Simulation Data Access Protocol
C. Gheller, R. Wagner
- SimDB is like the Registry or ConeSearch
- SimDAP is like SIAP and SSAP
- SimDB lets you find experiments (simulations) and snapshots (results)
- SimDAP provides access references (URLs)
- Both use the same data model
- Related through the publisherDID of the the experiments and snapshots
Text Cartoon
- Query SimDB service to find experiments (iterate)
- Pass experiment, snapshot publisherDID to SimDAP service
- Retrieve VOTable with access references
- Download data
Why this Split?
- Like registries, assume a few SimDB services, many SimDAP services
- Enable "simple" publishing of data
- Separate work based on specialization (databases vs. data)
SimDAP Outline
- Introduction
- Requirements for Compliance
- Service Functions
- Current
- Download - retrieving an entire snapshot
- Preview - access pre-computed low-resolution data (getThumb)
- Cutout - a subset of the original data
- Custom - define the base parameters for custom services
- Get Capabilities
- Future
- Simulation and Dataset Selection
- Data Model Metadata
- Common Parameters
- Experiment - a simulation
- Snapshot - a dataset
- Additional Parameters
- Service Request and Response
- Request
- Response
- Access Reference
- Service Parameters
- Download
- Preview
- Cutout
- Custom
- Service Metadata and Registration
- Appendix A - VOTable Examples
- What next?
- Action plan to get SimDAP to next PR by next InterOp
- File formats...