l'élément 'vo-dml:model' introuvable. [schemavalidate] /Users/laurentmichel/Documents/workspace/vodml/Tesselation/vo-dml/models/timeseries.vo-dml.xml is not a valid XML document [schemavalidate] http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VODML/vo-dml-v1.xsd:5:81: TargetNamespace.1 : Espace de noms "http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VODML/v1" attendu mais l'espace de noms cible du document de schéma est 'http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VODML/v1.0'. [schemavalidate] /Users/laurentmichel/Documents/workspace/vodml/Tesselation/vo-dml/models/timeseries.vo-dml.xml:4:113: cvc-elt.1 : Déclaration de l'élément 'vo-dml:model' introuvable. [schemavalidate] /Users/laurentmichel/Documents/workspace/vodml/Tesselation/vo-dml/models/timeseries.vo-dml.xml is not a valid XML document