# Makefile to drive ivoadoc. # # To use this, you must have checked out ivoadoc as svn:externals into # your document directory. Copy this Makefile into that directory and # edit it as necessary. # # To make this work, you need xalan and fop; on Debian systems, the following # should do the trick: # # sudo aptitude install xalan fop w3c-dtd-xhtml # # You most likely want the hyphenation patterns for fop (the PDF # formatter), too. Presumably for licensing reasons, you have to # get them manually from http://offo.sourceforge.net. Drop them # into your working directory as fop-hyph.jar. # # Edit your source as $(STDNAME).html; available targets then are: # # * default: format the html, expanding the magic things explained in # ivoadoc/README # * $(STDNAME).pdf: same, but make a pdf # * package: package the docs, css, all pngs and whatever is in # PACKAGE_EXTRAS into an aptly-named zip that expands into a # nicely-named subdirectory. # # Contact for this Makefile: Markus Demleitner (gavo@ari.uni-heidelberg.de) # # Fix (and maintain, as you go on) the following set of variables: # # The base name of the files (a sensible abbreviation of your standard's # title; this is case sensitive) STDNAME=RegistryInterface2 # The current version DOCVERSION=2.0 # YYYYMMDD of the current release DOCDATE=20120720 # One of NOTE, WD, PR, REC PUBSTATUS=WD # Extra files that need to end up in the final package # (pngs are included automatically) PACKAGE_EXTRAS=VORegistry-1.0.xsd RegistryInterface-1.0.xsd # You probably want to configure your system so the following works # Basically, RESOLVERJAR must eventally point to a jar of apache # xml commons resolver, and SAXONJAR to a jar containing saxon-b # # This stuff should work for Debian, except you'll need to download # fop-hyph.jar into ivoadoc, # see http://offo.sourceforge.net/hyphenation/fop-stable/installation.html # # For Debian Squeeze, you need to install the backported fop to make # this work. CATALOG=ivoadoc/xmlcatalog/catalog.xml JARROOT=/usr/share/java RESOLVERJAR=$(JARROOT)/xml-commons-resolver-1.1.jar SAXONJAR=$(JARROOT)/saxonb.jar SAXON=java -cp $(RESOLVERJAR):$(SAXONJAR) \ -Dxml.catalog.files=$(CATALOG) -Dxml.catalog.verbosity=1\ net.sf.saxon.Transform\ -novw -r org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver\ -x org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.ResolvingXMLReader\ -y org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.ResolvingXMLReader # TODO: make fop use our custom catalog FOP=FOP_HYPHENATION_PATH=./fop-hyph.jar fop -catalog HTMLSTYLE=ivoadoc/ivoarestructure.xslt FOSTYLE=ivoadoc/ivoa-fo.xsl # You should not need to edit anything below this line versionedName:=$(PUBSTATUS)-$(STDNAME)-$(DOCVERSION) ifneq "$(PUBSTATUS)" "REC" versionedName:=$(versionedName)-$(subst -,,$(DOCDATE)) endif .PHONY: package %-fmt.html: %.html $(HTMLSTYLE) $(SAXON) -o $@ $< $(HTMLSTYLE) docdate=$(DOCDATE)\ docversion=$(DOCVERSION) pubstatus=$(PUBSTATUS) ivoname=$(STDNAME) %.fo: %-fmt.html $(SAXON) -o $@ $< $(FOSTYLE) docdate=$(DOCDATE)\ docversion=$(DOCVERSION) pubstatus=$(PUBSTATUS) ivoname=$(STDNAME) %.pdf: %.fo $(FOP) -pdf $@ -fo $< default: $(STDNAME)-fmt.html package: $(STDNAME)-fmt.html $(STDNAME).pdf rm -rf -- $(versionedName) mkdir $(versionedName) cp $(STDNAME)-fmt.html $(versionedName)/$(versionedName).html cp $(STDNAME).pdf $(versionedName)/$(versionedName).pdf mkdir $(versionedName)/ivoadoc cp ivoadoc/*.css $(versionedName)/ivoadoc cp *.png $(SCHEMA_FILE) $(PACKAGE_EXTRAS) $(versionedName) zip -r $(versionedName).zip $(versionedName) rm -rf -- $(versionedName) clean: rm -f $(PUBSTATUS)-$(STDNAME)-*.html rm -f $(PUBSTATUS)-$(STDNAME)-*.pdf rm -f $(STDNAME).pdf rm -r $(PUBSTATUS)-$(STDNAME)*.zip ###### utype generation (not required for document build) # Path to the XML Schema files in XSDFILES DOCPATH=~/gavo/trunk/schemata # VOResource XML Schema files XSDFILES=VOResource-v1.0.xsd VODataService-v1.1.xsd StandardsRegExt-1.0.xsd\ VORegistry-v1.0.xsd SSA-v1.0.xsd ConeSearch-v1.0.xsd SIA-v1.0.xsd\ TAPRegExt-v1.0.xsd XSLTPROC=xsltproc utypes.txt: makeutypes.xslt $(XSLTPROC) --path $(DOCPATH) $< $(XSDFILES) | sort | uniq > $@ localinstall: scp RegistryInterface2-fmt.html alnilam:/var/www/docs/ridraft/index.html scp RegistryInterface-arch.png alnilam:/var/www/docs/ridraft/