This folder contains sample VOTable-s that are to be annotated with the SourceDM, possibly together with their annotated version. Note, one reason for putting them here is so they're accessible through a URL, which is simplest way to get them imported in the VODML-Mapper. The following is listing of these VOTables: SDSS_match_3tables.votable.xml: - obtained by querying SDSS Stripe82 database, using MatchHead, Match, PhotoObjall. This VOTable has those tables each represented, i.e. is normalized as the database itself. HSC_matches_annotated.vot.xml: - obtained by query the Hubble Source Catalog cone search service with parameters: "ra": 12.283708333333333, "dec": 42.74861111111111, "radius": "0.008333333333333333", The table contains HSC match sources where each match comes from one or more detections. Detections by matchID are available in a separate query. Each match has magnitudes in one or more filters. HSCDetections.vot.xml: - obtained by querying the HSC with a MatchID (the identifier FIELD from the HSC_matches_annotated.vot.xml). The table contains all the detections (sources) that were matched together to make the named match. It contains a reference to the image from which it was detected, along with a magnitude in the filter used in the image.