Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Contact Individual Astronomical Object Target Target name Target descriptive text Target or object class Object spectral class Target redshift Target variability amplitude - typical Target location (eg: RA, DEC) Observation Configuration General regime in spectral domain Original source/type of data Metadata for the facility performing the observation Organization responsible for performing the observation Metadata for the Instrument which created the data Instrument ID Proposal Object Proposal ID Data product type Data product sub-type Calibration level Target Proposal Observation configuration Curation metadata Publisher specified dataset ID Publisher version of the dataset Date curated dataset last modified time.release Level of access granted Publisher URI for VO Publisher Entity associated with Publisher role. Contact entity for curation service Entity associated with Contact role. Reference to publication associated with the dataset URL or Bibcode of the publication Dataset identification metadata Dataset Title IVOA Dataset Identifier Creator defined Dataset Identifier Dataset version assigned by creator Data processing/creation date Dataset creation type Institution or entity which created the dataset Individual associated with the Creator role. Contributor Acknowledgment expression for the contributor Individual associated with Contributor role. Collection to which the dataset is a member Collection name Derived metadata property derived from analysis of data content Total exposure time, with all known corrections value of derived property