###### utype generation (not required for document build) # Path to the XML Schema files in XSDFILES DOCPATH=~/gavo/trunk/schemata # VOResource XML Schema files XSDFILES=VOResource-v1.0.xsd VODataService-v1.1.xsd StandardsRegExt-1.0.xsd\ VORegistry-v1.0.xsd SSA-v1.0.xsd ConeSearch-v1.0.xsd SIA-v1.0.xsd\ TAPRegExt-v1.0.xsd XSLTPROC=xsltproc utypes.txt: makeutypes.xslt $(XSLTPROC) --path $(DOCPATH) $< $(XSDFILES) | sort | uniq > $@ check_examples: TAP_ACCESS_URL=http://dc.g-vo.org/tap python check_examples.py localinstall: RegTAP-fmt.html RegTAP.pdf scp RegTAP.pdf RegTAP-arch.png alnilam:/var/www/docs/ridraft/ scp ivoadoc/ivoa-extras.css alnilam:/var/www/docs/ridraft/ivoadoc/ scp ivoadoc/XMLPrint.css alnilam:/var/www/docs/ridraft/ivoadoc/ scp RegTAP-fmt.html alnilam:/var/www/docs/ridraft/index.html schema.eps: schema.texfig tex schema.texfig dvips schema.dvi ps2eps schema.ps rm schema.dvi schema.log schema.ps schema.png: schema.eps pstopnm -portrait -stdout -pbm -xsize 2400 $< | pnmscale -reduce 4 |\ pnmtopng -compression 9 > $@