# Pretty trivial Makefile, really here to document that there's # nothing complicated to do to build the document. VOUnits.pdf: VOUnits.tex unity-grammars known-units.tex pdflatex VOUnits VOUnits.bbl: VOUnits.aux bibtex VOUnits unity-grammars: unity-grammars.zip if test -d unity-grammars; then rm -Rf unity-grammars; else :; fi unzip unity-grammars.zip touch unity-grammars # The file known-units.tex is generated but checked in, so that the # document is buildable on a machine without 'make' or 'python'. known-units.tex: unity-grammars known-units-to-tex.py rm -f $@ echo '\\iffalse\n% Generated from unity-grammars.zip/known-units.csv\n%' >$@ sed 's/^/% /' unity-grammars/README >>$@ echo '\\fi' >>$@ python known-units-to-tex.py < unity-grammars/known-units.csv >>$@ # tr -d '\r' >$@ clean: for e in log toc aux bbl blg out pdf; do rm -f VOUnits.$$e; done rm -Rf known-units.tex unity-grammars