# -------------------------------------------------- # Human writable properties for project pipeline : # -------------------------------------------------- # # File names : # build.file = ivoa-base.jar build.gen.file = ivoa-simdb.jar build.gen.weave.file = ivoa-simdb-weave.jar build.test.file = ivoa-test.jar # # Properties for DM specific settings # TODO Should they go to another file or stay in build.propertie s? # project.name = SimDB_DM input = ./input source = SimDB_DM.xml source_logical = SimDB_DM_logical.xml output = ./output sources.test = ./test/java # Java generation root_package = org.ivoa model_package = org.ivoa.dm.model # XML Schema generation ###schemalocation_root = http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/theory/snapdm/xsd/ schemalocation_root = http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/theory/snapdm/specification/xsd/ targetnamespace_root = http://www.ivoa.net/xml/SNAP/v0.1 # TAP generation # could/should we use eclipselink's target database? # set this to tap.target_database = tap.target_schema = # GraphViz generation (if installed!) graphviz.path = "c:/Program Files/Graphviz 2.21/bin/dot.exe" # XSLT (de)noormalisation scripts xslt.dir=./xslt xslt.test.dir=./xslt/test xslt.document.resolverURL=http://www.g-vo.org/simdb # -------------------------------------------------- # Target switches : target.xxx.active # true / false # NOTE : only exact 'true' value is checked. # -------------------------------------------------- # Controls if the database should be reset (views / tables) : target.db.active = true # Controls if unit tests should be run finally to check if generated codes are compatible : target.run.active = true # Enable static weaving of JPA classes (tomcat) : target.weaving.active = true # TODO : add switches for all main ant targets (multiple outputs => multiple switches) # -------------------------------------------------- # TODO : add java options (doJpa, doJaxb, do...) later (vo-urp) # --------------------------------------------------