Directory structure guide for IVOA Data Model projects Purpose: For generating new IVOA data models, it is recommended to use this resource for iterating on models and documents in preparation for upload to the IVOA Documents and Standards page. It is also a repository for support resources which are not appropriate for upload to the documents and standards pages. Structure: The general structure of the dm project has been fairly loose, and varied widely between projects. An effort is under way to make the area more consistent using the following general framework. New model work should follow this structure. .../dm Top Level - this directory .../dm/ Model project top - no version (eg: vo-dml, cube, stc, provenance) .../dm//doc Standard document ( doc, ivoatex, pdf ) .../dm//examples Example files/serializations .../dm//model Modeling tool products ( UML project file, XMI, etc ) .../dm//vo-dml VO-DML products (HTML,XML,XSD)