VOTable is meant to serialize tabular documents in the
context of Virtual Observatory applications. This schema
corresponds to the VOTable document available from
Accept UCD1+
Accept also old UCD1 (but not / + %) including SIAP convention (with :)
content-role was previsouly restricted as:
]]>; is now a token.
Deprecated in Version 1.2
Deprecated in Version 1.1
Added in Version 1.2: INFO for diagnostics
The 'encoding' attribute is added here to avoid
problems of code generators which do not properly
interpret the TR/TD structures.
'encoding' was chosen because it appears in
appendix A.5
The ID attribute is added here to the TR tag to avoid
problems of code generators which do not properly
interpret the TR/TD structures
Added in Version 1.2: INFO for diagnostics
Added in Version 1.2: INFO for diagnostics in several places