Build tree for the IVOA vocabulary SKOS files.
You need:
* rapper: from
* cwm: you need the CVS version from
* BibTeX, to build the bibliography in doc/
Configuring and building
% autoconf
% ./configure 'CWM=python "/path/to/checked out/"'
% make
(yes, autoconf is slightly over the top for a project which isn't
designed to be built after distribution, but it's the most
straightforward way to do the various substitutions required, avoiding
a lot of Makefile fuss).
The cwm command can be given as shown (which works from a checked out
but not installed SWAP), but note the quotes. If you install cwm in a
standard python way, so that just 'cwm' at the command line works,
then setting this should be unnecessary (but I haven't been able to
work out how one is actually supposed to install cwm, so I can't
really check this).
To add a vocabulary:
1. Create the appropriate subdirectory under src/, say src/NewVocab
2. Add a in that directory which creates at least
src/NewVocab/NewVocab.ttl, src/NewVocab/NewVocab.rdf and
src/NewVocab/Notes. The should allow its release
information to be set in the same way that src/AOIM/ (for
example) does.
3. Add NewVocab to src/'s SUBDIRS variable.
4. Add the new to the bottom of