Astronomical Coordinates and Coordinate Systems

Table of Contents

1.     model: coords
2.     Packages and Types
2.1     [root package]
2.1.1     objectType:AstroCoordSystem
2.1.2     objectType:Axis
2.1.3     objectType:BinnedAxis
2.1.4     dataType:BinnedCoordinate
2.1.5     objectType:CartesianCoordSpace
2.1.6     objectType:ContinuousAxis
2.1.7     objectType:CoordFrame
2.1.8     objectType:CoordSpace
2.1.9     objectType:CoordSys
2.1.10     dataType:Coordinate
2.1.11     dataType:CustomRefLocation
2.1.12     objectType:DiscreteSetAxis
2.1.13     primitiveType:Epoch
2.1.14     objectType:GenericCoordSpace
2.1.15     objectType:GenericFrame
2.1.16     objectType:GenericSys
2.1.17     enumeration:Handedness
2.1.18     dataType:ISOTime
2.1.19     dataType:JD
2.1.20     dataType:MJD
2.1.21     objectType:PhysicalCoordSpace
2.1.22     objectType:PhysicalCoordSys
2.1.23     dataType:PhysicalCoordinate
2.1.24     objectType:PixelCoordSystem
2.1.25     dataType:PixelIndex
2.1.26     objectType:PixelSpace
2.1.27     dataType:Point
2.1.28     dataType:PolCoordinate
2.1.29     dataType:PolState
2.1.30     enumeration:PolStateEnum
2.1.31     dataType:RefLocation
2.1.32     objectType:SpaceFrame
2.1.33     objectType:SpaceSys
2.1.34     objectType:SphericalCoordSpace
2.1.35     dataType:StdRefLocation
2.1.36     objectType:TimeFrame
2.1.37     dataType:TimeInstant
2.1.38     dataType:TimeOffset
2.1.39     dataType:TimeStamp
2.1.40     objectType:TimeSys
3.     vodml-id-s
4.     Imported Models
4.1     ivoa

1. Model: Astronomical Coordinates and Coordinate Systems (coords)

Authors : Arnold Rots, Mark Cresitello-Dittmar, Omar Laurino
Date : 2020-03-13T10:54:42
Version : 1.0
Previous version: : 0
Abstract : This model defines objects which describe the coordinate space, coordinates within that space, and frames, which provide additional metadata regarding the origin, orientation, etc, of the coordinate space. The model also defines a coordinate system, bundling frames into associated groups.
Diagram : The following diagram has been generated from the model using the GraphViz tool.
The classes and packages in the diagram can be clicked and are mapped to the descriptions of the corresponding element elsewhere in the document.

2.Model contents: Packages and Types

The following sub-sections present all packages in the model with their types. The packages are listed here in alphabetical order. Each sub-section contains a description of the package and a table containing its various features.

2.1 [root package]

Model coords
Object types AstroCoordSystem Axis BinnedAxis CartesianCoordSpace ContinuousAxis CoordFrame CoordSpace CoordSys DiscreteSetAxis GenericCoordSpace GenericFrame GenericSys PhysicalCoordSpace PhysicalCoordSys PixelCoordSystem PixelSpace SpaceFrame SpaceSys SphericalCoordSpace TimeFrame TimeSys
Data types BinnedCoordinate Coordinate CustomRefLocation ISOTime JD MJD PhysicalCoordinate PixelIndex Point PolCoordinate PolState RefLocation StdRefLocation TimeInstant TimeOffset TimeStamp
Enumerations Handedness PolStateEnum
Primitive types Epoch

2.1.1 objectType: AstroCoordSystem

vodml-id AstroCoordSystem
description The AstroCoordSystem object holds a collection of component coordinate system descriptions across all represented physical domains.
extends CoordSys [coords:CoordSys]
name feature value
coordSys type PhysicalCoordSys [coords:PhysicalCoordSys]
vodml-id AstroCoordSystem.coordSys
multiplicity 1..*
isOrdered false
description Coordinate system description for each physical domain (Space, Time, etc).

2.1.2 objectType: Axis

vodml-id Axis
description The abstract parent class for all coordinate axis types. We provide concrete classes for the most common types of data, Continuous, Binned, and Discrete, but allow extension for other types as needed.
abstract True
Subclasses in this model BinnedAxis ContinuousAxis DiscreteSetAxis
name feature value
name type ivoa:string
multiplicity 0..1
description Freeform string, provides the name or label for the axis.

2.1.3 objectType: BinnedAxis

vodml-id BinnedAxis
description Axis description for binned data, where values along the axis correspond to a bin number.
extends Axis [coords:Axis]
name feature value
length type ivoa:nonnegativeInteger
vodml-id BinnedAxis.length
multiplicity 1
description The length, or number of bins, along the axis.

2.1.4 dataType: BinnedCoordinate

vodml-id BinnedCoordinate
description Coordinate value type specifically intended for binned data (e.g.: pixel indexes).
extends Coordinate [coords:Coordinate]
Subclasses in this model PixelIndex
name feature value
cval type ivoa:integer
vodml-id BinnedCoordinate.cval
multiplicity 1
description The binned coordinate value, expressed as an integer. e.g.: bin number, pixel index.

2.1.5 objectType: CartesianCoordSpace

vodml-id CartesianCoordSpace
description Spatial domain, three-dimensional cartesian coordinate space. The particulars of the axis descriptions depend on the physical constraints of the instance. In Appendix B, we provide the description of a Standard Cartesian Coordinate Space instance which applies to many Astronomical cases, and may be referenced in serializations.
extends PhysicalCoordSpace [coords:PhysicalCoordSpace]
role constraints
Constrained Role Constraint Feature Constraint Value
axis [coords:CoordSpace.axis]
datatype ContinuousAxis [coords:ContinuousAxis]

2.1.6 objectType: ContinuousAxis

vodml-id ContinuousAxis
description Axis description for continuous data. This object describes the domain for a particular axis of the domain space. It allows for the specification of the legal domain range (min,max), and a flag indicating if the axis is cyclic.
extends Axis [coords:Axis]
name feature value
domainMin type ivoa:Quantity
vodml-id ContinuousAxis.domainMin
multiplicity 0..1
description Minimum extent of the axis domain space. If not provided, the domain space is considered to have no lower bound (-INFINITY).
domainMax type ivoa:Quantity
vodml-id ContinuousAxis.domainMax
multiplicity 0..1
description Maximum extent of the axis domain space. If not provided, the domain space is considered to have no upper bound (+INFINITY).
cyclic type ivoa:boolean
vodml-id ContinuousAxis.cyclic
multiplicity 0..1
description Flag indicating if the axis is cyclic in nature. If not provided, it is assumed to be FALSE.

2.1.7 objectType: CoordFrame

vodml-id CoordFrame
description This is the abstract, empty, base class for all coordinate frames. Coordinate frames provide metadata associated with the coordinate domain space. Typically, this will be related to the origin and orientation of the axes, but might include any metadata which pertains to the definition of the domain.
abstract True
Subclasses in this model GenericFrame SpaceFrame TimeFrame

2.1.8 objectType: CoordSpace

vodml-id CoordSpace
description This object defines a domain space. i.e.: it describes the set of possible coordinate values.
abstract True
Subclasses in this model PhysicalCoordSpace PixelSpace
name feature value
axis type Axis [coords:Axis]
vodml-id CoordSpace.axis
multiplicity 1..*
isOrdered false
description Describes an axis of the coordinate space.

2.1.9 objectType: CoordSys

vodml-id CoordSys
description Abstract head of the coordinate system object tree.
abstract True
Subclasses in this model AstroCoordSystem PhysicalCoordSys PixelCoordSystem
referrers Coordinate

2.1.10 dataType: Coordinate

vodml-id Coordinate
description Abstract base class for the Coordinate data types which represent an absolute location within a coordinate space. Coordinates MUST refer to a coordinate system, providing additional metadata relevant to interpreting the coordinate value, and its representation.
abstract True
Subclasses in this model BinnedCoordinate PhysicalCoordinate Point PolCoordinate TimeStamp
name feature value
coordSys type CoordSys [coords:CoordSys]
vodml-id Coordinate.coordSys
multiplicity 1
description Provided additional metadata relevant to interpreting the coordinate value; for example, the spatial reference position, or time scale, axis descriptions.

2.1.11 dataType: CustomRefLocation

vodml-id CustomRefLocation
description A custom reference location in phase space (position and velocity). Position and velocity are given as coordinates with an associated SpaceFrame. An epoch MAY be provided to further refine the location.
extends RefLocation [coords:RefLocation]
name feature value
epoch type Epoch [coords:Epoch]
vodml-id CustomRefLocation.epoch
multiplicity 0..1
description Epoch for the reference location.
position type Point [coords:Point]
vodml-id CustomRefLocation.position
multiplicity 1
description The spatial coordinates of the reference location.
velocity type Point [coords:Point]
vodml-id CustomRefLocation.velocity
multiplicity 0..1
description The velocity of the reference location.

2.1.12 objectType: DiscreteSetAxis

vodml-id DiscreteSetAxis
description Axis type specifically intended for enumerated coordinates. Since the content and nature of this axis type is heavily dependent on the use case, we define no additional metadata here. Extensions of this type may include additional metadata relevant to the particular use cases. For example, an extension could include the allowed set of values.
extends Axis [coords:Axis]

2.1.13 primitiveType: Epoch

vodml-id Epoch
description We define epoch as a primitive data type with the expected form "<type><year>" where type = "J" or "B" for Julian or Besselian respectively, and year is expressed as a decimal year. e.g.: "B1950", "J2000.0"

2.1.14 objectType: GenericCoordSpace

vodml-id GenericCoordSpace
description Generic, one-dimensional coordinate space suitable for use with most non-spatial properties. In Appendix B, we provide the description of a Standard 1D Coordinate Space instance which may be referenced in serializations.
extends PhysicalCoordSpace [coords:PhysicalCoordSpace]

2.1.15 objectType: GenericFrame

vodml-id GenericFrame
description The generic coordinate frame is for cases where a domain-specific frame (e.g.: Space, Time), is not required, but the relevant reference metadata is still needed (e.g.: for Redshift or Spectral data)
extends CoordFrame [coords:CoordFrame]
name feature value
refPosition type RefLocation [coords:RefLocation]
vodml-id GenericFrame.refPosition
multiplicity 1
description Spatial location in phase space (position and velocity) at which the observed value is considered to have been taken. This will typically be given by a standard reference position, but we allow for custom locations as well.
planetaryEphem type ivoa:string
vodml-id GenericFrame.planetaryEphem
multiplicity 0..1
description A planetary ephemeris MAY be provided, and SHOULD be provided whenever appropriate, to indicate which solar system ephemeris was used. If needed, but not provided, it is assumed to be "DE405"

2.1.16 objectType: GenericSys

vodml-id GenericSys
description Specialized coordinate system for generic, one-dimensional domains not covered by other, more concrete objects. If a CoordSpace is not provided, it is assumed to be represented by a Standard 1-Dimensional Coordinate Space as described in Appendix B.
extends PhysicalCoordSys [coords:PhysicalCoordSys]
role constraints
Constrained Role Constraint Feature Constraint Value
frame [coords:PhysicalCoordSys.frame]
datatype GenericFrame [coords:GenericFrame]

2.1.17 enumeration: Handedness

vodml-id Handedness
description The handedness of a coordinate space. For most cases, this will be a fixed value in the specification of the coordinate space. We provide this element to allow this flexibility when needed. In this document, it is used in the Pixel domain.
name feature value
left vodml-id Handedness.left
description positive x and y axes point right and up, the positive z axis points inward
right vodml-id Handedness.right
description positive x and y axes point right and up, the positive z axis points outward

2.1.18 dataType: ISOTime

vodml-id ISOTime
description Extension of TimeInstant for time expressed as a structured datetime string. The string representation of a datetime value should follow the FITS convention for representing dates (Hanish and Farris et al, 2001). The FITS standard is effectively ISO8601 format without the 'Z' tag to indicate UTC: YYYY-MM-DD['T'hh:mm:ss[.SSS]]. The TimeScale is provided in the associated TimeFrame.
extends TimeInstant [coords:TimeInstant]
name feature value
date type ivoa:datetime
multiplicity 1
description The ISOTime coordinate value.

2.1.19 dataType: JD

vodml-id JD
description Extension of TimeInstant for time expressed in Julian days. Note that JD does not properly specify a time stamp unless it is related to a time scale and reference position. Precision can easily become an issue with JD, as the numbers tend to be large.
extends TimeInstant [coords:TimeInstant]
name feature value
date type ivoa:real
multiplicity 1
description The JD coordinate value. JD dates are dimensionless, with implied units in days.

2.1.20 dataType: MJD

vodml-id MJD
description Extension of TimeInstant for time expressed in Modified Julian Days. T(MJD) = T(JD) - 2400000.5.
extends TimeInstant [coords:TimeInstant]
name feature value
date type ivoa:real
multiplicity 1
description The MJD coordinate value. MJD dates are dimensionless, with implied units in days.

2.1.21 objectType: PhysicalCoordSpace

vodml-id PhysicalCoordSpace
description Abstract head of coordinate spaces related to physical properties.
extends CoordSpace [coords:CoordSpace]
abstract True
Subclasses in this model CartesianCoordSpace GenericCoordSpace SphericalCoordSpace

2.1.22 objectType: PhysicalCoordSys

vodml-id PhysicalCoordSys
description Coordinate system description for any physical domain, such as Time, Space, Redshift, Temperature, Flux, etc.
extends CoordSys [coords:CoordSys]
abstract True
Subclasses in this model GenericSys SpaceSys TimeSys
name feature value
coordSpace type PhysicalCoordSpace [coords:PhysicalCoordSpace]
vodml-id PhysicalCoordSys.coordSpace
multiplicity 0..1
isOrdered false
description Description of the coordinate space occupied by the property.
frame type CoordFrame [coords:CoordFrame]
vodml-id PhysicalCoordSys.frame
multiplicity 0..1
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.1.23 dataType: PhysicalCoordinate

vodml-id PhysicalCoordinate
description The most common type of coordinate value. This type is appropriate for any data whose values can be described by an ivoa:Quantity (numeric, with unit).
extends Coordinate [coords:Coordinate]
name feature value
cval type ivoa:Quantity
vodml-id PhysicalCoordinate.cval
multiplicity 1
description This coordinate MUST contain a value expressed as an ivoa:Quantity.

2.1.24 objectType: PixelCoordSystem

vodml-id PixelCoordSystem
description The PixelCoordSystem provides a complete description of the pixel coordinate space. It SHALL contain one PixelSpace instance describing each pixel axis.
extends CoordSys [coords:CoordSys]
name feature value
pixelSpace type PixelSpace [coords:PixelSpace]
vodml-id PixelCoordSystem.pixelSpace
multiplicity 1
isOrdered false
description The pixel space completely defines the pixel coordinate axes. Each axis MUST be defined as a BinnedAxis type.

2.1.25 dataType: PixelIndex

vodml-id PixelIndex
description Specialized BinnedCoordinate for the pixel domain for a 1-dimensional pixel index. PixelIndex MUST refer to a PixelCoordSystem.
extends BinnedCoordinate [coords:BinnedCoordinate]

2.1.26 objectType: PixelSpace

vodml-id PixelSpace
description A PixelSpace SHALL include one or more BinnedAxis objects describing the pixel coordinate space. A handedness value MAY be provided to specify the relative orientation of the axes.
extends CoordSpace [coords:CoordSpace]
name feature value
handedness type Handedness [coords:Handedness]
vodml-id PixelSpace.handedness
multiplicity 0..1
description Specifies the handedness of the coordinate space.
role constraints
Constrained Role Constraint Feature Constraint Value
axis [coords:CoordSpace.axis]
datatype BinnedAxis [coords:BinnedAxis]

2.1.27 dataType: Point

vodml-id Point
description Multi-dimensional spatial coordinate. The Point MUST refer to a spatial coordinate system (SpaceSys). The coordinate values map, in order, to the axes described by the associated CoordSpace. Values for unused/undefined dimensions need not be provided.
extends Coordinate [coords:Coordinate]
name feature value
axis1 type ivoa:Quantity
vodml-id Point.axis1
multiplicity 0..1
description Coordinate value along the first axis of the associated coordinate space, expressed as an ivoa:Quantity.
axis2 type ivoa:Quantity
vodml-id Point.axis2
multiplicity 0..1
description Coordinate value along the second axis of the associated coordinate space, expressed as an ivoa:Quantity.
axis3 type ivoa:Quantity
vodml-id Point.axis3
multiplicity 0..1
description Coordinate value along the third axis of the associated coordinate space, expressed as an ivoa:Quantity.
role constraints
Constrained Role Constraint Feature Constraint Value
coordSys [coords:Coordinate.coordSys]
datatype SpaceSys [coords:SpaceSys]

2.1.28 dataType: PolCoordinate

vodml-id PolCoordinate
description Abstract head of the polarization coordinate types. Current use cases only require support for discrete polarization states, however, we include this head class to facilitate extension for other types (eg: polarization fraction and angle).
extends Coordinate [coords:Coordinate]
abstract True
Subclasses in this model PolState

2.1.29 dataType: PolState

vodml-id PolState
description Coordinate type for discrete polarization states.
extends PolCoordinate [coords:PolCoordinate]
name feature value
cval type PolStateEnum [coords:PolStateEnum]
vodml-id PolState.cval
multiplicity 1
description The coordinate value MUST be from the PolStateEnum enumerated set.

2.1.30 enumeration: PolStateEnum

vodml-id PolStateEnum
description Polarization states: Stokes, Circular, Linear and Vector states
name feature value
I vodml-id PolStateEnum.I
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Q vodml-id PolStateEnum.Q
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
U vodml-id PolStateEnum.U
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
V vodml-id PolStateEnum.V
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
RR vodml-id PolStateEnum.RR
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
LL vodml-id PolStateEnum.LL
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
RL vodml-id PolStateEnum.RL
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
LR vodml-id PolStateEnum.LR
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
XX vodml-id PolStateEnum.XX
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
YY vodml-id PolStateEnum.YY
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
XY vodml-id PolStateEnum.XY
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
YX vodml-id PolStateEnum.YX
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PF vodml-id PolStateEnum.PF
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PP vodml-id PolStateEnum.PP
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PA vodml-id PolStateEnum.PA
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.1.31 dataType: RefLocation

vodml-id RefLocation
description RefLocation defines the origin of the spatial coordinate space. This location is represented either by a standard reference position (for which the absolute location in phase space is known by definition), or a specified point in another Spatial frame. This object is used as the origin of the SpaceFrame here, but also to specify the Spatial Reference Position (refPosition) associated with other domain Frames. For example, in the Time domain, the Spatial Reference Position indicates that the 'time' values are the time that the 'event' occured at that location, which might be different from the detector location.
abstract True
Subclasses in this model CustomRefLocation StdRefLocation

2.1.32 objectType: SpaceFrame

vodml-id SpaceFrame
description A SpaceFrame is specified by its reference frame (orientation), and a reference position (origin). Currently only standard reference frames are allowed. An equinox MUST be provided for pre-ICRS reference frames. A planetary ephemeris MAY be provided if relevant. If needed, but not provided, it is assumed to be "DE405".
extends CoordFrame [coords:CoordFrame]
name feature value
refPosition type RefLocation [coords:RefLocation]
vodml-id SpaceFrame.refPosition
multiplicity 1
description The spatial location at which the coordinates are considered to have been determined. This model supports locations provided as either a standard reference position (e.g. GEOCENTER), or a coordinate specifying a custom location (e.g. long, lat, height ).
spaceRefFrame type ivoa:string
semanticconcept Semantic top concept:
Vocabulary URI:
vodml-id SpaceFrame.spaceRefFrame
multiplicity 1
description The spatial reference frame. Values MUST be selected from the controlled vocabulary at the given URL.
equinox type Epoch [coords:Epoch]
vodml-id SpaceFrame.equinox
multiplicity 0..1
description Reference date for the frame, required for pre-ICRS reference frames.
planetaryEphem type ivoa:string
vodml-id SpaceFrame.planetaryEphem
multiplicity 0..1
description Ephemeris file for solar system objects SHOULD be specified whenever relevant.

2.1.33 objectType: SpaceSys

vodml-id SpaceSys
description Specialized coordinate system for the Spatial domain. This object SHOULD include an appropriate SpaceFrame. In Appendix B, we define two standard spatial coordinate space instances (Spherical and Cartesian), which may be referenced in serializations. If a CoordSpace is not provided, it is assumed to be represented by a Standard Spherical Coordinate Space.
extends PhysicalCoordSys [coords:PhysicalCoordSys]
role constraints
Constrained Role Constraint Feature Constraint Value
frame [coords:PhysicalCoordSys.frame]
datatype SpaceFrame [coords:SpaceFrame]

2.1.34 objectType: SphericalCoordSpace

vodml-id SphericalCoordSpace
description Spatial domain, three-dimensional spherical coordinate space. The particulars of the axis descriptions depend on the flavor of space being instantiated. In Appendix B., we provide a Standard Spherical Coordinate Space instance which applies to many Astronomical use cases. It provides the default space for SpaceSys instances, and may be referenced in serializations.
extends PhysicalCoordSpace [coords:PhysicalCoordSpace]
role constraints
Constrained Role Constraint Feature Constraint Value
axis [coords:CoordSpace.axis]
datatype ContinuousAxis [coords:ContinuousAxis]

2.1.35 dataType: StdRefLocation

vodml-id StdRefLocation
description An absolute a-priori known location in phase space (position and velocity). Values are selected from the StdRefPosition vocabulary. Considering that the GEOCENTER is really the only place for which we know the absolute location at all times, all other locations require the specification of a planetary ephemeris. LSR[KD] are reserved for spectral and reshift frames. TOPOCENTER (location of the observer) is special in that it assumes that the observing location is available through other means (e.g. a geographic location or an orbit ephemeris). RELOCATABLE is available for simulations. UNKNOWN should only be used if absolutely necessary.
extends RefLocation [coords:RefLocation]
name feature value
position type ivoa:string
semanticconcept Semantic top concept:
Vocabulary URI:
vodml-id StdRefLocation.position
multiplicity 1
description Standard reference location. Values MUST be selected from the controlled vocabulary at the given URL.

2.1.36 objectType: TimeFrame

vodml-id TimeFrame
description A TimeFrame SHALL include a time scale and reference position. It MAY also include a reference direction.
extends CoordFrame [coords:CoordFrame]
name feature value
refPosition type RefLocation [coords:RefLocation]
vodml-id TimeFrame.refPosition
multiplicity 1
description The spatial location at which the coordinate is considered to have been taken. This model supports locations provided as either a standard reference position (e.g. GEOCENTER), or a coordinate specifying a custom location (e.g. long, lat, height).
timescale type ivoa:string
semanticconcept Semantic top concept:
Vocabulary URI:
vodml-id TimeFrame.timescale
multiplicity 1
description The time scale sets the reference frame. The value MUST be selected from the controlled vocabulary at the given URL.
refDirection type RefLocation [coords:RefLocation]
vodml-id TimeFrame.refDirection
multiplicity 0..1
description The reference direction is needed if the time stamps are transformed to a time frame with a different reference position. In those situations, the solar system ephemeris also comes into play. See: FITS WCS Paper IV for details, but in short: The reference direction, presumably the direction to the thing being observed, is used in conjunction with the reference position and planetary ephemeris to determine the correction applied for the path length change. To be fully useful, one also needs to know the location at which the observation was made ( i.e. the observatory location), which is not considered to be Frame metadata.

2.1.37 dataType: TimeInstant

vodml-id TimeInstant
description TimeStamps which specify a specific instant in time. We define three subtypes (ISOTime, JD, MJD), which allow users to explicitly identify the representation and interpretation of the TimeInstant.
extends TimeStamp [coords:TimeStamp]
abstract True
Subclasses in this model ISOTime JD MJD

2.1.38 dataType: TimeOffset

vodml-id TimeOffset
description Time is given as an offset from a specific point in time (time0).
extends TimeStamp [coords:TimeStamp]
name feature value
time type ivoa:RealQuantity
vodml-id TimeOffset.time
multiplicity 1
description The TimeOffset coordinate value.
time0 type TimeInstant [coords:TimeInstant]
vodml-id TimeOffset.time0
multiplicity 1
description The reference time from which the offset is calculated. This MUST be given as a TimeInstant (e.g.: JD, MJD, ISOTime).

2.1.39 dataType: TimeStamp

vodml-id TimeStamp
description This is the abstract basis for a set of simple time domain coordinates which are expected to accommodate the vast majority of use cases. All TimeStamps, by definition, exist in a standard 1-D coordinate space, with domainMin|Max of +/-Infinity. All TimeStamps MUST refer to an appropriate TimeSys.
extends Coordinate [coords:Coordinate]
abstract True
Subclasses in this model TimeInstant TimeOffset
role constraints
Constrained Role Constraint Feature Constraint Value
coordSys [coords:Coordinate.coordSys]
datatype TimeSys [coords:TimeSys]

2.1.40 objectType: TimeSys

vodml-id TimeSys
description Specialized coordinate system for the Temporal domain. This object SHOULD include an appropriate TimeFrame. If a CoordSpace is not provided, it is assumed to be represented by a Standard 1-Dimensional Coordinate Space as described in Appendix B.
extends PhysicalCoordSys [coords:PhysicalCoordSys]
role constraints
Constrained Role Constraint Feature Constraint Value
frame [coords:PhysicalCoordSys.frame]
datatype TimeFrame [coords:TimeFrame]
coordSpace [coords:PhysicalCoordSys.coordSpace]
datatype GenericCoordSpace [coords:GenericCoordSpace]

3.Element Identifiers/VO-DMLrefs

The following table shows all fully qualified vodml-ids for this data model. It is ordered alphabetically and the identifiers are hyper-linked to the location in the document where the actual element is fully defined.
vodml-id feature type description
vo-dml:model This model defines objects which describe the coordinate space, coordinates within that space, and frames, which provide additional metadata regarding the origin, orientation, etc, of the coordinate space. The model also defines a coordinate system, bundling frames into associated groups.
AstroCoordSystem objectType The AstroCoordSystem object holds a collection of component coordinate system descriptions across all represented physical domains.
AstroCoordSystem.coordSys composition Coordinate system description for each physical domain (Space, Time, etc).
Axis objectType The abstract parent class for all coordinate axis types. We provide concrete classes for the most common types of data, Continuous, Binned, and Discrete, but allow extension for other types as needed. attribute Freeform string, provides the name or label for the axis.
BinnedAxis objectType Axis description for binned data, where values along the axis correspond to a bin number.
BinnedAxis.length attribute The length, or number of bins, along the axis.
BinnedCoordinate dataType Coordinate value type specifically intended for binned data (e.g.: pixel indexes).
BinnedCoordinate.cval attribute The binned coordinate value, expressed as an integer. e.g.: bin number, pixel index.
CartesianCoordSpace objectType Spatial domain, three-dimensional cartesian coordinate space. The particulars of the axis descriptions depend on the physical constraints of the instance. In Appendix B, we provide the description of a Standard Cartesian Coordinate Space instance which applies to many Astronomical cases, and may be referenced in serializations.
ContinuousAxis objectType Axis description for continuous data. This object describes the domain for a particular axis of the domain space. It allows for the specification of the legal domain range (min,max), and a flag indicating if the axis is cyclic.
ContinuousAxis.cyclic attribute Flag indicating if the axis is cyclic in nature. If not provided, it is assumed to be FALSE.
ContinuousAxis.domainMax attribute Maximum extent of the axis domain space. If not provided, the domain space is considered to have no upper bound (+INFINITY).
ContinuousAxis.domainMin attribute Minimum extent of the axis domain space. If not provided, the domain space is considered to have no lower bound (-INFINITY).
CoordFrame objectType This is the abstract, empty, base class for all coordinate frames. Coordinate frames provide metadata associated with the coordinate domain space. Typically, this will be related to the origin and orientation of the axes, but might include any metadata which pertains to the definition of the domain.
CoordSpace objectType This object defines a domain space. i.e.: it describes the set of possible coordinate values.
CoordSpace.axis composition Describes an axis of the coordinate space.
CoordSys objectType Abstract head of the coordinate system object tree.
Coordinate dataType Abstract base class for the Coordinate data types which represent an absolute location within a coordinate space. Coordinates MUST refer to a coordinate system, providing additional metadata relevant to interpreting the coordinate value, and its representation.
Coordinate.coordSys reference Provided additional metadata relevant to interpreting the coordinate value; for example, the spatial reference position, or time scale, axis descriptions.
CustomRefLocation dataType A custom reference location in phase space (position and velocity). Position and velocity are given as coordinates with an associated SpaceFrame. An epoch MAY be provided to further refine the location.
CustomRefLocation.epoch attribute Epoch for the reference location.
CustomRefLocation.position attribute The spatial coordinates of the reference location.
CustomRefLocation.velocity attribute The velocity of the reference location.
DiscreteSetAxis objectType Axis type specifically intended for enumerated coordinates. Since the content and nature of this axis type is heavily dependent on the use case, we define no additional metadata here. Extensions of this type may include additional metadata relevant to the particular use cases. For example, an extension could include the allowed set of values.
Epoch primitiveType We define epoch as a primitive data type with the expected form "<type><year>" where type = "J" or "B" for Julian or Besselian respectively, and year is expressed as a decimal year. e.g.: "B1950", "J2000.0"
GenericCoordSpace objectType Generic, one-dimensional coordinate space suitable for use with most non-spatial properties. In Appendix B, we provide the description of a Standard 1D Coordinate Space instance which may be referenced in serializations.
GenericFrame objectType The generic coordinate frame is for cases where a domain-specific frame (e.g.: Space, Time), is not required, but the relevant reference metadata is still needed (e.g.: for Redshift or Spectral data)
GenericFrame.planetaryEphem attribute A planetary ephemeris MAY be provided, and SHOULD be provided whenever appropriate, to indicate which solar system ephemeris was used. If needed, but not provided, it is assumed to be "DE405"
GenericFrame.refPosition attribute Spatial location in phase space (position and velocity) at which the observed value is considered to have been taken. This will typically be given by a standard reference position, but we allow for custom locations as well.
GenericSys objectType Specialized coordinate system for generic, one-dimensional domains not covered by other, more concrete objects. If a CoordSpace is not provided, it is assumed to be represented by a Standard 1-Dimensional Coordinate Space as described in Appendix B.
Handedness enumeration The handedness of a coordinate space. For most cases, this will be a fixed value in the specification of the coordinate space. We provide this element to allow this flexibility when needed. In this document, it is used in the Pixel domain.
Handedness.left literal positive x and y axes point right and up, the positive z axis points inward
Handedness.right literal positive x and y axes point right and up, the positive z axis points outward
ISOTime dataType Extension of TimeInstant for time expressed as a structured datetime string. The string representation of a datetime value should follow the FITS convention for representing dates (Hanish and Farris et al, 2001). The FITS standard is effectively ISO8601 format without the 'Z' tag to indicate UTC: YYYY-MM-DD['T'hh:mm:ss[.SSS]]. The TimeScale is provided in the associated TimeFrame. attribute The ISOTime coordinate value.
JD dataType Extension of TimeInstant for time expressed in Julian days. Note that JD does not properly specify a time stamp unless it is related to a time scale and reference position. Precision can easily become an issue with JD, as the numbers tend to be large. attribute The JD coordinate value. JD dates are dimensionless, with implied units in days.
MJD dataType Extension of TimeInstant for time expressed in Modified Julian Days. T(MJD) = T(JD) - 2400000.5. attribute The MJD coordinate value. MJD dates are dimensionless, with implied units in days.
PhysicalCoordSpace objectType Abstract head of coordinate spaces related to physical properties.
PhysicalCoordSys objectType Coordinate system description for any physical domain, such as Time, Space, Redshift, Temperature, Flux, etc.
PhysicalCoordSys.coordSpace composition Description of the coordinate space occupied by the property.
PhysicalCoordSys.frame composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PhysicalCoordinate dataType The most common type of coordinate value. This type is appropriate for any data whose values can be described by an ivoa:Quantity (numeric, with unit).
PhysicalCoordinate.cval attribute This coordinate MUST contain a value expressed as an ivoa:Quantity.
PixelCoordSystem objectType The PixelCoordSystem provides a complete description of the pixel coordinate space. It SHALL contain one PixelSpace instance describing each pixel axis.
PixelCoordSystem.pixelSpace composition The pixel space completely defines the pixel coordinate axes. Each axis MUST be defined as a BinnedAxis type.
PixelIndex dataType Specialized BinnedCoordinate for the pixel domain for a 1-dimensional pixel index. PixelIndex MUST refer to a PixelCoordSystem.
PixelSpace objectType A PixelSpace SHALL include one or more BinnedAxis objects describing the pixel coordinate space. A handedness value MAY be provided to specify the relative orientation of the axes.
PixelSpace.handedness attribute Specifies the handedness of the coordinate space.
Point dataType Multi-dimensional spatial coordinate. The Point MUST refer to a spatial coordinate system (SpaceSys). The coordinate values map, in order, to the axes described by the associated CoordSpace. Values for unused/undefined dimensions need not be provided.
Point.axis1 attribute Coordinate value along the first axis of the associated coordinate space, expressed as an ivoa:Quantity.
Point.axis2 attribute Coordinate value along the second axis of the associated coordinate space, expressed as an ivoa:Quantity.
Point.axis3 attribute Coordinate value along the third axis of the associated coordinate space, expressed as an ivoa:Quantity.
PolCoordinate dataType Abstract head of the polarization coordinate types. Current use cases only require support for discrete polarization states, however, we include this head class to facilitate extension for other types (eg: polarization fraction and angle).
PolState dataType Coordinate type for discrete polarization states.
PolState.cval attribute The coordinate value MUST be from the PolStateEnum enumerated set.
PolStateEnum enumeration Polarization states: Stokes, Circular, Linear and Vector states
PolStateEnum.I literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PolStateEnum.LL literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PolStateEnum.LR literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PolStateEnum.PA literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PolStateEnum.PF literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PolStateEnum.PP literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PolStateEnum.Q literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PolStateEnum.RL literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PolStateEnum.RR literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PolStateEnum.U literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PolStateEnum.V literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PolStateEnum.XX literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PolStateEnum.XY literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PolStateEnum.YX literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PolStateEnum.YY literal TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
RefLocation dataType RefLocation defines the origin of the spatial coordinate space. This location is represented either by a standard reference position (for which the absolute location in phase space is known by definition), or a specified point in another Spatial frame. This object is used as the origin of the SpaceFrame here, but also to specify the Spatial Reference Position (refPosition) associated with other domain Frames. For example, in the Time domain, the Spatial Reference Position indicates that the 'time' values are the time that the 'event' occured at that location, which might be different from the detector location.
SpaceFrame objectType A SpaceFrame is specified by its reference frame (orientation), and a reference position (origin). Currently only standard reference frames are allowed. An equinox MUST be provided for pre-ICRS reference frames. A planetary ephemeris MAY be provided if relevant. If needed, but not provided, it is assumed to be "DE405".
SpaceFrame.equinox attribute Reference date for the frame, required for pre-ICRS reference frames.
SpaceFrame.planetaryEphem attribute Ephemeris file for solar system objects SHOULD be specified whenever relevant.
SpaceFrame.refPosition attribute The spatial location at which the coordinates are considered to have been determined. This model supports locations provided as either a standard reference position (e.g. GEOCENTER), or a coordinate specifying a custom location (e.g. long, lat, height ).
SpaceFrame.spaceRefFrame attribute The spatial reference frame. Values MUST be selected from the controlled vocabulary at the given URL.
SpaceSys objectType Specialized coordinate system for the Spatial domain. This object SHOULD include an appropriate SpaceFrame. In Appendix B, we define two standard spatial coordinate space instances (Spherical and Cartesian), which may be referenced in serializations. If a CoordSpace is not provided, it is assumed to be represented by a Standard Spherical Coordinate Space.
SphericalCoordSpace objectType Spatial domain, three-dimensional spherical coordinate space. The particulars of the axis descriptions depend on the flavor of space being instantiated. In Appendix B., we provide a Standard Spherical Coordinate Space instance which applies to many Astronomical use cases. It provides the default space for SpaceSys instances, and may be referenced in serializations.
StdRefLocation dataType An absolute a-priori known location in phase space (position and velocity). Values are selected from the StdRefPosition vocabulary. Considering that the GEOCENTER is really the only place for which we know the absolute location at all times, all other locations require the specification of a planetary ephemeris. LSR[KD] are reserved for spectral and reshift frames. TOPOCENTER (location of the observer) is special in that it assumes that the observing location is available through other means (e.g. a geographic location or an orbit ephemeris). RELOCATABLE is available for simulations. UNKNOWN should only be used if absolutely necessary.
StdRefLocation.position attribute Standard reference location. Values MUST be selected from the controlled vocabulary at the given URL.
TimeFrame objectType A TimeFrame SHALL include a time scale and reference position. It MAY also include a reference direction.
TimeFrame.refDirection attribute The reference direction is needed if the time stamps are transformed to a time frame with a different reference position. In those situations, the solar system ephemeris also comes into play. See: FITS WCS Paper IV for details, but in short: The reference direction, presumably the direction to the thing being observed, is used in conjunction with the reference position and planetary ephemeris to determine the correction applied for the path length change. To be fully useful, one also needs to know the location at which the observation was made ( i.e. the observatory location), which is not considered to be Frame metadata.
TimeFrame.refPosition attribute The spatial location at which the coordinate is considered to have been taken. This model supports locations provided as either a standard reference position (e.g. GEOCENTER), or a coordinate specifying a custom location (e.g. long, lat, height).
TimeFrame.timescale attribute The time scale sets the reference frame. The value MUST be selected from the controlled vocabulary at the given URL.
TimeInstant dataType TimeStamps which specify a specific instant in time. We define three subtypes (ISOTime, JD, MJD), which allow users to explicitly identify the representation and interpretation of the TimeInstant.
TimeOffset dataType Time is given as an offset from a specific point in time (time0).
TimeOffset.time attribute The TimeOffset coordinate value.
TimeOffset.time0 attribute The reference time from which the offset is calculated. This MUST be given as a TimeInstant (e.g.: JD, MJD, ISOTime).
TimeStamp dataType This is the abstract basis for a set of simple time domain coordinates which are expected to accommodate the vast majority of use cases. All TimeStamps, by definition, exist in a standard 1-D coordinate space, with domainMin|Max of +/-Infinity. All TimeStamps MUST refer to an appropriate TimeSys.
TimeSys objectType Specialized coordinate system for the Temporal domain. This object SHOULD include an appropriate TimeFrame. If a CoordSpace is not provided, it is assumed to be represented by a Standard 1-Dimensional Coordinate Space as described in Appendix B.

4.Imported Models

This section lists the external models imported by the current data model. For each imported model we list URLs to the VO-DML and HTML representations and the prefix used for vodml-ids from inside the model.

4.1 ivoa

Model vodml-id ivoa
documentation url